HELP! * YELLOW=global GREY=local Global HTML version of Foils prepared July 6 1996

Foil 25 Web Phase Transition/Revolution '95/'96 - I

From HPCC Futures Topic 1:Problem Solving Environments as the best Software Model Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. by Geoffrey Fox * See also color IMAGE

Until '95, Web was perceived as a hot novelty with yet to be defined serious killer applications (other than Mosaic->Netscape), market segments and business models.
In '95/'96, industry started to embrace Web as a promising viable platform for doing new style agile (faster, cheaper and better) computing in variety of information and computation domains.
There is still no single large scale killer application but rather a growing set of Intranet based information/computation systems that use open Web technologies to prototype proprietary systems for internal corporate use in a more cost effective fashion that in the PC/Windows framework

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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