This describes Our Approach focussing on Integration of Information and Computing and concentrating on coarse grain functionality |
WebFlow : Dataflow (AVS) using Web with databases and numbercrunching |
MetaWeb : Metacomputing or rather cluster management using Web |
RSA Factoring was our first succesful example |
Financial Modelling will be an obviously important commercial application |
Java plays a critical role in high level user interfaces for visual programming, visualization of data and performance |
Web Interfaces to HPF will be particularly useful initially in education -- programming laboratories on the Web |
VRML is an interesting 3D datastructure |
GeneralResearchB96 General Collection of Research Foils -- July--December 1996 GeneralResFoils96 Miscellaneous Presentation Material used in 1996 CRPCAnnualMeetingMay96General Collection of Foils for CRPC Annual Meeting HPCS95master Master Foilset for HPCS95 Keynote Presentation CRPCWebWindows CRPC Annual Meeting WebWindows Presentation Webworkaddons Additional Material for Web Technology Presentations July 95 -- March 96 MillsScreenDumps Kim Mills Collection of GIF Images for NPAC Projects 96- NPACScreenDumps96 Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects April96- NPACAddons Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995-March96 SC95TutorialMaster Supercomputing 95 Tutorial on Web Technologies for Education Master Presentation HPFFuturesmaster Master Foilset for The Future of HPF -- MetaComputing and the World Wide Web
GeneralResearchB96 015 001 Status of "Classic" HPCC -- June1996 Futures-3: Web Technology for HPCC? GeneralResearchB96 016 002 Abstract of HPCC Futures 3: Web Technology GeneralResFoils96 064 003 Overall Principles of Computing on the Web CRPCAnnualMeetingMay96 080 004 Web based HPCC at NPAC: URLs GeneralResFoils96 065 005 Topics Illustrated in Computing on the Web HPCS95master 034 006 HPCC needs a large enough market to sustain technology (systems and software) HPCS95master 037 007 WebWork Summary for PCRC
GeneralResFoils96 066 008 Factorization on the Web CRPCWebWindows 019 009 Factoring RSA Numbers and Security CRPCWebWindows 020 010 A WebWork Approach to Breaking Bank of England CRPCAnnualMeetingMay96 042 011 Web Virtual Machine and Server-Server Communication Model Webworkaddons 002 012 Figure 1:Server-to-Server Communication Diagram CRPCAnnualMeetingMay96 043 013 Hierarchical FAFNER Servers CRPCAnnualMeetingMay96 044 014 Features of FAFNER Server Code CRPCAnnualMeetingMay96 045 015 Features of CLIENT CODE CRPCAnnualMeetingMay96 048 016 RSA130 Factorization is completed! Webworkaddons 087 017 Digital Crime(!?) Home Page
GeneralResFoils96 067 018 Financial Modelling on Demand CRPCAnnualMeetingMay96 007 019 Aspects of Financial World Motivating HPCC CRPCAnnualMeetingMay96 008 020 Financial Application areas for which High-performance computing technologies are becoming indispensable CRPCAnnualMeetingMay96 009 021 Path Integral Approach to Derivative Valuation CRPCAnnualMeetingMay96 010 022 Parallel Maximum Entropy and optimization CRPCAnnualMeetingMay96 011 023 Web-based System Integration -- Initial Server Implementation CRPCAnnualMeetingMay96 012 024 Web-based System Integration -- Futures MillsScreenDumps 020 025 Option Pricing MillsScreenDumps 021 026 Option Pricing MillsScreenDumps 023 027 Option Pricing MillsScreenDumps 025 028 Option Pricing
GeneralResFoils96 068 029 Java as a GUI CRPCAnnualMeetingMay96 079 030 Next Steps in Visual Programming for Chaining and Aggregating Services -- WebFlow!!
NPACScreenDumps96 067 031 NCSA Biology Workbench
NPACScreenDumps96 035 032 Main Window for Java Interface to Distributed Computing Environment NPACScreenDumps96 036 033 Screens Opened for Java Interface to Distributed Computing Environment NPACScreenDumps96 037 034 Data Window Opened for Java Interface to Distributed Computing Environment NPACScreenDumps96 038 035 Specification Screen Opened for Java Interface to Distributed Computing Environment NPACScreenDumps96 039 036 Subroutine Specification Screen Opened for Java Interface to Distributed Computing Environment
GeneralResFoils96 007 037 Java Interface for Performance Visualization NPACAddons 105 038 Performance Visualization of Sorting Algorithm NPACScreenDumps96 064 039 Kivanc Dincer's Java FrontEnd to Pablo - I NPACScreenDumps96 065 040 Kivanc Dincer's Java FrontEnd to Pablo - II
GeneralResFoils96 070 041 WebHPF and Other Full Programming Environments HPCS95master 036 042 PCRC Naturally Fits in with WebWork SC95TutorialMaster 018 043 NPAC HPF Compiler on the WWW -- Architectural Design SC95TutorialMaster 019 044 NPAC HPF Compiler on the WWW -- Architectural Design -- Contd SC95TutorialMaster 020 045 A World-Wide Virtual Machine design based on Web and PVM technologies SC95TutorialMaster 021 046 A WWVM based on Web and PVM Technologies SC95TutorialMaster 022 047 Architecture of NPAC HPF Compilation System on WWW NPACAddons 110 048 Syracuse HPF Compiler on the Web-- Input Page NPACAddons 111 049 Syracuse HPF Compiler on the Web-- Output Page CRPCAnnualMeetingMay96 070 050 Web Technologies at NPAC: WebAMR Example HPFFuturesmaster 004 051 Interpreters versus Compilers -- I? HPFFuturesmaster 005 052 Interpreters versus Compilers -- Domain Specific Environments HPFFuturesmaster 006 053 Java and HPF Futures HPFFuturesmaster 007 054 VRML and HPF Futures GeneralResFoils96 018 055 Some Remarks on HPJava
GeneralResearchB96 General Collection of Research Foils -- July--December 199615 16
GeneralResFoils96 Miscellaneous Presentation Material used in 199664 65 66 67 68 7 70 18
CRPCAnnualMeetingMay96General Collection of Foils for CRPC Annual Meeting80 42 43 44 45 48 7 8 9 10 11 12 79 70
HPCS95master Master Foilset for HPCS95 Keynote Presentation34 37 36
CRPCWebWindows CRPC Annual Meeting WebWindows Presentation19 20
Webworkaddons Additional Material for Web Technology Presentations July 95 -- March 962 87
MillsScreenDumps Kim Mills Collection of GIF Images for NPAC Projects 96-20 21 23 25
NPACScreenDumps96 Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects April96-67 35 36 37 38 39 64 65
NPACAddons Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995-March96105 110 111
SC95TutorialMaster Supercomputing 95 Tutorial on Web Technologies for Education Master Presentation18 19 20 21 22
HPFFuturesmaster Master Foilset for The Future of HPF -- MetaComputing and the World Wide Web4 5 6 7
GeneralResearchB96 General Collection of Research Foils -- July--December 199615 16
GeneralResFoils96 Miscellaneous Presentation Material used in 19967 18 64 65 66 67 68 70
CRPCAnnualMeetingMay96General Collection of Foils for CRPC Annual Meeting7 8 9 10 11 12 42 43 44 45 48 70 79 80
HPCS95master Master Foilset for HPCS95 Keynote Presentation34 36 37
CRPCWebWindows CRPC Annual Meeting WebWindows Presentation19 20
Webworkaddons Additional Material for Web Technology Presentations July 95 -- March 962 87
MillsScreenDumps Kim Mills Collection of GIF Images for NPAC Projects 96-20 21 23 25
NPACScreenDumps96 Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects April96-35 36 37 38 39 64 65 67
NPACAddons Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995-March96105 110 111
SC95TutorialMaster Supercomputing 95 Tutorial on Web Technologies for Education Master Presentation18 19 20 21 22
HPFFuturesmaster Master Foilset for The Future of HPF -- MetaComputing and the World Wide Web4 5 6 7