HELP! * GREEN=global GREY=local Global HTML version of Foils prepared July 9,1995

Foil 109 WebWork Integration Model

From HPCS95 Keynote Presentation: HPC at the Crossroads Academic Niche or Economic Development Cornucopia HPCS95 Symposium -- July 10-12 Montreal Canada. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

WebWork Interpolates and Integrates pervasive Web HPCC and (nonHPCC) commercial software as in following table comparing computing concepts in three "worlds"; HPCC -- Commercial mainstream -- Web
Current Web model needs computational extensions for banking/financial applications, manufacturing, interactice shopping/videogames etc
HPCC can provide Web both parallel computing programming models, libraries and language/runtime concepts which coordinate components of distributed or parallel system
HPCC needs the Web (or equivalent) to give it viable distributed computing and software engineering base
The Web interpolates between "flaky" research software and solid but closed corporate solution. Clear trend away from proprietary towards open software models.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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