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HPCC Current Status: Software

Given by Geoffrey Fox at Trip to China on July 12-28,96. Foils prepared July 6 1996

We start with an overall discussion of types of software environments and when they apply
  • Data and Task Parallelism
  • Coordination or Coarse Grain Software Integration Languages
Data Parallel and Message Passing are still critical but the situation is confused by immaturity of parallel compilers
We then discuss current work involving Xiaoming Li with HPF and the Parallel Runtime Compiler Consortium
MetaComputing is an emerging field oof importance and we sketch our plans for MetaWeb
Java threatens to change the ballgame!

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
GeneralResearchB96     General Collection of Research Foils -- 
                        July--December 1996
Programming Paradigms APart A:Overview of Programming Paradigms and 
                        Relation to Applications
Programming Paradigms BPart B:Overview of Programming Paradigms and 
                        Relation to Applications
CPS615-HPF-95          An Introduction to High Performance Fortran
CRPCAnnualMeetingMay96 General Collection of Foils for CRPC Annual 

Table of Contents for HPCC Current Status: Software

     GeneralResearchB96 007 001 Status of "Classic" HPCC -- 
                                Summary of MPP Software
     GeneralResearchB96 008 002 Abstract of HPCC Software Status 1996

Simple General Discussion

Programming Paradigms A 017 003 Structure of Problems and Parallel 
                                Software Approaches
Programming Paradigms A 018 004 Problem Architectures
Programming Paradigms A 019 005 5 Categories of Problems
Programming Paradigms A 020 006 Example of Basic Problem Architectures
                                 Regular Synchronous Problem Class
Programming Paradigms A 021 007 Example of Basic Problem Architectures
                                 Irregular Loosely Synchronous
Programming Paradigms A 022 008 Example of Basic Problem Architectures
                                 The difficult Asynchronous Class
Programming Paradigms A 023 009 Example of Basic Problem Architectures
                                 for MetaProblem Class
Programming Paradigms A 024 010 Software Bus Structure of USMADE
Programming Paradigms A 026 011 Further Examples of Metaproblems
Programming Paradigms A 027 012 Heterogeneous  Metaproblem Structure 
                                for Command and Control
Programming Paradigms B 054 013 System Integration and Data Flows for 
                                financial modeling on a mix of 
                                Workstations, CM5 and Maspar
Programming Paradigms A 029 014 Remarks on What are key Global Issues 
                                in determining ease of parallelization
                                 of particular applications
Programming Paradigms A 030 015 Criterion for success in parallelizing
                                 a particular problem on a particular 
Programming Paradigms A 031 016 What is the "correct" 
                                machine architecture for each problem 
Programming Paradigms B 001 017 What software is suitable for what 
Programming Paradigms B 002 018 What Applications have we learnt from 
Programming Paradigms B 003 019 Comparison of 3 different Programming 
Programming Paradigms B 004 020 What software systems are appropriate 
                                for what problem architectures -- I?
Programming Paradigms B 005 021 What software systems are appropriate 
                                for what problem architectures -- II?
Programming Paradigms B 006 022 Candidate Software Paradigms for each 
                                problem architecture
          CPS615-HPF-95 006 023 Parallelism in HPF
          CPS615-HPF-95 007 024 What gives high performance in HPF
          CPS615-HPF-95 008 025 Compiler directives used in HPF
          CPS615-HPF-95 009 026 Syntax of HPF Directives
          CPS615-HPF-95 010 027 Staged Data Mapping in HPF
Programming Paradigms B 011 028 Goal of High Performance Fortran
Programming Paradigms B 012 029 Any Complete Programming Environment 
                                Must Handle
     GeneralResearchB96 030 030 The Curious State of Parallel 

What we are doing with Xiaoming Li

MetaComputing and Web based Software is an Emerging Field
see Original

Add Mark Bakers foils 14-15,19-20,26,88-92,100-105,107

Java may Revolutionize Situation

 CRPCAnnualMeetingMay96 057 031 HPJava Study Rationale
 CRPCAnnualMeetingMay96 058 032 HPJava Study is in Draft Form

List of Foils Used as they occur

GeneralResearchB96     General Collection of Research Foils -- 
                        July--December 1996
7 8 30
Programming Paradigms APart A:Overview of Programming Paradigms and 
                        Relation to Applications
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 29 30 31
Programming Paradigms BPart B:Overview of Programming Paradigms and 
                        Relation to Applications
54 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 12
CPS615-HPF-95          An Introduction to High Performance Fortran
6 7 8 9 10
CRPCAnnualMeetingMay96 General Collection of Foils for CRPC Annual 
57 58

Sorted List of Foils Used

GeneralResearchB96     General Collection of Research Foils -- 
                        July--December 1996
7 8 30
Programming Paradigms APart A:Overview of Programming Paradigms and 
                        Relation to Applications
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 29 30 31
Programming Paradigms BPart B:Overview of Programming Paradigms and 
                        Relation to Applications
1 2 3 4 5 6 11 12 54
CPS615-HPF-95          An Introduction to High Performance Fortran
6 7 8 9 10
CRPCAnnualMeetingMay96 General Collection of Foils for CRPC Annual 
57 58

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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