Given by Geoffrey Fox at Trip to China on July 12-28,96. Foils prepared July 6 1996
Abstract * Foil Index for this file
See also color IMAGE
We start with an overall discussion of types of software environments and when they apply
Data Parallel and Message Passing are still critical but the situation is confused by immaturity of parallel compilers |
We then discuss current work involving Xiaoming Li with HPF and the Parallel Runtime Compiler Consortium |
MetaComputing is an emerging field oof importance and we sketch our plans for MetaWeb |
Java threatens to change the ballgame! |
This table of Contents
Abstract |
Presented during Trip to China July 12-28,1996 |
Geoffrey Fox |
Syracuse University |
111 College Place |
Syracuse NY 13244-4100 |
We start with an overall discussion of types of software environments and when they apply
Data Parallel and Message Passing are still critical but the situation is confused by immaturity of parallel compilers |
We then discuss current work involving Xiaoming Li with HPF and the Parallel Runtime Compiler Consortium |
MetaComputing is an emerging field oof importance and we sketch our plans for MetaWeb |
Java threatens to change the ballgame! |
See Parallel Computing Works for general discussion of problem architecture |
Software Maps |
Problem ---> Machine |
Often software designed around machine architecture |
Rather software should be designed around problem architecture |
Only able to persuade application scientist to parallelize |
Synchronous: Data Parallel Tightly coupled and software needs to exploit features of problem structure to get good performance. Comparatively easy as different data elements are essentially identical. |
Loosely Synchronous:
Embarrassingly parallel:
See Parallel Computing Works for QCD and Synchronous problems |
eg. Quantum chromodynamics calculations (calculate proton mass) |
Regular grid in 4D space-time - domain decomposition |
Update algorithm identical at each point |
Time evolution very simple |
The world looked at microscopically in terms of a set of similar fundamental quantities |
Monte Carlo - subtlety that cannot update concurrently points linked in Hamiltonian |
See Parallel Computing Works for Loosely Synchronous problems |
The world looked at macroscopically in terms of interactions between irregular inhomogeneous objects evolved as a time synchronized simulation |
eg. circuit simulation for computer or biological applications |
Linked sets of neurons (components) of different types |
Time taken to model one time step of type i depends on nature of node and interconnect between them |
See Parallel Computing Works Asynchronous problems (including Computer Chess) |
The world looked at macroscopically in terms of interactions between irregular inhomogeneous objects evolved as an event driven simulation |
eg. Battle of Hastings |
See Parallel Computing Works for Metaproblems including Command and Control |
Metaproblems are of growing importance in general HPCC community |
One important Example is: |
Manufacturing and Design including Multidisciplinary Optimization which combines many fields to look at total product design, manufacturability etc.
Also link in concurrent engineering
USMADE is US Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design Environment Project of MADIC Industrial Consortium |
Global Change:
Computational Electromagnetic Scattering (CEM) - A metaproblem of smaller granularity
Note this (CEM) itself could be a part - the electromagnetic signature calculation - in design of military aircraft |
Si: Satellite with:
FCi: Fire Control platform
E: Overall Asynchronous expert system |
Software powerful enough to express natural parallelism of problem (work in progress) |
Problem is "large" |
Architecture of computer at least as "rich" as architecture of problem
Problem class Machine |
Synchronous SIMD, MIMD |
Loosely Synchronous MIMD |
Asynchronous Unclear |
Metaproblems Heterogeneous network |
Embarrassingly Parallel Network of workstations
See Generic and Specific Application Glossaries |
As nearly all large scale parallel machines are distributed memory, experience is largely
Explicit Message Passing is only available way on "all" MIMD machines for generating good performance although this is at cost of significant user effort
HPF and Massage Passing both require substantial rewriting of code |
If existing or modestly modified Fortran 77, C, C++ codes would run "well" on parallel machine, then users would be happy
Many users want to use workstation clusters as well as dedicated parallel machines
This classification is summarized in Parallel Computing Works Survey |
Synchronous:Regular in Space and Time
High Performance Fortran (HPF), CMFortran, Crystal, C*, APL are natural and can be automatically parallelized on any machine.
Asynchronous:Irregular in Space and Time
Loosely Synchronous: Irregular in Space, Regular in Time
Fortran + Message Passing "works but is not portable |
Extended HPF (HPF+) designed to do most of these examples |
Data or geometric parallelism again but dynamic data structures which are not arrays
Synchronous: Parallel Fortran such as High Performance Fortran, CC++,Fortran-M, pC++, Crystal, APL.. |
Loosely Synchronous: Extensions of the above. (HPF+, HPC++) |
Asynchronous: Web Technology, PCN, Linda, C++ object-oriented approaches....
Metaproblems: AVS, MOVIE, PCN, Linda, ADA, Fortran-M, CC++, .... controlling modules written in synchronous or loosely synchronous approach |
Embarrassingly Parallel: Several approaches work?
Message Passing works in ALL cases! |
Parallelism in HPF is expressed explicitly
Compiler may choose not to exploit information about parallelism |
Compiler may detect parallelism in sequential code |
There is tradeoff between parallelism and communication |
Programmer defines the data mapping |
Underlaying assumptions are that: |
An operation on two or more data object is likely to be carried out much faster if they all reside in the same processor, |
and that it may be possible to carry out many such operations concurrently if they can be performed on different processors |
The directives are structured comments that suggest implementation strategies or assert facts about a program to the compiler |
They may affect the efficiency of the computation performed, but do not change the value computed by the program |
As in Fortran 90 statements, there are both:
HPF directives are consistent with Fortran 90 syntax except for the directive prefix:
Two forms of the directives are allowed
Express in a high level portable scalable fashion those aspects of problems one would like to use Fortran for
Lessons from study of
Particle Dynamics and Parallel Differential Equation Solving have been studied in detail (for HPF).
Data Parallelism
Task Parallelism
Metaproblems (task parallelism where each component data parallel)
MPI and PVM as Message Passing Systems are very healthy but the essential ideas are very old -- 10 to 20 years |
They are used because the systems work well (as relatively easy to build) and the users understand what to expect
Parallel C++ is very confused with many standards |
HPF -- Data Parallel Fortran -- is a standard challenged by industry somewhat as they find compilers difficult and wish it was simpler |
Users find performance of HPF often disappointing and find it often is hard to predict what compiler will do
Java is rapidly becoming a dominant distributed computing language driven by the the breadth and depth of the World Wide Web.
HPCC has developed technology and the application pull for large scale computation with typically tighter synchronization constraints than those of Java. |
Further HPCC can benefit from the pervasive software base illustrated by Web in general and Java in particular. |
Correspondingly there are many emerging Web based applications which will need large synchronized computation. |
For these reasons, we thought it useful to examine the confluence of HPCC and Java -- referred to as HPjava.(without knowing what this is!) |
In particular it is natural for PCRC to examine its software indrastructure and see how it should be structured/changed to support HPJava. | is not a proposal or plan.
More thoughtfully, we study Programming Model suggested by HPJava |
What is Role of Optimizing Compilers in (HP)Java?
There are a large number of important experiments in the community |
Other topics include role of CORBA, Security, Model for communication in Java |