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ECS400 Projects

Given by Nancy J. McCracken at ECS400 Senior Undergraduate Course on Spring Semester 1996. Foils prepared 27 February 1996

There will be two "standard" class project options. These will be well-defined projects involving a Web interface to a collection of data, with both access to the data and a computation on the data.
  • In the first half of the course, you will implement this using C for the data access and computation, and using Perl for the CGI interface to the Web. The interface should allow user access to the data and view the results of the computation. We will provide the data and define the computation. You will write the programs and design/define the web interface.
  • In the second half of the course, you will reuse the C part of your earlier implementation to access the data, and redesign your web interface using Java applets. It is also possible to rewrite the C computation as a Java applet, which would allow more interactive visualization of the result.
I have collected several "partially defined" class projects options. I may have data, leaving you to define the computation and web interface. Or I may have a computation, leaving you to define the entire application scenario.
You may suggest your own "individualized" class project.

Table of Contents for ECS400 Projects

001 ECS400 Projects
002 Overview of Project Options
003 Standard Class Project:  Telemedicine
004 Standard Class Project:  Air Flow
005 Air Flow simulation
006 Partially Defined Projects:
007 Choose your project.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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