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GLOBAL foilset HPCC Futures Topic 1:Problem Solving Environments as the best Software Model

Given by Geoffrey Fox at Trip to China on July 12-28,96. Foils prepared July 6 1996
Abstract * Foil Index for this file See also color IMAGE

Problem Solving Environments -- PSE's -- are seen in all fields from health care, education to engineering design of a new aircraft
We illustrate with telemedicine Bridge concept
And show in detail integration of NII and computation in ASOP -- next generation integrated manufacturing and design
We give a couple of simple Web Computing Examples
And outline NPAC's Web based strategy
We describe needed enabling technologies and give a set of recommendations for progress coming from a panel led by John Rice of Purdue

Table of Contents for full HTML of HPCC Futures Topic 1:Problem Solving Environments as the best Software Model

1 Status of "Classic" HPCC -- June1996
Futures-1: Problem Solving Environments and Real Software in near future?

2 Abstract of HPCC Futures 1:Problem Solving Environments
3 Problem Solving Environments
4 Multi-purpose Bridge Technology -- Overview
5 Multi-purpose Bridge Technology --- Examples
6 Some Example Systems with Ideas and Requirements
7 PSE Enabling Technologies I
8 PSE Enabling Technologies II
9 Use of NII Services in Particular Applications -- Collaboratory
10 Use of NII Services in Particular Applications
-- Manufacturing of Complex Systems

11 ASOP and Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design(MAD)
12 The USMADE Project of MADIC Industrial Consortium
United States Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design Environment

13 Software Bus Structure of USMADE
14 The Mapping of Heterogeneous Metaproblems onto Heterogeneous Metacomputer Systems
15 Life Cycle Cost is a Design Variable in ASOP
16 NII Enhances ASOP in a Multi-Organization Activity
17 Industrial/Academic/Government Consensus is ASOP Basis
18 Testbed Development is a NASA Role in ASOP
19 ASOP Introduces Aerospace Paradigm Shifts
20 ASOP Criticality to Aerospace Industry and NASA
21 NCSA Biology Workbench
22 Screens Opened for Java Interface to Distributed Computing Environment
23 PSE and the Web -- Base Concepts
24 PSE and the Web -- Evolution Path
25 Web Phase Transition/Revolution '95/'96 - I
26 Web Phase Transition/Revolution '95/'96 - II
27 Web Expansion Phase -- '96 and Beyond
28 Web Tech Development: Commerce vs Academia
29 NPAC Strategy: Technology and Application Niches
30 Web Technologies at NPAC: Terms and Concepts
31 Web Technologies at NPAC: Current Status
32 Web Technologies at NPAC: WebAMR Example
33 Example WebPSE Applications
34 Possible Next Steps in HPCC PSE's
35 Recommendation: Develop Architectures and Frameworks for PSE's - I
36 Recommendation: Develop Architectures and Frameworks for PSE's - II
37 Recommendation: Develop Needed Component Technologies
38 Recommendation: Encourage Multi-Community Interactions
39 Recommendation: Develop Prototype PSE's

This table of Contents Abstract

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Foil 1 Status of "Classic" HPCC -- June1996
Futures-1: Problem Solving Environments and Real Software in near future?

From HPCC Futures Topic 1:Problem Solving Environments as the best Software Model Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. * See also color IMAGE
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Presented during Trip to China July 12-28,1996
Geoffrey Fox
Syracuse University
111 College Place
Syracuse NY 13244-4100

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Foil 2 Abstract of HPCC Futures 1:Problem Solving Environments

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Problem Solving Environments -- PSE's -- are seen in all fields from health care, education to engineering design of a new aircraft
We illustrate with telemedicine Bridge concept
And show in detail integration of NII and computation in ASOP -- next generation integrated manufacturing and design
We give a couple of simple Web Computing Examples
And outline NPAC's Web based strategy
We describe needed enabling technologies and give a set of recommendations for progress coming from a panel led by John Rice of Purdue

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Foil 3 Problem Solving Environments

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This popular word is meant to summarize fact that most problems these todays require not just a fast computer but rather a heterogeneous mix of resources including people, computers, information, visualization etc.
Collaboration technologies link people to people and computers and this linkage is heart of PSE's -- Problem Solving Environments
The Bridge Concept of Warner and Balch is heart of PSE for TeleMedicine
We expect this type of system to grow in importance in all applications!

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Foil 4 Multi-purpose Bridge Technology -- Overview

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Most of the real world WebTop Systems will involve multi-user collaboratory modules. Even for scientific computing, complex toolkits such as WebAMR will be most conveniently supported by interactive consultation between developers and users.
Collaboratory multi-user components will be further enhanced in enterprise, commerce and community systems.
This is illustrated in our recent telemedicine prototype for nursing triage. Here we start from the collaboratory component involving nurses, nurse practioners and pediatricians and add HPCC components such as medical imaging and agent based diagnosis.
We view the Bridge topology (Warner & Balch '95), underlying such telemedicine systems, as a promising generic framework, applicable also for other problem domains.
A generic bridge includes "points of need", "points of expertise" and intelligent middleware that manages information resources and provides connectivity between customers and optimal services.
  • Bridge point of expertise consistent with Anchor desk in JWID military exercises

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Foil 5 Multi-purpose Bridge Technology --- Examples

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We present here examples of the bridge topology, instantiated in various application domains:
Domain Points of Need Points of Expertise Typical Services
TeleMedicine Nurses, Nurse Practioners Diagnosis
    • HomeCare
    • Units
Command Troops Commanders Decision
and Control Making
Distance Learners Teachers Mentoring
Education Students Consultants
Commerce Consumers Vendors Product Support
Science Schools Scientists Popular Science
Collaboratory Small Businesses Technology Transfer

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Foil 6 Some Example Systems with Ideas and Requirements

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MATLAB -- note not parallel but very succesful
AVS -- different level of abstraction from MATLAB -- also succesful and not (correctly) parallel.
PDElab/ELLPACK and other partial differential equation packages
DSI / SIMNET and distributed event driven simulation for military applications
VRML and growing distributing interactive gaming applications
Global Arrays (Pacific Northwest Lab) -- very succesful toolkit for matrix formulated chemistry applications -- can they/should they extend to finer grain molecular dynamics
ASOP -- Multidisciplinary Design Systems -- and lessons from prototypes Engineous (GE), FIDO(Langley), NPSS(Lewis)
  • Note link to databases and need for wrappers for legacy systems
WebWork -- Boston NPAC -- use Web for (initially) coarse grain software integration

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Foil 7 PSE Enabling Technologies I

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Collaborative computing technology
Configuration control and human-in-the-loop (Computational steering)
Computational geometry and grid generation
Scalable algorithms
Scalable solver libraries
Parallel/Distributed computing --- metacomputing
Fault tolerance and security
Federated multi-media databases
File system and I/O technologies
Visualization including virtual reality, televirtuality etc.
Interactive interface development (GUI) technologies
Symbolic manipulation and automatic code generation
Artificial intelligence and expert systems

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Foil 8 PSE Enabling Technologies II

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Performance monitoring and modeling
"Low-level" virtual machine such as MPI, PVM etc.
"Fine grain high-level" languages (C++, HPF etc.)
Software engineering and coarse grain software (software bus) integration
"Web-ware" and scripting middle-ware(Perl, Java, VRML, Python, etc.)
Agent search and communication systems
Wrapper technology for legacy systems and interoperability
Interface specification support and information exchange protocols (such as CORBA, Opendoc, metadata and web standards)
Object oriented software technology - object transport and management
PSE templates and frameworks

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Foil 9 Use of NII Services in Particular Applications -- Collaboratory

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This is future model for (inter)national distributed research
Rich Collaboration environment essential as collaborative research requires nontrivial person to person interactions
Searching distributed databases basis of much scholarly work (infoVision and Digital Library)
Metacomputing for multidisciplinary, multi-institutional simulations and for control and data storage and analysis from remote instruments whether satellites, telescopes, accelerators etc.
Distributed (people) Software Engineering support for production of distributed computing software
Needs workflow support as distributed enterprise

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Foil 10 Use of NII Services in Particular Applications
-- Manufacturing of Complex Systems

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Critical feature is closely integrated collaboration of very many people and computers requiring
Metacomputing Simulation and distributed database support as in Collaboratory
Workflow support including configuration management and central CAD databases
Rich collaboration environment to support distributed design decisions
Standards and Security to allow interlinking of people and software from different organizations
Key special requirement is distributed coordination

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Foil 11 ASOP and Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design(MAD)

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A set of manufacturing companies -- Rockwell International, Northrop Grumman, McDonnell Douglas, General Electric and General Motors is studying the NII implications for a particular MAD system "Affordable Systems Optimization Process" (ASOP)
Interesting parameters are that next major aircraft to be built could involve:
  • 6 major companies and 20,000 smaller supplier subcontractors
  • Number of engineers involved is about:
    • 50 at conceptual design
    • 200 at preliminary design
    • 2000 at final design
    • upto 10,000 in manufacturing and development
  • The design could involve upto 10,000 separate programs running in small linked clusters which vary from
    • Airflow simulation around plane to
    • expert system to plan location of inspection port to minimize maintenance costs
  • Critical is configuration management and system database

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Foil 12 The USMADE Project of MADIC Industrial Consortium
United States Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design Environment

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Integrated Environment
Multiple discipline
  • Fluid Dynamics
  • Structural mechanics, dynamics
  • Electromagnetics
  • Heat transfer
  • Controls
  • Manufacturing
  • ...
Engineering analysis
Design optimization

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Foil 13 Software Bus Structure of USMADE

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Foil 14 The Mapping of Heterogeneous Metaproblems onto Heterogeneous Metacomputer Systems

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Foil 15 Life Cycle Cost is a Design Variable in ASOP

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Foil 16 NII Enhances ASOP in a Multi-Organization Activity

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Foil 17 Industrial/Academic/Government Consensus is ASOP Basis

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Foil 18 Testbed Development is a NASA Role in ASOP

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Foil 19 ASOP Introduces Aerospace Paradigm Shifts

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Foil 20 ASOP Criticality to Aerospace Industry and NASA

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Foil 21 NCSA Biology Workbench

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An example of Web-based Computing
It lets researchers author tools and leave them on the machine of choice on the web
It allows multiple data bases to intercommunicate with each other and the functional operators that the software tools represent and to make a web browser the window into this system.

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Foil 22 Screens Opened for Java Interface to Distributed Computing Environment

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From Gregor von Laszewski

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Foil 23 PSE and the Web -- Base Concepts

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We adopt a broad view/definition of Problem Solving Environment as a distributed system capable of attacking complex, so far unsolvable problems by integrating information and computation.
  • This includes both scientific and large scale enterprise computing systems.
Development of such systems was slow/inefficient so far due to the separation of (lower end) PC computing world (focused on productivity tools for information processing such as authoring or database) and (higher end) UNIX computing world (focused on HPCC)
Both platforms become now integrated by the Web phenomenon in the form of what we called WebWindows paradigm.
Hence, Web based distributed computing within the WebWindows framework offers a novel, unique and powerful model for PSEs that include and integrate NII and HPCC components.

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Foil 24 PSE and the Web -- Evolution Path

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We discuss here the multi-prong evolution path of the Web computing, starting form the "Web Revolution '95/'96' and extrapolating from the current 'Web Expansion Phase' towards the WebWindows based WebTop Systems to come
We review both the base Web Technologies under development (commercially and in academia) and selected pilot projects / prototype applications at NPAC
Base NPAC Technologies include: WebTools, WebVM, WebWork, WebFlow, Bridge Topologies, WebWindows, WebTop Systems
Prototype NPAC Applications include: Telemedicine, Command and Control, and Large Scale Computation Problems such as RSA Factoring-by-Web, Adaptive Mesh Refinement and Visible->Virtual Human

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Foil 25 Web Phase Transition/Revolution '95/'96 - I

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Until '95, Web was perceived as a hot novelty with yet to be defined serious killer applications (other than Mosaic->Netscape), market segments and business models.
In '95/'96, industry started to embrace Web as a promising viable platform for doing new style agile (faster, cheaper and better) computing in variety of information and computation domains.
There is still no single large scale killer application but rather a growing set of Intranet based information/computation systems that use open Web technologies to prototype proprietary systems for internal corporate use in a more cost effective fashion that in the PC/Windows framework

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Foil 26 Web Phase Transition/Revolution '95/'96 - II

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Some factors that contributed to this phase transition are:
Netscape2 plug-in support that attracted many software vendors to the Netscape platform
Successful Java marketing by Sun
Netscape's agile response to and support for Java, augmented by JavaScript/LifeWire add-on
Success of VRML/VAG forum that caused all major computer vendors to compete in the open VRML 2.0 design proposal contest
Aggressive use of the Web itself (and all of us...) by Netscape/Sun for marketing, distribution, debugging and customer feedback support of the Web software products via the sequence of ever changing/never really working alpha/beta releases
  • Why do we put up with so many bugs!

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Foil 27 Web Expansion Phase -- '96 and Beyond

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As of today (May '96), we are in the middle of the "expansion phase", triggered by the '95/'96 "revolution"
Netscape3 is out with support for Live3D (inlined VRML) and CoolTalk (Internet Phone). LiveMedia (inlined video based on OpenDVE/RTP) is coming soon. FastTrack Web servers offer now page authoring, site management, mailing services, scripted database interfaces and so on. A mortal Netscape-Microsoft war is imminent.
Meanwhile, JavaSoft expands with a different strategy , by collaborating with Microsoft, seeking new niches such as support for transparent database backends (JDBC), distributed computing (DMI), CASE tools (JDE) and open browser technology (beta HotJava), family of extension API's -- Media, Commerce, Security, Collaboration .
Meanwhile, Sun attempts at JavaVM based JavaOS and GNU is addressing open multiplatform JavaVM implementation.
Meanwhile, open Web community (with the major concentration in the VRML forum) starts addressing "open JavaScript" that would challenge JavaScript/LiveWire and eventually Java.

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Foil 28 Web Tech Development: Commerce vs Academia

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We correctly predicted the "revolution" and the current "expansion phase" in our WebWindows presentation at the CRPC annual meeting 1 year ago in Houston.
What was a prophecy 1 year ago, becomes everyone's idea today. What is still non-trivial is the proper strategy for academic computer science, given the unprecedented speed of the Web expansion and rapidly melting boundaries between Windows and UNIX.
We view the area of distributed Web based computing for PSE as a promising niche, given that industry will continue their focus on client-server aspects of the Web where the near term profit can be made.
We expect Web based PSE to evolve starting from the top-down Web interfaces to previous generation legacy systems (current state-of-the-art) and moving towards genuine bottom-up Web infrastructure (WebWindows).

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Foil 29 NPAC Strategy: Technology and Application Niches

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At NPAC, we follow a two-prong strategy, including component technology prototyping and integration technology development. --
Some component technology prototype projects are short lived -- their goal is to provide us with 'look ahead' and placeholders for the industry modules to come
For example, NPAC '95 prototypes such as WebTools, WebMail or WebDBMS are now being (partially) offered by Netscape in their '96 browsers and servers.
Meanwhile, however, we were able to make the next step in the conceptual design and start addressing the larger scope Web software system integration issues in terms of our '95 component technology prototypes.
We call them WebTop Systems or distributed applications based on leading edge Web technologies and the emergent WebWindows operating system.

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Foil 30 Web Technologies at NPAC: Terms and Concepts

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WebTools -- PDA-like Web based environment using CGI (to be improved)-extended personal Web servers to handle file management, e-mail etc.
WebWisdom -- JavaScript prototype for managing information hierarchies in the electronic presentation space for Virtual University
WebWork -- a mesh of WebTools-like servers, coordinated to perform a common (potentially world-wide) distributed computational task
WebVM -- an abstract VM implemented in terms of / on top of computationally extended evolving Web technologies
WebFlow -- a dataflow paradigm for visual programming on top of WebVM in terms of interactive browser tools (Java based visual flow editor)
WebHPL -- a high level object-oriented interpreted language on top of WebVM to support Web based HPCC
WebSpace -- pervasive collaboration support, based on Web/Oracle and Java collaboratory servers
WebWindows -- a Web(VM) based operating/windowing environment under collaborative development by the Web community
WebTop Systems -- an ensemble of toolkits and integration framework for WebWindows application development

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Foil 31 Web Technologies at NPAC: Current Status

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WebTools -- CGI/Perl prototype in '95, now being augmented by / integrated with Java, JavaScript and Web/Oracle.
WebWisdom -- Prototype done -- Productize next!
WebWork -- proof-of-the-concept application to factor RSA130 by a tree of Web servers (completed Apr'96)
WebVM -- minimal CGI prototype operational; work in progress on Java server support.
WebFlow -- simple Java applet for visual Web programming operational. Near term application testbeds: AMR, 3D Visible Human.
WebHPL -- WebHPF operational. Simple interpreted "little language" layer planned for WebAMR.
WebWindows -- exploring all three current platform candidates: UNIX, WindowsNT, JavaOS (HotJava, JDE, DMI, JDE).
WebTop Systems -- exploring Bridge topology as a reusable integration framework.

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Foil 32 Web Technologies at NPAC: WebAMR Example

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We illustrate here how the individual component technologies cooperate in a complete application, WebAMR (Adaptive Mesh Refinement)
A mesh of computationally extended Web servers, connected via HTTP based message passing, acts as WebVM that runs PDE solver modules for individual grids
In a simple static AMR topology (WebWork model), a tree of refined meshes is constructed by the user via the AVS like visual programming tools (WebFlow)
Dynamic AMR trees require interpreted programming support -- a pilot "little language" design towards WebHPL
WebAMR applications can be configured and run on heterogeneous clusters, including any WebWindows compliant platform
Example of WebTop System in this domain in a set of WebVM/WebFlow modules, packaged and customized as a PDE Toolkit for a given Grand Challenge community.

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Foil 33 Example WebPSE Applications

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CareWeb for Telemedicine -- local community network to support electronic student health record database and collaborative diagnosis by nurses, nurse practitioners and pediatricians.
Command and Control -- innovative use of Web technologies for integrating a suite of large scale applications (weather, electromagnetic scattering, telemedicine, GIS) contributing to a military Command and Control.
Distance Education and Science Collaboratory -- content (Virtual University, Living Schoolbook) and technology (WebFoil, WebSpace/LabSpace) development for delivering education over the Internet and providing collaboratory links between students and mentors.
Large Scale Numerical Computing -- A set of pilot projects that explore Web based HPCC starting from simple computational topologies. Current prototypes include: RSA Factoring-by-Web, Adaptive Mesh Refinement for PDEs, 3D Visible Human.

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Foil 34 Possible Next Steps in HPCC PSE's

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Note that some steps -- such as Collaborative Environments will come from general NII activities
Others such as integrated grid generators and geometry plus CFD solvers, and distributed scientific objects must come from HPCC

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Foil 35 Recommendation: Develop Architectures and Frameworks for PSE's - I

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Develop the requirements for both PSE's and their component technologies
  • Suggest focus on scientific and engineering computation with component modules such as computational geometry, grid generation, particle dynamics and sparse matrix solvers
  • what is role of particular component technologies
Architecture should allow a distributed software development approach with synergistic contributions from loosely coupled groups
Take very successful library software and algorithm activity and augment with study of abstract library structure.
  • This must allow "plug and play" of new algorithms or data structures in a way that does not exclude key technologies

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Foil 36 Recommendation: Develop Architectures and Frameworks for PSE's - II

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Focus on the "glue" for building PSE's as well as the "bricks" -- a paradigm shift
This glue implies interfaces and data exchange formats for numerical and symbolic modules needed as PSE components
Glue includes/implies the software (engineering) approach for developing PSE's
The defined architecture must support identified features of PSE's and their development
  • What are the critical features of scientific PSE's that distinguish them from Quicken (a well-known financial PSE) and say a command and control system which could include say a weather simulation as a sub-PSE
Glueing diverse pieces requires second recommendation of crossdisciplinary interactions

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Foil 37 Recommendation: Develop Needed Component Technologies

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Computational Geometry and Grid generation
Collaborative Computing linked to configuration controlled databases with humans and computers in the loop
Multi-level object technology for reusable, maintainable, robust software which is performance portable -- focus on complete PSE and not just computational kernels
Mechanisms for validating correctness of numerical code
Metacomputing -- PSE's are naturally set up as cross-country (institution) distributed computing systems
Wrapper technology for legacy Systems (Rockwell tells me next DoD aircraft needs 10,000 separate programs to be run!)
Large scale knowledge base systems for particular domains -- real engineers must use these PSE's
As well as normal scalable algorithms, software, filesystems, databases etc.

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Foil 38 Recommendation: Encourage Multi-Community Interactions

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Many researchers (e.g. Grand Challenge collaborations) are developing independently what are essentially PSE's for physics, chemistry, engineering ....
  • Most do not know they are developing a PSE and that by using such a framework, they could (re)use work of others.
Need to gather these communities -- academia, government, industry, computer technology, application development -- together to establish framework for development of standards, exchange experiences (what works and what doesn't) and requirements
This discussion should include libraries, interfaces, data-structures, representation, middleware and PSE components

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Foil 39 Recommendation: Develop Prototype PSE's

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Of course all this basic research needs to be tested and evaluated!
We should create some complete scientific and/or engineering prototype PSE's
This should be multi-disciplinary on both computer technology side (algorithms, software, user-interface, artificial intelligence, database, collaboration etc.) and on application side
Choose an area where PSE adds value to an established computational area rather than proposing a new solution
  • So we test PSE approach and not role of computation in a particular area
Set-up as microcosm of proposed general case with distributed loosely coupled development as well "entries" in key components

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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