Photo set processed by Mystic Color Lab mysticMYFOX383285 |
001 Heather throwing rock on Aarons driveway 002 Heather and Aaron waiting for bus 003 8th grade girls eating lunch on basketball court 004 Karen, Amy, Chrissy, Stephanie, and Ann (left to right) eating lunch on b-ball court 005 Andrea striking karate pose in gymasium 006 Wendy smiling on school yard 007 Paul smiling on school yard 008 Stephanie and Amy smiling with Paul in background 009 Stephanie, Paul, and Amy with teachers and students in background 010 (Pamelas)Homebase picnic outside, Jesse, Stephanie, Kevin, and Mr. Zoeckler facing camera 011 Surge can 012 Lindsay Emily and Mike watching video in homebase 013 Jesse laughing at camera 014 Amy, Jenn and Annmarie and others eating lunch on basketball court 015 8th graders eating lunch on basketball court 016 Pam with mop and warm fuzzies in homebase 017 Stephanie posing in homebase 018 Homebase room and across hallway 019 Carrie striking pose in homebase(with warm fuzzies) 020 Homebase making warm fuzzies 021 Jesse doing bunny ears behind Carrie in homebase