Web Technologies (Java, JavaScript, VRML, TeleScript, Perl, HTML, CGI, HTTP etc.) will probably revolutionize all computing converting todays client/server to WebServer/WebClient and DeskTop to WebTop.
Certainly these technologies provide a pervasive base supporting data transport, 3D object specification, coarse and fine grain objects as well integration with other capabilities such as databases.
We examine the implications for HPCC and suggest that a sustainable HPCC business model can be based around
1)HTTP for messaging
2)HPJava for programming
3)HPVRML for data parallel specification of physical objects
4)WebFlow using JavaScript/Java for data flow (Web Khoros/AVS)
5)Weblinked Relational and object databases for integration of information
6)A set of Java based tools for performance visualization etc.
In the WebWindows Operating System Approach this is implemented on a compute-web of WebServers running on each node of an MPP or distributed cluster.
We examine this picture for MultiDisciplinary Optimization and other applications.