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CTY Summer Camp Activities

Given by Pamela Fox at Hamilton College Clinton on Early July 1998. Photos prepared August 9 98

No Abstract Provided for this Photoset

Table of Contents for CTY Summer Camp Activities

001 Cool Quotes board of Staceys Hall.
002 Aya, Steph, and Pam after Fun in the Sun and obvious wallowing in 
    the mud.
003 Staceys Hall decked out as hindu princess, gypsy, Austin Powers 
    girl, nerds, Posh Spice, Catwoman, Batgirl, and plain dressed up 
    for 2nd dance.
004 Close up of Stephanie.
005 Sunglasses reflecting cup in its lens.
006 Staceys Hall looking enthusiatic, tired, bored, and distracted.
007 Students seated to watch Clue, Staceys Hall & Co in back row.
008 Erin, Yasemin, Pilar, Aya, and Steph surrounding Pam outside 
009 Kerry giving thumbs up, Amit next to her.
010 Walter and Sara, sitting up.
011 Closeup of Maddys face.
012 Walter and Sarah.
013 Sarah, still pondering something. (Ed Knoll swing dancing in 
014 Andy sticking his tongue out.
015 Maddy looking questioningly.
016 Andy and Walter staring at camera, Sabrina laying down.
017 Sarah pondering something, Toby looking sad in background.
018 Kerry looking tired, laying her head on her sweater.
019 Atalia looking happy.
020 Kerry taking a photo with her camera.
021 Stephanie watching something in the Barn.
022 Bubbles floating toward the ceiling of the Barn.
023 Stephanie creating an hour glass shaped bubble.
024 Stephanie using bubble ring, creating big half bubble.
025 Stephanie spreading bubbles of love across the quad. (Blowing 

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