HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared July 23,1995

Foil 10 Emerging Higher Level Web Integration Concepts -- II

From Master Foilset for Interactive Web based HPDC Technologies for Distance Education HPDC-4 Tutorial -- August 1, Pentagon City Virginia. by Geoffrey Fox Wojtek Furmanski Marek Podgorny * See also color IMAGE

WebSpace -- Televirtual implementation of full 3D MOO like environment building on LabSpace at Argonne for the virtual scientific laboratory
WebFlow -- NPAC prototype of Web based extended Khoros/AVS supporting dataflow linkage of computers for simulation and people and data for workflow management
WebScript -- the evolving Middleware of scripted languages including extended PERL5, Java, Telescript, MOVIE(NPAC compute oriented script) etc.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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