HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared July 9,1995

Foil 5 Superficial Observations on High Performance Communication

From Master Foilset for HPC at the Crossroads Keynote HPCS95 Symposium -- July 10-12 Montreal Canada. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE
Secs 86
ATM ISDN Wireless Satellite advancing rapidly in commercial arena which is adopting research rapidly
Social forces (deregulation in the U.S.A.) are tending to accelerate adoption of digital communication technologies
  • These are often NEW applications (porting of POTS relatively easy!) such as interactive TV/Shopping
  • Tremendous competition between different telecommunication sectors encourages new technology now to ensure future success
Not clear how to make money on Web(Internet) but growing interest/acceptance by general public
  • huge sales in home multimedia PC's -- comparable to TV's in volume
Integration of Communities and Opportunities
  • Computing and Communication and Information Industries merging -- similar impact on academic departments will(should) happen

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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