What is status of High Performance Computing and Communications ?
The current U.S. Federal HPCC Program and particular work at NPAC on industrial implications
InfoVision (Information,Video, Simulation, Imagery, on demand) and MPP's as WebServers
Lessons from a meeting at Pasadena, January 1995. HPCC does not clearly make business sense. Need expand user(application) and technology base
HPCS95master Master Foilset for HPCS95 Keynote Presentation InfoMall95 Overview of InfoMall -- A Virtual Corporation for HPCC Systems and Software crpcappls Overview Foils for Parallel Applications and software Talk NPACAddons Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995-March96 Ida2 Dual Issues and a discussion of HPCC Defense Applications Leskiw-ChinaJune95-1 Overview foils of Status of HPCC with NPAC Bias Pasadena2 Conclusions of Working Group 2 at Second Pasadena Workshop on System Software and Tools for HPCC CompSciMay95 Overview foils for Computational Science Overview at Illinois -- May 1995 NIIkids Implications of NII for Kids in Schools and Home Infovision95 InfoVISION: Information Video Simulation Imagery ON demand Screendumps of Living Textbook web pagesScreendumps of Living Textbook web pages Screendumps of Kidsweb Screendumps of kidsweb web pages Phy105 Pictures of Web Pages for Modules of Phy105/106 CRPCWebWindows CRPC Annual Meeting WebWindows Presentation NPACDBover Overview foils for NPAC Database Activity including Web March 1995 Webworkaddons Additional Material for Web Technology Presentations July 95 -- March 96
HPCS95master 001 001 HPC at the Crossroads Academic Niche or Economic Development Cornucopia HPCS95master 002 002 Abstract of HPC(C) at the Crossroads HPCS95master 003 003 Superficial Observations on High Performance Computing-I HPCS95master 004 004 Superficial Observations on High Performance Computing-II HPCS95master 005 005 Superficial Observations on High Performance Communication HPCS95master 006 006 Some Implications of HPCC Observations HPCS95master 007 007 Current Status of HPCC Applications, Hardware and Software
InfoMall95 004 008 Advances in Parallel Computer and High Speed Network (HPCC) Technology InfoMall95 008 009 Some Hardware/Software Trends over next 5 years crpcappls 002 010 What is Status of HPCC Applications? crpcappls 003 011 Two Major Parallel Programming Paradigms
InfoMall95 007 012 When will Parallel Computing Take Over ? HPCS95master 008 013 However we need more than fast enough machines We also need a large enough market to sustain technology (systems and software) InfoMall95 009 014 The Federal High Performance Computing and Communication Initiative (HPCCI) HPCS95master 009 015 A Survey of New York State Industrial Opportunities for HPCC was very influential for me and my group(NPAC) InfoMall95 015 016 New York State Economic Development Program InfoMall95 025 017 Categories of Industrial and Government Applications of HPCC (with reference to academic applications) InfoMall95 026 018 Tables of Industrial HPCC Applications 1 to 4:SIMULATION HPCS95master 010 019 The 33 Application areas were studied in detail: Simulation (Roughly the Grand Challenges) HPCS95master 011 020 The 33 Application areas were studied in detail: Information Analysis -- DataMining HPCS95master 012 021 The 33 Application areas were studied in detail: InfoVision: Information, Video, Imagery and Simulation on Demand NPACAddons 007 022 Visit of Hillary Clinton to Syracuse University April 5,1994 -- Tornado Simulation HPCS95master 013 023 The 33 Application areas were studied in detail: Information Integration combining Simulation, Analysis and InfoVision
HPCS95master 014 024 Some detailed Analysis of Opportunities for HPCC in the Science and Engineering Simulation Arena Ida2 005 025 An Example to Illustrate Importance of Dual-Use Philosophy Ida2 006 026 Opportunities for HPCC in the Science and Engineering Simulation Arena Ida2 007 027 Some Simulation Areas which will be Difficult to exploit in near term Ida2 008 028 Suprisingly Difficult and Suprisingly Promising Areas for HPCC in Simulation Ida2 009 029 Why is it hard to use HPCC in Manufacturing-I? Ida2 010 030 Why is it hard to use HPCC in Manufacturing-II? HPCS95master 042 031 ASOP and Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design(MAD)
HPCS95master 015 032 From the Grand(Simulation) Challenges to the National (information) Challenges InfoMall95 014 033 Characteristics of Grand Challenges Leskiw-ChinaJune95-1 032 034 The Blue Book Covers Leskiw-ChinaJune95-1 030 035 The Blue Books Supplements to the President's Fiscal Year Budget Leskiw-ChinaJune95-1 052 036 Grand Challenge Applications Leskiw-ChinaJune95-1 096 037 National Challenge Applications
Pasadena2 001 038 Second Pasadena Workshop: Working Group 2 - Characteristics of Scientific and Engineering Applications. Pasadena2 006 039 Initial Summary of Technical Points Pasadena2 009 040 Another Non Technical Issue -- What is the Community ? Pasadena2 010 041 Initial Vignettes Identified Pasadena2 011 042 Action Items: 1) Support viable base enterprise model with platform independent standards scaling from workstations to MPPs with tools using these standards
HPCS95master 016 043 Need to Educate People to take advantage of HPCC technologies InfoMall95 005 044 Educational and (Re)training Challenges CompSciMay95 003 045 What is Computational Science? CompSciMay95 005 046 Program in Computational Science Implemented within current academic framework CompSciMay95 028 047 Program in Information Age Computational Science Implemented Within Current Academic Program NIIkids 012 048 Some of the Jobs that will Need NII(Internet, World Wide Web) Skills CompSciMay95 032 049 What we taught this Spring CPS600 -- "Technologies for Webwindows" -- The next generation (meta)Computing and Communications Environment CompSciMay95 033 050 Master's Degree in Multimedia Studies Leskiw-ChinaJune95-1 005 051 NPAC Collaborators: Internal, Syracuse University
HPCS95master 017 052 WebServers and InfoVision as an example of Opportunity for MPP's on the NII Infovision95 005 053 Integration of Industry Sectors forming the NII Infovision95 004 054 The Standard Scenario for HPCC and NII Infovision95 007 055 NII Compute & Communications Capability in Year 2000 --> 2005 Infovision95 008 056 Ultimate Vision and Implementation of NII and InfoVision Infovision95 009 057 What will National Information Infrastructure give us? Infovision95 012 058 The InfoVision Scenario: INFOrmation Video Imagery and Simulation ON demand -- Home clients and High Performance Multimedia Servers Infovision95 016 059 What is a Web or HPMMCC Network Server ? Infovision95 018 060 A Typical Hierarchical Server Network Infovision95 025 061 Comments on Storage of Movies on HPCC WebServers NPACAddons 005 062 Visit of Hillary Clinton to Syracuse University April 5,1994 -- Mrs Clinton and Fox NPACAddons 006 063 Visit of Hillary Clinton to Syracuse University April 5,1994 -- Medical Demonstration
HPCS95master 018 064 The Virtual University and Other Opportunities to use HPCC in Education HPCS95master 019 065 Some Virtual University Projects with which NPAC is Collaborating NIIkids 014 066 Overview of the Living Textbook Project NIIkids 015 067 The Living Textbook Project Partners
Screendumps of Living Textbook web pages 003 068 New York State Interactive Journey Page and clickable map of downtown Syracuse Screendumps of Living Textbook web pages 007 069 Discovery Channel project NIIkids 018 070 Curricula Opportunities Opened Up by the World Wide Web
Screendumps of Kidsweb 002 071 Kidsweb Home Page and Table of Contents for Arts, Science Screendumps of Kidsweb 007 072 Astronomy and Space content - Combined picture of Jupiter with Comet Shoemaker-Levy9 fragments
Phy105 002 073 Phy105/106 Home Page - Science for the 21st Century Phy105 003 074 Home Page for SETI - Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Phy105 008 075 Biology section - what is life? - table of contents Phy105 009 076 Home Page for Mind and Machine Module Phy105 013 077 Encoder neural network tutorial and simulation page
NPACAddons 002 078 Fiber Link Across the Globe FLAG -- Topology
HPCS95master 020 079 The World Wide WebWindows and our contributions -- WebWork CRPCWebWindows 016 080 The Hyperworld of New Interactive Media NPACDBover 002 081 Four Related Information Infrastructure Thrusts at NPAC NPACDBover 003 082 What is WebWindows ? NPACDBover 004 083 Current Components of WebWindows NPACDBover 005 084 Future Components of WebWindows CRPCWebWindows 020 085 A WebWork Approach to Breaking Bank of England CRPCWebWindows 021 086 WebHPL: HPCC Infrastructure for WebWindows HPCS95master 022 087 What Is WebWork -- NPAC, Boston University, Cooperating Systems Collaboration -- I? HPCS95master 023 088 What Is WebWork -- NPAC, Boston University Cooperating Systems Collaboration -- II? HPCS95master 024 089 Some Key Features of WebWork HPCS95master 025 090 WebWork Architecture Webworkaddons 003 091 Figure 2: WebWork -- System Overview with Three Layers HPCS95master 026 092 NPAC WebTools-I (Basic WebWindows Functionality) HPCS95master 027 093 NPAC WebTools-II HPCS95master 028 094 Web Productivity Tools and Virtual Software Laboratory (VSL) Webworkaddons 004 095 Figure 3: WebTools CASE tools sample manual page Including hyper-source code Webworkaddons 005 096 Figure 4:Java documentation sample page Webworkaddons 006 097 Figure 5:Java class/metrics/applets manager (NPAC Internal Project) HPCS95master 029 098 World-Wide Virtual Machine Webworkaddons 002 099 Figure 1:Server-to-Server Communication Diagram HPCS95master 030 100 WebFlow Paradigm Webworkaddons 007 101 Figure 6:Impressive early Java demo (fromBrown Univ.) -- sorting algorithms Webworkaddons 008 102 Figure 7: Java demo (NPAC) -- WebFlow Editor prototype HPCS95master 031 103 Software Project Manager -- Example of Agent Middleware Webworkaddons 009 104 Figure 8: Java demo (NPAC) -- WebFlow application prototype: Project Manager HPCS95master 032 105 General WebScript and Agents Webworkaddons 010 106 Figure 9: Example of use of VRML -- Black Hole Collision Diagram (NCSA) Webworkaddons 011 107 Figure 10: VRML source code example Webworkaddons 012 108 Figure 11: Java source code example HPCS95master 033 109 WebWork Integration Model Webworkaddons 013 110 Contrast of Technologies in 3 Worlds HPCS95master 038 111 WebWork Terms and Concepts -- I HPCS95master 039 112 WebWork Terms and Concepts -- II HPCS95master 040 113 WebWork Terms and Concepts -- III HPCS95master 041 114 WebWork Terms and Concepts -- IV
HPCS95master Master Foilset for HPCS95 Keynote Presentation1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 42 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 38 39 40 41
InfoMall95 Overview of InfoMall -- A Virtual Corporation for HPCC Systems and Software4 8 7 9 15 25 26 14 5
crpcappls Overview Foils for Parallel Applications and software Talk2 3
NPACAddons Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995-March967 5 6 2
Ida2 Dual Issues and a discussion of HPCC Defense Applications5 6 7 8 9 10
Leskiw-ChinaJune95-1 Overview foils of Status of HPCC with NPAC Bias32 30 52 96 5
Pasadena2 Conclusions of Working Group 2 at Second Pasadena Workshop on System Software and Tools for HPCC1 6 9 10 11
CompSciMay95 Overview foils for Computational Science Overview at Illinois -- May 19953 5 28 32 33
NIIkids Implications of NII for Kids in Schools and Home12 14 15 18
Infovision95 InfoVISION: Information Video Simulation Imagery ON demand5 4 7 8 9 12 16 18 25
Screendumps of Living Textbook web pagesScreendumps of Living Textbook web pages3 7
Screendumps of Kidsweb Screendumps of kidsweb web pages2 7
Phy105 Pictures of Web Pages for Modules of Phy105/1062 3 8 9 13
CRPCWebWindows CRPC Annual Meeting WebWindows Presentation16 20 21
NPACDBover Overview foils for NPAC Database Activity including Web March 19952 3 4 5
Webworkaddons Additional Material for Web Technology Presentations July 95 -- March 963 4 5 6 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
HPCS95master Master Foilset for HPCS95 Keynote Presentation1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 38 39 40 41 42
InfoMall95 Overview of InfoMall -- A Virtual Corporation for HPCC Systems and Software4 5 7 8 9 14 15 25 26
crpcappls Overview Foils for Parallel Applications and software Talk2 3
NPACAddons Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995-March962 5 6 7
Ida2 Dual Issues and a discussion of HPCC Defense Applications5 6 7 8 9 10
Leskiw-ChinaJune95-1 Overview foils of Status of HPCC with NPAC Bias5 30 32 52 96
Pasadena2 Conclusions of Working Group 2 at Second Pasadena Workshop on System Software and Tools for HPCC1 6 9 10 11
CompSciMay95 Overview foils for Computational Science Overview at Illinois -- May 19953 5 28 32 33
NIIkids Implications of NII for Kids in Schools and Home12 14 15 18
Infovision95 InfoVISION: Information Video Simulation Imagery ON demand4 5 7 8 9 12 16 18 25
Screendumps of Living Textbook web pagesScreendumps of Living Textbook web pages3 7
Screendumps of Kidsweb Screendumps of kidsweb web pages2 7
Phy105 Pictures of Web Pages for Modules of Phy105/1062 3 8 9 13
CRPCWebWindows CRPC Annual Meeting WebWindows Presentation16 20 21
NPACDBover Overview foils for NPAC Database Activity including Web March 19952 3 4 5
Webworkaddons Additional Material for Web Technology Presentations July 95 -- March 962 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13