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Foil 57 What will National Information Infrastructure give us?

From HPCS95 Keynote Presentation: HPC at the Crossroads Academic Niche or Economic Development Cornucopia HPCS95 Symposium -- July 10-12 Montreal Canada. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

"Every" Business Office, Every doctor's Office, "Every" school desk, "Every" home(potential patient) (approximately any home on cable) will have a two-way high speed link to the NII
  • about 10 Megabits/second compared to
  • about 10 Kilobits/second for a modem (14.4 kbit/sec)
What does this factor of 1000 increase in performance do for the home?
  • TV + Settop Unit becomes Computer (analog) (interactive digital)
  • Modem & home PC supporting text interfaces becomes interactive full (VHS Þ HDTV resolution) video receiving unit
  • Interactive implies that you can choose what you want when you want it.
These consumer developments will drive MPP use
  • consumer products drives better high end business and research user level products e.g., cheap Virtual Reality Interfaces
  • MPP's are information servers for consumers, business, research

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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