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GLOBAL foilset HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC

Given by Geoffrey Fox at Trip to China on July 12-28,96. Foils prepared July 6 1996
Abstract * Foil Index for this file See also color IMAGE

This describes Our Approach focussing on Integration of Information and Computing and concentrating on coarse grain functionality
WebFlow : Dataflow (AVS) using Web with databases and numbercrunching
MetaWeb : Metacomputing or rather cluster management using Web
RSA Factoring was our first succesful example
Financial Modelling will be an obviously important commercial application
Java plays a critical role in high level user interfaces for visual programming, visualization of data and performance
Web Interfaces to HPF will be particularly useful initially in education -- programming laboratories on the Web
VRML is an interesting 3D datastructure

Table of Contents for full HTML of HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC

1 Status of "Classic" HPCC -- June1996
Futures-3: Web Technology for HPCC?

2 Abstract of HPCC Futures 3: Web Technology
3 Overall Principles of Computing on the Web
4 Web based HPCC at NPAC: URLs
5 Topics Illustrated in Computing on the Web
6 HPCC needs a large enough market to sustain technology (systems and software)
7 WebWork Summary for PCRC
8 Factorization on the Web
9 Factoring RSA Numbers and Security
10 A WebWork Approach to Breaking Bank of England
11 Web Virtual Machine and Server-Server Communication Model
12 Figure 1:Server-to-Server Communication Diagram
13 Hierarchical FAFNER Servers
14 Features of FAFNER Server Code
15 Features of CLIENT CODE
16 RSA130 Factorization is completed!
17 Digital Crime(!?) Home Page
18 Financial Modelling on Demand
19 Aspects of Financial World Motivating HPCC
20 Financial Application areas for which High-performance computing technologies are becoming indispensable
21 Path Integral Approach to Derivative Valuation
22 Parallel Maximum Entropy and optimization
23 Web-based System Integration -- Initial Server Implementation
24 Web-based System Integration -- Futures
25 Option Pricing
26 Option Pricing
27 Option Pricing
28 Option Pricing
29 Java as a GUI
30 Next Steps in Visual Programming for Chaining and Aggregating Services -- WebFlow!!
31 NCSA Biology Workbench
32 Main Window for Java Interface to Distributed Computing Environment
33 Screens Opened for Java Interface to Distributed Computing Environment
34 Data Window Opened for Java Interface to Distributed Computing Environment
35 Specification Screen Opened for Java Interface to Distributed Computing Environment
36 Subroutine Specification Screen Opened for Java Interface to Distributed Computing Environment
37 Java Interface for Performance Visualization
38 Performance Visualization of Sorting Algorithm
39 Kivanc Dincer's Java FrontEnd to Pablo - I
40 Kivanc Dincer's Java FrontEnd to Pablo - II
41 WebHPF and Other Full Programming Environments
42 PCRC Naturally Fits in with WebWork
43 NPAC HPF Compiler on the WWW -- Architectural Design
44 NPAC HPF Compiler on the WWW -- Architectural Design -- Contd
45 A World-Wide Virtual Machine design based on Web and PVM technologies
46 A WWVM based on Web and PVM Technologies
47 Architecture of NPAC HPF Compilation System on WWW
48 Syracuse HPF Compiler on the Web-- Input Page
49 Syracuse HPF Compiler on the Web-- Output Page
50 Web Technologies at NPAC: WebAMR Example
51 Interpreters versus Compilers -- I?
52 Interpreters versus Compilers -- Domain Specific Environments
53 Java and HPF Futures
54 VRML and HPF Futures
55 Some Remarks on HPJava

This table of Contents Abstract

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Foil 1 Status of "Classic" HPCC -- June1996
Futures-3: Web Technology for HPCC?

From HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Presented during Trip to China July 12-28,1996
Geoffrey Fox
Syracuse University
111 College Place
Syracuse NY 13244-4100

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Foil 2 Abstract of HPCC Futures 3: Web Technology

From HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
This describes Our Approach focussing on Integration of Information and Computing and concentrating on coarse grain functionality
WebFlow : Dataflow (AVS) using Web with databases and numbercrunching
MetaWeb : Metacomputing or rather cluster management using Web
RSA Factoring was our first succesful example
Financial Modelling will be an obviously important commercial application
Java plays a critical role in high level user interfaces for visual programming, visualization of data and performance
Web Interfaces to HPF will be particularly useful initially in education -- programming laboratories on the Web
VRML is an interesting 3D datastructure

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Foil 3 Overall Principles of Computing on the Web

From HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. * See also color IMAGE
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The Web Originated as an Information system but we can clearly use it as a base for distributed computing and as parallel computing is just a special case of this with low latency and tight synchronization, for parallel Computing as Well!
WebWork was our first Concept (with Boston University and Cooperating Systems) which concentrated on software engineering gotten by using information capabilities of Web linked to computing environments
DataFlow (for coarse grain software integration) and Embarassingly Parallel applications are natural first Web thrusts as not so sensitive to performance issues

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Foil 4 Web based HPCC at NPAC: URLs

From HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. * See also color IMAGE
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Overview ---
WebTools ---
RSA Factoring-by-Web --
Distance Education / Virtual University -- --
WebSpace/Labspace --
Web based Telemedicine --

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Foil 5 Topics Illustrated in Computing on the Web

From HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. * See also color IMAGE
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Embarassingly Parallel: Succesful RSA130 Factorization
Linkage of Databases with MPP's: Financial Modelling on Demand
Java GUI for Distributed Computing and Performance Visualization
Java as WebFlow -- AVS done with the Web and applied to Image Processing
HPF on the Web -- General Principles and use in Education as a web programming laboratory
Putting it together -- Java frontend to a domain specific problem solving environment -- WebAMR -- Adaptive Mesh Refinement
  • Planned WebVM/WebFlow application to support Grand Challenge PDE solvers. Includes static AMR trees specified by visual authoring and dynamic trees, implemented via interactive scripting modules.

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Foil 6 HPCC needs a large enough market to sustain technology (systems and software)

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This implies that we look at both Grand Challenges and National Challenges but we suggest this is not enough:
WebWork Builds HPCC technologies on a broad not niche base starting at bottom (Web,PC's)
not top (MPP's, Supercomputers) of computing pyramid

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Foil 7 WebWork Summary for PCRC

From HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. * See also color IMAGE
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WebWork is an open, world-wide distributed computing environment based on computationally extended Web Technologies
The backend computation and information infrastructure is provided by the World-Wide Virtual Machine -- a mesh of computationally extended Web Servers (called Compute Servers)
These servers manage (via CGI mechanisms) a collection of standardized computational units called WebWork Modules.
Geographically distributed and Web-published WebWork modules interact by HTTP/MIME based message/object passing and form distributed computing surfaces called Compute-Webs
The front-end user/client interfaces are provided by evolving Web browsers with increasing support for two-way interactivity (e.g. Java, VRML) that facilitates client side control and authoring.
A natural user-level metaphor -- WebFlow -- is supported in terms of visual interactive compute-web authoring tools.

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Foil 8 Factorization on the Web

From HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. * See also color IMAGE
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Collaboration with Arjen Lenstra and Boston/CSC. New NFS factoring algorithm successfully applied to RSA130 factoring on a tree of Web+CGI servers (FAFNER by Jim Cowie/CSC).
SC'95 Teraflop Challenge Award.
Next Challenge -- RSA155.

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Foil 9 Factoring RSA Numbers and Security

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RSA security systems based on numbers
  • RSAm = Prime1 * Prime2
  • A product of two large primes
  • RSAm has m decimal digits
  • RSA corporation recommends m>=200
Bank of England and English Savings and Loan based on m=155 (512 binary digits)
RSA129 cracked by factoring with email team using sophisticated version of Quadratic Sieve. RSA155 will use better Number Field Sieve
Need x2 = y2 mod(RSAm) as then gcd(x+y,RSAm) likely to be interesting factor
Find x and y by finding lots of interesting a's
  • a = product of small primes = b2 mod(RSAm)
Given these a's factored into primes, multiply together so powers of primes are even. This gves desired x
This last step requires graph theory and solution (for Bank of England) of 5 million linear equations

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Foil 10 A WebWork Approach to Breaking Bank of England

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RSA155 requires about 300 teraops hours to solve with NFS
RSA129 needed about an order of magnitude less time. Can be done today faster if use Number Field Sieve
We have roughly one to five million independent calculations which form the rows of matrix (after clever graph theory manipulates and combines)
Set of master servers publish problem to solved with suitable demos, description of algorithm and full marketing attention.
  • Clients download software, run tests and certify with test case.
  • Clients pick the set of a's they hope to do in a week
  • PC's pick the smaller numbers needing less memory and CPU power
  • Cray's pick the largest hardest numbers
Clients return results -- not so easy except by email and cut and paste
Best done as a set of cooperating servers where server performing factorization publishs it solution as a file on the WWW.
Cooperating servers also better for computer administrators as can control set of clients at a given site
Initially use humans but replace by agents when software ready

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Foil 11 Web Virtual Machine and Server-Server Communication Model

From HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. * Critical Information in IMAGE
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Proposed Architecture of WWVM

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Foil 12 Figure 1:Server-to-Server Communication Diagram

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Illustrates implementation of WebWork message passing in terms of
  • a): current Web technologies (HTTP/CGI), and
  • b) next generation multithreaded compute-servers
This diagram illustrates point-to-point communication between Web servers, used to implement a webflow channel between compute-web modules. Two extreme implementation modes are described: a) based on today's Web server technology, and b) based on thread memory mapped high performance implementation, expected in future Web compute-servers. Subsequent steps, represented by a sequence of labelled lines in the figure, are described below in both implementation modes.
a) Today's Web server mode: (1) -- M1 locks O1 on S1 disk. (2) -- M1 sends POST HTTP message to S2 with M2 URL in the header sector and with O1 URL in the body sector. (3) -- S2 activates M2 via CGI and passes O1 URL as a command-line argument. (4) -- M2 sends GET method to S1 with O1 URL in the header. (5) -- S1 fetches O1 from its document tree. (6) -- S1 sends the content of O1 to M2 which completes the GET exchange. (7) -- M2 saves O1 by overwriting current I2 on the S2 disk. If I2 is locked, M2 waits (blocks). (8) -- After O1 is saved on the S2 disk, M2 returns 'end-of-transfer' acknowledgment to M1 which completes the POST exchange. (9) -- M1 unlocks O1 and exists.
b) Compute-server (future Web server) mode: (1) - M1 locks its memory object O1. (2) - M1 checks if socket connection to M2 is in M1 connection table. If yes, go to (5) below. Otherwise, M1 connects to S2 and sends M2 creation script. (3) - S2 spawns M2 and acknowledges. (4) - M1 receives acknowledge message and saves new socket in connection table. (5) - M1 gets O1 handle. (6) - M1 writes O1 to M2 using socket lib calls. (7) - M2 reads O1 using socket lib calls. If I2 is free, O1 buffer is copied directly to I2 buffer. If I2 is locked, M2 creates O1 clone and blocks. (8) - M2 sends acknowledge to M1. (9) - M1 unlocks O1 and blocks.

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Foil 13 Hierarchical FAFNER Servers

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  • Fill out a form and click to check out
  • "Server in a Box" includes server code
  • and initial task allocation
  • Automatically refills from the original source
  • Configurable to meet local standards of decency:
  • selective availability of services
months of runtime, dozens of collaborators,
eight nations, four continents
hardware platforms from an i386 laptop to an IBM SP/2 (including HPs, Alphas, MIPS, Suns, SGI machines, RS6000s)
Most Heterogeneous and Geographically Dispersed Award, 3rd Annual HPC Challenge, Supercomputing '95.

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Foil 14 Features of FAFNER Server Code

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Implemented as Perl scripts, invoked via CGI
Hierarchy of cooperating World-Wide Web servers used for many functions in the collaboration:
  • sieving task distribution
  • email-to-HTTP gateway
  • user registration services (including anonymity)
  • computational status updates
  • solution data collection
  • automated archival services

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Foil 15 Features of CLIENT CODE

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General Number Field Sieve (GNFS)
  • legacy C code
  • uniprocessor (not network-aware)
  • internally fault-tolerant
GNFSD Wrapper Code
  • make a daemon out of GNFS
  • add knowledge of "task servers"
  • add external fault-tolerance to GNFS

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Foil 16 RSA130 Factorization is completed!

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Web Sieving started in September 1995.
On April 10, 1996, we found that
RSA-130 = 1807082088687404805951656164405905566278102516769401349170127021450056662540244048387341127590812303371781887966563182013214880557 has the following factorization: RSA-130 = 39685999459597454290161126162883786067576449112810064832555157243 * 45534498646735972188403686897274408864356301263205069600999044599

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Foil 17 Digital Crime(!?) Home Page

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Factoring on the Web Project

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Foil 18 Financial Modelling on Demand

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Can grab stock data from real-time services
Combine with historical data stored in databases (such as Oracle)
Use in Monte Carlo simulations of sophisticated financial instruments

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Foil 19 Aspects of Financial World Motivating HPCC

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Cooperative distributed (and parallel) computing will become mainstream in financial engineering due to a convergence of the following factors:
Increased volatility due to globalization of financial markets
Global distribution of data sources
Increase in complexity of derivatives and risk management vehicles
Increased demand for real-time asset allocation decision support
Increased volume of raw data and need to process large databases
Increased volume on the retail side of the spectrum in part due to on-line technologies (Internet and WWW)

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Foil 20 Financial Application areas for which High-performance computing technologies are becoming indispensable

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HPCC is becoming indispensable in the application domains such as:
  • Derivative Valuation -- particularly over-the-counter products and exotics
  • Portfolio optimization, valuation and asset allocation
  • Hedging of large portfolios in real time
  • Arbitrage trading
  • Risk analysis simulations
  • Pattern recognition
  • Detection of fraud
  • Credit risk analysis
  • Market segmentation
NPAC is engaged in development of new tools for quantitative financial modeling which take advantage of scalable computer architectures
The ultimate goal is to integrate various quantitative analysis transparently using Web technologies into a seamless cooperative computing environment, capable of supporting all aspects of enterprise-wide risk management.

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Foil 21 Path Integral Approach to Derivative Valuation

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We developed new algorithms for risk neutral valuation of derivative financial instruments
Theoretical prices of derivative instruments are obtained by discounting their expected payoffs under the equivalent martingale measure using money market interest rate.
The core algorithm is Path Integral Monte Carlo which used to generate arbitrary distributions of underlying risk factors (stocks, bonds, short interest rates, commodities, indices etc.)
The advantage of the new algorithm is that sensitivities of derivative prices with respect to changes in all model parameters are computed in a single simulation.
  • This is crucial for effective hedging.
Parallel version of the algorithm is written in C and MPI and relies on task parallelism and functional decomposition (could also use HPF)
Monte Carlo samples are generated on multiple processors in embarrassingly parallel fashion

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Foil 22 Parallel Maximum Entropy and optimization

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Pricing modules can either run in lock-step with the Monte Carlo module which generates histories of risk factors or asynchronously perform valuation functions on the histories which are broadcast as they are generated by the Monte Carlo module
We are linking this flexible algorithm with a novel scheme based on Maximum Entropy method which generates implied probability distributions from reported option prices.
The implied distributions can be used within the Path Integral Monte Carlo module to price exotic contracts consistently with exchange-traded contracts and they can also be used to search for arbitrage opportunities
Estimation of implied distributions requires large scale global optimizers.
We are developing two parallel stochastic optimizers based on mean field approximation (Laplace formula) and Langevin equation

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Foil 23 Web-based System Integration -- Initial Server Implementation

From HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. * See also color IMAGE
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Derivative valuation functions are integrated using Web technologies into a service which can be accessed from any platform which supports a graphical browser
Using a combination of HTML forms or Java front-end, CGI mechanism, Perl scripts and modules written in C and MPI, which are executed on multiple NPAC RS 6000 and Sun workstations and the SP-2, the user can:
  • retrieve historical data from flat files
  • perform statistical analysis
  • display charts and histograms of historical data
  • estimate parameters of the underlying stochastic processes
  • enter own estimates of model parameters
  • perform simulations
  • display charts and plots of option prices and their sensitivities as functions of time, underlying stock price or option contract excercise (strike) price

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Foil 24 Web-based System Integration -- Futures

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In the next stage, flat files will be replaced with a parallel Oracle server
Ultimately, the graphical user interface will be supplemented with an agent-based middleware layer, implemented in Java, where derivative pricing and risk management services will be requested and dispatched to the parallel Monte Carlo engine and returned to the client using an EDI-like protocol encapsulated within the KQML envelope.
This will be a prototype of the new service economy that will flourish on the Web.

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Foil 25 Option Pricing

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Foil 26 Option Pricing

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Foil 27 Option Pricing

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Foil 28 Option Pricing

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Foil 29 Java as a GUI

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We can exploit the convenience of Java to build sophisticated user interfaces
Further if computing (such as HPF programs) is linked in real-time to the web, we can get a rich window into execution using Web to process and display information produced by the programs
  • This is illustrated by our Java interface to Pablo (Illinois Performance Visualization)

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Foil 30 Next Steps in Visual Programming for Chaining and Aggregating Services -- WebFlow!!

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New powerful Web'96 technologies from Netscape, JavaSoft, Oracle, NeXT etc. will result in a new generation of interactive services
A natural next step is to start Chaining (Integrating) such services to a distributed PSE by providing a server to server communication and dataflow support
However Web'96 becomes also increasingly complex with its competing and overlapping multi-lingual standards
  • HTML, CGI, Perl, Java, JavaScript, LiveWire, VRML, VRMLScript
Visual Programming for a multi-server Web (We call it WebVM) based dataflow (we call it WebFlow) is a natural next generation user-friendly programming environment
We view the area of distributed Web based computing for PSE as a promising niche for NPAC and academic R and D where we expect industry to continue their focus on client-server aspects of the Web where near term profits can be made

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Foil 31 NCSA Biology Workbench

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An example of Web-based Computing
It lets researchers author tools and leave them on the machine of choice on the web
It allows multiple data bases to intercommunicate with each other and the functional operators that the software tools represent and to make a web browser the window into this system.

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Foil 32 Main Window for Java Interface to Distributed Computing Environment

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From Gregor von Laszewski

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Foil 33 Screens Opened for Java Interface to Distributed Computing Environment

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From Gregor von Laszewski

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Foil 34 Data Window Opened for Java Interface to Distributed Computing Environment

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From Gregor von Laszewski

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Foil 35 Specification Screen Opened for Java Interface to Distributed Computing Environment

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From Gregor von Laszewski

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Foil 36 Subroutine Specification Screen Opened for Java Interface to Distributed Computing Environment

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From Gregor von Laszewski

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Foil 37 Java Interface for Performance Visualization

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Full HTML Index -- see foil 105
Java provides a convenient way to build flexible graphics interfaces
The screendump shows the message passing traffic and status of (36) parallel nodes used in a sorting algorithm
In the example, the 36 threads are running the explicit algorithm on the client
Alternatively and more generally, the threads are replaying a trace of the program which is or was running on a separate set of nodes
If one uses Web Servers to control master parallel computation or more generally integrates Web into computing, these Web servers can naturally feed event traces into Java based display
  • These traces can be real-time or batch

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Foil 38 Performance Visualization of Sorting Algorithm

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From Kemal Ispirli with 36 threads running client-side
Colors represent node status and links message-passing

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Foil 39 Kivanc Dincer's Java FrontEnd to Pablo - I

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Foil 40 Kivanc Dincer's Java FrontEnd to Pablo - II

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Foil 41 WebHPF and Other Full Programming Environments

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Web front-end to HPF compiler and PVM-based distributed runtime.
Supports CASE tools for program development, process management and performance monitoring.
We have illustrated Java Pablo and Distributed Computing Interfaces already
This will be initially deployed as a Programming Lab Interface for Web Courses

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Foil 42 PCRC Naturally Fits in with WebWork

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PCRC embodies the Parallel Computing Synchronization and collective parallel algorithms and runtime that will enable efficient Web-based computing
Replace user interface of HPF or HPC++ with the Web(work) and use pervasive Web Technologies in infrastructure (World Wide Virtual Machine -- WWVM)

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Foil 43 NPAC HPF Compiler on the WWW -- Architectural Design

From HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
The compilation system is accessed through a Web Browser. The HPF program and requests are POSTed to the HTTP Server using HTTP Protocol.
HTTP Server analyzes the incoming request and activates the HPF Service Master which is a CGI module.
HPF Service Master starts the Compile module which translates a given HPF program into Fortran 77 with message passing calls (i.e.MPI), and produces an object file using a node compiler.

HELP! * YELLOW=global GREY=local HTML version of GLOBAL Foils prepared July 6 1996

Foil 44 NPAC HPF Compiler on the WWW -- Architectural Design -- Contd

From HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Link module links the generated object code with Common Runtime Support (CRS) and MPI libraries.
Run module forks copies of the executable code on the nodes of a workstation cluster.
After the request has been satisfied, HPF Service Master puts the results into HTML format and sends back to the HTTP Server.
HTTP Server sends the results to the Web Browser via the HTTP Protocol.

HELP! * YELLOW=global GREY=local HTML version of GLOBAL Foils prepared July 6 1996

Foil 45 A World-Wide Virtual Machine design based on Web and PVM technologies

From HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
The WWVM is accessed through a Web Browser and requests are sent to the server through HTTP Protocol.
HTTP Server starts a service master which translates given HPF program to F90 with message passing calls and starts-up other client servers.
HTTP Servers at the client side get the requests through the HTTP protocol connection, and activates a Interpreter CGI module.
Interpreter makes calls to the Runtime Support and Communication Server that sends and receives messages using PVM daemons.

HELP! * YELLOW=global GREY=local HTML version of GLOBAL Foils prepared July 6 1996

Foil 46 A WWVM based on Web and PVM Technologies

From HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. * Critical Information in IMAGE
Full HTML Index

HELP! * YELLOW=global GREY=local HTML version of GLOBAL Foils prepared July 6 1996

Foil 47 Architecture of NPAC HPF Compilation System on WWW

From HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. * Critical Information in IMAGE
Full HTML Index

HELP! * YELLOW=global GREY=local HTML version of GLOBAL Foils prepared July 6 1996

Foil 48 Syracuse HPF Compiler on the Web-- Input Page

From HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. * Critical Information in IMAGE
Full HTML Index
From Kivanc Dincer

HELP! * YELLOW=global GREY=local HTML version of GLOBAL Foils prepared July 6 1996

Foil 49 Syracuse HPF Compiler on the Web-- Output Page

From HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. * Critical Information in IMAGE
Full HTML Index
From Kivanc Dincer

HELP! * YELLOW=global GREY=local HTML version of GLOBAL Foils prepared July 6 1996

Foil 50 Web Technologies at NPAC: WebAMR Example

From HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
We illustrate here how the individual component technologies cooperate in a complete application, WebAMR (Adaptive Mesh Refinement)
A mesh of computationally extended Web servers, connected via HTTP based message passing, acts as WebVM that runs PDE solver modules for individual grids
In a simple static AMR topology (WebWork model), a tree of refined meshes is constructed by the user via the AVS like visual programming tools (WebFlow)
Dynamic AMR trees require interpreted programming support -- a pilot "little language" design towards WebHPL
WebAMR applications can be configured and run on heterogeneous clusters, including any WebWindows compliant platform
Example of WebTop System in this domain in a set of WebVM/WebFlow modules, packaged and customized as a PDE Toolkit for a given Grand Challenge community.

HELP! * YELLOW=global GREY=local HTML version of GLOBAL Foils prepared July 6 1996

Foil 51 Interpreters versus Compilers -- I?

From HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
We need to use compilers on tightly coupled systems such as MPP's (shared and distributed memory)
But for metacomputing, the hardware intrinsically has latencies that suggests increased flexibility of interpreters is more appropriate
  • This implies a hybrid compiler-interpreter environment
Maybe frontends should be built with interpreters such as object-oriented PERL5 so easier to link with Web.
Note that interpreted environment will have best software engineering support and so suggestion is -- taking SP2 as example:
  • debug on SP2 set up with compute-enhanced Web Server on each node with say MPI running on top of HTTP message passing protocol
  • execute debugged code on conventional SP2 with high performance compiled environment

HELP! * YELLOW=global GREY=local HTML version of GLOBAL Foils prepared July 6 1996

Foil 52 Interpreters versus Compilers -- Domain Specific Environments

From HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
This implies that we should allow hybrid model not just for task (interpreted) versus data parallelism(compiled)
  • Rather should support full data parallelism in interpreter
  • NPAC demonstrated a protype HPF interprter at SC93
Current Web Interpreters include Java TCL and PERL(5) which are optimized for different application domains
  • For instance PERL is optimized for documents/files and Java for browsers
This leads to WebScript Concept of interoperable interpreters optimized for different domains
  • WebHPL (High Performance Language) is then script optimized for computing which links compiled HPL modules on tightly coupled MPP's
  • This naturally suggests that we can link domain specific systems (e.g. partial differential equation toolkit) to HPF future and WebHPL

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Foil 53 Java and HPF Futures

From HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Java is a C++ subset which interestingly does not have pointers as these are unsafe in necessary secure metacomputing environment.
Thus Java has removed the part of C++ which is hardest to parallelize
Java may not "survive" but if it doesnt something better will! Thus it makes sense to study and experiment with it
Natural first step is to use Java to build the interpreted "shell" which we called HPFCL for HPF coordination Language.
  • This is task parallel script linking HPF modules
Java is partially compiled as you take basic Java high-level code and compile down to a universal Java machine language. This is very similar to concepts in ANDF (Architecture Neutral Distribution Format) but with a different goal
  • Java's model supports universal heterogenous clients linked together in metacomputing

HELP! * YELLOW=global GREY=local HTML version of GLOBAL Foils prepared July 6 1996

Foil 54 VRML and HPF Futures

From HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
VRML -- Virtual Reality Model Language -- is an object oriented database built as a subset of the SGI Inventor System
VRML can be considered as another script optimized for graphics but not many interesting processing (compute) capabilities are in current standard
VRML can be considered as an example of a universal data structure allowing exchange of 3D objects over the Web.
  • These objects could either be tanks in a videogame or parts of an aircraft used in large scale simulation
Thus useful to consider data parallel VRML and building CC++ or HPF(Fortran90) modules to support VRML
HPCC community should join with the Web to ensure that standards such as VRML can be implemented efficiently either in parallel (maybe a niche) but also in a distributed network (similar issues where HPCC can contribute and clearly very important)

HELP! * YELLOW=global GREY=local HTML version of GLOBAL Foils prepared July 6 1996

Foil 55 Some Remarks on HPJava

From HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC Trip to China -- July 12-28,96. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Features of the Java language and runtime
  • Secure, architecture neutral, Object Oriented but simpler than C++
  • runtime modules dynamically downloadable with applet mechanism and portable opcodes (from PC, Mac, to Workstation)
Can build on existing work on HPF HPC++ -- especially latter
Two basic types of opportunities:
  • Build a modest performance totally portable runtime in Java
  • Use current PCRC runtime as native classes for a (data-parallel) Java
  • What is minimum set of PCRC routines which MUST be native(C)?
Applet mechanism naturally incorporates task parallelism -- need to add "channel" class (as in Fortran-M, CC++) to augment "thread" and "socket" classes
  • Need to implement Java runtime in Nexus or similar distributed thread package -- again native Java would be portable but lowish performance
Java can be used both on Server and Client side as expect soon good Java based clients and servers
See the E language
or my class notes or

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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