HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared December 2,95
Foil 21 What are the buzz words?
From Broad Overview of Agents and Their Motivation Event: HPDC95 Tutorial Pentagon City -- August 1 1995. byVasu Polisetty * See also color IMAGE
Magic Cap (contd.)
Magic Cap also includes many agent classes
when the user collects mail, a Ômail collector agent' goes from Magic Cap to the user's mailbox in the Telescript network to check for mail
The network creates and sends back a Ômail summary agent; that lists the contents of the mailbox
As the telecard themselves are collected, the network sends a Ômail escort agent' to Magic Cap with the messages, which is received by the in box place in Magic Cap
In addition to these built-in places and agents, the communicating application will likely create its own places and agents in Magic Cap and in the Telescript network
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University, If you have any comments about this server, send e-mail to