HELP! * YELLOW=global GREY=local Global HTML version of Foils prepared July 6 1996

Foil 29 Software Issues/Choices - III

From HPCC Status -- TeraFlop to Web and Petaflops -- Success and Failure Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. by Geoffrey Fox * See also color IMAGE

Architectures such as PIM emphasis opportunities if we could develop software models/compilers which could effectively use substantial parallelism
Current partyline microprocessors assume that substantial parallelism cannot be easily extracted from programs designed for single Chips
One area we are exploring is how to extract from/build in parallelism for Java
  • We call this the HPJava project
A major new direction in Computer Science is "Problem Solving Environments" which are domain specific systems at a "higher level" than compilers which are a "toolkit" of components such as:
  • Linear Algebra Solvers
  • Elliptic or Hyperbolic PDE Solvers
  • Particular (adaptive) data structures such as those for multigrid
  • Visualization etc.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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