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Pamela Fox's Photos

Given by Mainly Pamela Fox at Mainly Student Conference Day on Mainly June 19 98. Photos prepared 13 September 98

Student Conference Day(mainly), School, Applebees, Recital

Table of Contents for Pamela Fox's Photos

001 Pamela's friends looking towards TV in Applebees.
002 Pamela kneeling in chair at Applebees.
003 Lynn smiling at Applebees.
004 Steph, Meagen, Liz, Sara, and Karen waiting for their meal 
005 Lynn and Andrea with flowers after their recital.
006 Barry flexing, Steve looking on.
007 Illana smiling in Spanish class.
008 Steve leaning on his crutch in Spanish class.
009 Liz twirling around with a lolipop in her mouth.
010 Tim showing off his shorts on Student Conference Day.
011 Steph and Meagen eating at lunch.
012 Peter and Sean eating during lunchtime.
013 Matt in the cafeteria.
014 Stephanie about to stand up, Beth in background at Jamesville 
015 Liz, Karen, Lynn, Beth, Sara, Ann, and Stephie on the grass.
016 Pam, Karen, Lynn, Beth, Liz (laying down), Tim, Ann, Steph and 
    Steph K hanging out at Jamesville beach.
017 Steph, Tim, Liz, Meg, Karen, Lynn, Beth, and Ann.
018 Pamela with alot of warm fuzzies.
019 Pamela with warm fuzzy on her head, Steph in background.
020 Emily Andrews showing off two balls of yarn on the bus.
021 Emily Andrews showing off two balls of yarn on the bus.

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