HELP! * YELLOW=global GREY=local Global HTML version of Foils prepared July 6 1996

Foil 32 HPJava Study is in Draft Form

From HPCC Current Status: Software Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. by Geoffrey Fox * See also color IMAGE

For these reasons, we thought it useful to examine the confluence of HPCC and Java -- referred to as HPjava.(without knowing what this is!)
In particular it is natural for PCRC to examine its software indrastructure and see how it should be structured/changed to support HPJava. is not a proposal or plan.
  • Rather it is an often conflicting(!) study of issues that emerge when you place Java and HPCC next to each other.
  • Is data Parallelism useful in Java is Controversial!
More thoughtfully, we study Programming Model suggested by HPJava
What is Role of Optimizing Compilers in (HP)Java?
  • What are performance issues -- can we separate out current implementations from intrinsic issues.
There are a large number of important experiments in the community
Other topics include role of CORBA, Security, Model for communication in Java

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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