HELP! * YELLOW=global GREY=local Global HTML version of Foils prepared July 6 1996

Foil 6 Superficial Observations on High Performance Computing-II

From HPCC Status -- TeraFlop to Web and Petaflops -- Success and Failure Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. by Geoffrey Fox * See also color IMAGE
Secs 141
No silver programming bullet -- I doubt if new language will revolutionize parallel programmimng and make much easier
  • Hardware (shared memory) could be helpful
Social forces are tending to hinder adoption of parallel computing as most applications are areas where large scale computing already common
  • Parallelizing existing applications (porting sequential software) very hard
  • Opportunities offered by use of MPP's often require major organizational changes

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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