HELP! * YELLOW=global GREY=local Global HTML version of Foils prepared July 6 1996

Foil 7 Target Flow in Porous Media Problem (Glimm - Petaflop Workshop)

From HPCC Futures Topic 2:A Possible PetaFlop Initiative Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. by Geoffrey Fox, Peter Kogge * See also color IMAGE

Oil Resevoir Simulation
Geological variation occurs down to pore size of rock - almost 10-6 metres - model this (statistically)
Want to calculate flow between wells which are about 400 metres apart
103x103x102 = 108 grid elements
30 species
104 time steps
300 separate cases need to be considered
3x109 words of memory per case
1012 words total if all cases considered in parallel
1019 floating point operation
3 hours on a petaflop computer

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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