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HPCC Status -- TeraFlop to Web and Petaflops -- Success and Failure

Given by Geoffrey Fox at Trip to China on July 12-28,96. Foils prepared July 6 1996

We describe the structure of seven talks making up this review of HPCC from today to the Web and Petaflop performance in future
Here we describe current status with HPCC in some sense both a failure and a great success
This requires looking at hardware, software and the critical lack of commercial adoption of this technology
We discuss COTS and trickle up and down technology strategies
We describe education and interdisciplinary computational science in both simulation and information arenas

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
GeneralResearchB96         General Collection of Research Foils -- 
                            July--December 1996
MillsScreenDumps           Kim Mills Collection of GIF Images for NPAC
                             Projects 96-
HPCS95master               Master Foilset for HPCS95 Keynote 
InfoMall95                 Overview of InfoMall -- A Virtual 
                            Corporation for HPCC Systems and Software
crpcappls                  Overview Foils for Parallel Applications 
                            and software Talk
CPS615-95B                 Master Set B of Overview Material on 
                            Parallel Computing for CPS615 Foils
CornellHPCCOverview96MasterMaster Foils for A Short Overview of HPCC 
                            -- From GigaFlops to PetaFlops and From 
                            Tightly Coupled MPP's to the World Wide 
KoggePimTalk               Processing-In-Memory (PIM) Architectures 
                            for Very High Performance MPP Computing
Infovision95               InfoVISION: Information Video Simulation 
                            Imagery ON demand
CompSciMay95               Overview foils for Computational Science 
                            Overview at Illinois -- May 1995
CPS615-95A                 Master Set A of Overview Material on 
                            Parallel Computing for CPS615 Foils
Programming Paradigms A    Part A:Overview of Programming Paradigms 
                            and Relation to Applications

Table of Contents for HPCC Status -- TeraFlop to Web and Petaflops -- Success and Failure

         GeneralResearchB96 003 001 Status of "Classic" HPCC
                                     -- June1996
                                    Overall Status: Success or 
         GeneralResearchB96 004 002 Abstract of HPCC Current Status 


           MillsScreenDumps 010 003 NPAC Home Page

The seven Talks on HPCC!

         GeneralResearchB96 024 004 Components of This HPCC 

Overall Scenario

               HPCS95master 003 005 Superficial Observations on High 
                                    Performance Computing-I
               HPCS95master 004 006 Superficial Observations on High 
                                    Performance Computing-II
               HPCS95master 005 007 Superficial Observations on High 
                                    Performance Communication
               HPCS95master 006 008 Some Implications of HPCC 
                 InfoMall95 004 009 Advances in Parallel Computer and 
                                    High Speed Network (HPCC) 
                 InfoMall95 008 010 Some Hardware/Software Trends over
                                     next 5 years
                  crpcappls 002 011 What is Status of HPCC 
                  crpcappls 003 012 Two Major Parallel Programming 
                 InfoMall95 007 013 When will Parallel Computing Take 
                                    Over  ?

Teraflops -- Grand Challenges -- Federal HPCC Initiative

         GeneralResearchB96 022 014 The Federal High Performance 
                                    Computing and Communication 
                                    Initiative (HPCCI)
                 CPS615-95B 074 015 Performance of High End Machines 
                                    Years 1940-2000
                 CPS615-95B 075 016 Performance of High End Machines 
                                    Years 1980-2000
CornellHPCCOverview96Master 018 017 Peak Supercomputer Performance
         GeneralResearchB96 023 018 What Happens now that HPCC 
                                    Initiative is no longer in place?

COTS Top Down Versus Bottom Up

CornellHPCCOverview96Master 003 019 Some Important Trends -- COTS is 
CornellHPCCOverview96Master 004 020 Comments on COTS for Hardware
               KoggePimTalk 037 021 Performance Per Transistor
               HPCS95master 008 022 However we need more than fast 
                                    enough machines
                                    We also need a large enough market
                                     to sustain technology (systems 
                                    and software) 
               Infovision95 007 023 NII Compute & Communications 
                                    Capability in Year 2000 --> 

Where are we today with MPP Hardware and Software in a nutshell

CornellHPCCOverview96Master 010 024 Returning to Today - I
CornellHPCCOverview96Master 011 025 Returning to Today - II
CornellHPCCOverview96Master 012 026 Software Issues/Choices - I
CornellHPCCOverview96Master 013 027 The Sad Story of HPF and Some 
CornellHPCCOverview96Master 014 028 Software Issues/Choices - II
CornellHPCCOverview96Master 015 029 Software Issues/Choices - III

We must Educate People!

               HPCS95master 016 030 Need to Educate People to take 
                                    advantage of HPCC technologies
                 InfoMall95 005 031 Educational and (Re)training 
               CompSciMay95 003 032 What is Computational Science?
               CompSciMay95 005 033 Program in Computational Science
                                    Implemented within current 
                                    academic framework
               CompSciMay95 028 034 Program in Information Age 
                                    Computational Science Implemented 
                                    Within Current Academic Program

Elementary Discussion of Parallel Computing
                 CPS615-95A 026 035 Parallel Processing and Society
                 CPS615-95A 027 036 Concurrent Construction of a Wall
                                    Using N = 8 Bricklayers
                                    Decomposition by Vertical Sections
                 CPS615-95A 028 037 Quantitative Speed-Up Analysis for
                                     Construction of Hadrian's Wall
                 CPS615-95A 029 038 Amdahl's law for Real World 
                                    Parallel Processing
                 CPS615-95A 030 039 Pipelining --Another Parallel 
                                    Processing Strategy for Hadrian's 
                 CPS615-95A 031 040 Hadrian's Wall Illustrates that 
                                    the Topology of Processor Must 
                                    Include Topology of Problem
                 CPS615-95A 032 041 General Speed Up Analysis
                 CPS615-95A 038 042 Nature's Concurrent Computers
                 CPS615-95A 039 043 Comparison of Concurrent 
                                    Processing in Society and 

The Fundamental Reasons Why Parallel Computing is Easy In Principle
    Programming Paradigms A 011 044 Data Parallelism is a Universal 
                                    Source of Scaling Parallelism
    Programming Paradigms A 012 045 We have learnt that Parallel 
                                    Computing Works !
    Programming Paradigms A 013 046 Methodology of Parallel Computing
    Programming Paradigms A 014 047 Concurrent Computation as a 
                                    Mapping Problem -I
    Programming Paradigms A 015 048 Concurrent Computation as a 
                                    Mapping Problem - II
    Programming Paradigms A 016 049 Concurrent Computation as a 
                                    Mapping Problem - III

List of Foils Used as they occur

GeneralResearchB96         General Collection of Research Foils -- 
                            July--December 1996
3 4 24 22 23
MillsScreenDumps           Kim Mills Collection of GIF Images for NPAC
                             Projects 96-
HPCS95master               Master Foilset for HPCS95 Keynote 
3 4 5 6 8 16
InfoMall95                 Overview of InfoMall -- A Virtual 
                            Corporation for HPCC Systems and Software
4 8 7 5
crpcappls                  Overview Foils for Parallel Applications 
                            and software Talk
2 3
CPS615-95B                 Master Set B of Overview Material on 
                            Parallel Computing for CPS615 Foils
74 75
CornellHPCCOverview96MasterMaster Foils for A Short Overview of HPCC 
                            -- From GigaFlops to PetaFlops and From 
                            Tightly Coupled MPP's to the World Wide 
18 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 15
KoggePimTalk               Processing-In-Memory (PIM) Architectures 
                            for Very High Performance MPP Computing
Infovision95               InfoVISION: Information Video Simulation 
                            Imagery ON demand
CompSciMay95               Overview foils for Computational Science 
                            Overview at Illinois -- May 1995
3 5 28
CPS615-95A                 Master Set A of Overview Material on 
                            Parallel Computing for CPS615 Foils
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 38 39
Programming Paradigms A    Part A:Overview of Programming Paradigms 
                            and Relation to Applications
11 12 13 14 15 16

Sorted List of Foils Used

GeneralResearchB96         General Collection of Research Foils -- 
                            July--December 1996
3 4 22 23 24
MillsScreenDumps           Kim Mills Collection of GIF Images for NPAC
                             Projects 96-
HPCS95master               Master Foilset for HPCS95 Keynote 
3 4 5 6 8 16
InfoMall95                 Overview of InfoMall -- A Virtual 
                            Corporation for HPCC Systems and Software
4 5 7 8
crpcappls                  Overview Foils for Parallel Applications 
                            and software Talk
2 3
CPS615-95B                 Master Set B of Overview Material on 
                            Parallel Computing for CPS615 Foils
74 75
CornellHPCCOverview96MasterMaster Foils for A Short Overview of HPCC 
                            -- From GigaFlops to PetaFlops and From 
                            Tightly Coupled MPP's to the World Wide 
3 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 18
KoggePimTalk               Processing-In-Memory (PIM) Architectures 
                            for Very High Performance MPP Computing
Infovision95               InfoVISION: Information Video Simulation 
                            Imagery ON demand
CompSciMay95               Overview foils for Computational Science 
                            Overview at Illinois -- May 1995
3 5 28
CPS615-95A                 Master Set A of Overview Material on 
                            Parallel Computing for CPS615 Foils
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 38 39
Programming Paradigms A    Part A:Overview of Programming Paradigms 
                            and Relation to Applications
11 12 13 14 15 16

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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