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LOCAL foilset Master Foilset for Interactive Web based HPDC Technologies for Distance Education

Given by Geoffrey Fox Wojtek Furmanski Marek Podgorny at HPDC-4 Tutorial on August 1, Pentagon City Virginia. Foils prepared July 23,1995
Abstract * Foil Index for this file

See also color IMAGE
We discuss current NII technologies including HTML, HTTP, MIME,CGI,PERL4 and Web search engines and the changes expected by including
Understood if not Web Integrated conecpts such as RDBMS, Multimedia servers, Compression, Collaboration, GIS/terrain rendering, collaboration(MOO), Agents, PDA's, security, Opendoc, SGML,HyTime, CORBA,OLE, Windows95/NT
Hardware trends such as ATM, ISDN, Wireless
Integrating Vision such as WebWindows, WebWork(metacomputing), Personal servers, Televirtuality
New Web approachs such as Java, VRML, PERL5, Metadata, Webservers
Education and other application requirements
Current Web/ATM based education including Syracuse's CPS600, Phy105 and Living Schoolbook projects
New Web integration ideas including WebTools, Webtop Publishing, WebDBMS, WebSpace, WebFlow, and the interpolating WebScript

Table of Contents for full HTML of Master Foilset for Interactive Web based HPDC Technologies for Distance Education

1 Tutorial on Current and Future Web(NII) Technologies as the basis of Distance Education and the Virtual University
2 Abstract ofVirtual University and the Web/NII Tutorial
3 Some Current NII/Web Technologies -- I
4 Some Current NII/Web Technologies -- II
5 Some Technologies to be Integrated into the Web -- I
6 Some Technologies to be Integrated into the Web -- II
7 Overall NII Integrating Vision
8 Critical Emerging Web Technologies
9 Emerging Higher Level Web Integration Concepts -- I
10 Emerging Higher Level Web Integration Concepts -- II
11 What is WebWindows ?
12 Current Components of WebWindows
13 Is WebWindows an Operating System ?

This table of Contents Abstract

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Foil 1 Tutorial on Current and Future Web(NII) Technologies as the basis of Distance Education and the Virtual University

From Master Foilset for Interactive Web based HPDC Technologies for Distance Education HPDC-4 Tutorial -- August 1, Pentagon City Virginia. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Washington DC
August 1,1995
Geoffrey Fox, Wojtek Furmanski, Marek Podgorny with
Gang Cheng, Roman Markowski
Syracuse University
111 College Place
NY 13244-4100

HELP! * GREY=local HTML version of LOCAL Foils prepared July 23,1995

Foil 2 Abstract ofVirtual University and the Web/NII Tutorial

From Master Foilset for Interactive Web based HPDC Technologies for Distance Education HPDC-4 Tutorial -- August 1, Pentagon City Virginia. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
We discuss current NII technologies including HTML, HTTP, MIME,CGI,PERL4 and Web search engines and the changes expected by including
Understood if not Web Integrated conecpts such as RDBMS, Multimedia servers, Compression, Collaboration, GIS/terrain rendering, collaboration(MOO), Agents, PDA's, security, Opendoc, SGML,HyTime, CORBA,OLE, Windows95/NT
Hardware trends such as ATM, ISDN, Wireless
Integrating Vision such as WebWindows, WebWork(metacomputing), Personal servers, Televirtuality
New Web approachs such as Java, VRML, PERL5, Metadata, Webservers
Education and other application requirements
Current Web/ATM based education including Syracuse's CPS600, Phy105 and Living Schoolbook projects
New Web integration ideas including WebTools, Webtop Publishing, WebDBMS, WebSpace, WebFlow, and the interpolating WebScript

HELP! * GREY=local HTML version of LOCAL Foils prepared July 23,1995

Foil 3 Some Current NII/Web Technologies -- I

From Master Foilset for Interactive Web based HPDC Technologies for Distance Education HPDC-4 Tutorial -- August 1, Pentagon City Virginia. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Clients (such as Mosaic and Netscape) support browsing of hyperlinked documents but have no internal interactive/compute capability
Servers read HTTP and deliver requested service to client
HTML -- a document format supporting hyperlinks
HTTP -- a Transport Protocol defining Interaction between Web servers and Clients

HELP! * GREY=local HTML version of LOCAL Foils prepared July 23,1995

Foil 4 Some Current NII/Web Technologies -- II

From Master Foilset for Interactive Web based HPDC Technologies for Distance Education HPDC-4 Tutorial -- August 1, Pentagon City Virginia. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
MIME -- a data format allowing agent-like (extended email) communication
CGI -- a standard interface allowing sophisticated server extensions
PERL -- a rapid prototyping language(script) aimed at text and file manipulation
Web Search engines such as YAHOO, HARVEST, WAIS -- early distributed database access technology supporting search and indexing
net.Thread, WebTools, RealAudio are early Web Interactive services

HELP! * GREY=local HTML version of LOCAL Foils prepared July 23,1995

Foil 5 Some Technologies to be Integrated into the Web -- I

From Master Foilset for Interactive Web based HPDC Technologies for Distance Education HPDC-4 Tutorial -- August 1, Pentagon City Virginia. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Relational databases -- Oracle,DB2 have Web Interfaces
Collaboration from Console Units (PIctureTel, CLI), Desktop (SGI Inperson) to MOOs
Compression from MPEG and Wavelet to host of proprietary solutions -- a faction of 20 to 200 saving in space and bandwidth
Geographical Information Systems
Security will enable commerce on the Internet -- essential for Defence as well

HELP! * GREY=local HTML version of LOCAL Foils prepared July 23,1995

Foil 6 Some Technologies to be Integrated into the Web -- II

From Master Foilset for Interactive Web based HPDC Technologies for Distance Education HPDC-4 Tutorial -- August 1, Pentagon City Virginia. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
ATM, ISDN, Wireless, Satellite will be hybrid physical implementation of NII
CORBA, Opendoc, OLE, SGML, Hytime are critical file and document standards
High Performance Multimedia servers to enable digital information delivery on demand
Data transport from MPI/MSGWAY/PVM to AAL to CBR/VBR
Windows95/NT -- the last of the the non social(Web) operating systems -- will follow dinosaurs(IBM mainframes) into extinction
Personal Digital Assistants -- WebNewtons done right -- Telescript (agent based communication) and Magic Cap operating system

HELP! * GREY=local HTML version of LOCAL Foils prepared July 23,1995

Foil 7 Overall NII Integrating Vision

From Master Foilset for Interactive Web based HPDC Technologies for Distance Education HPDC-4 Tutorial -- August 1, Pentagon City Virginia. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
WebWindows -- the open nonproprietary operating system of future supplanting UNIX, Windows95/NT, Apple etc. -- manages with a single interface all machines either individually or collectively on the NII
WebWork -- Implements Computing for both Simulation and Information underneath WebWindows -- the correct implementation of HPCC ideas such as HPF,MPI with pervasive technologies
Personal Servers -- Newton was correct but too early. The Web is a server - server technology
Televirtuality -- All Web Users are linked into a single virtual world

HELP! * GREY=local HTML version of LOCAL Foils prepared July 23,1995

Foil 8 Critical Emerging Web Technologies

From Master Foilset for Interactive Web based HPDC Technologies for Distance Education HPDC-4 Tutorial -- August 1, Pentagon City Virginia. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Java -- an interpreted C++ like language (script) allowing fully interactive clients which execute applets. Has full set of classes to make clients such as HOTJava. Licensed by Netscape
VRML -- a 3 dimensional HTML allowing universal description of physical objects and allowing interchange of virtual worlds, commercial product designs etc.
PERL5 -- an extension of PERL4 with full object oriented characteristics and extended pointer(array) constructs -- allows construction of Web Software obeying good software engineering practices
Multithreaded WebServers integrating current Web, Compute and digital multimedia delivery services -- future Enterprise Systems

HELP! * GREY=local HTML version of LOCAL Foils prepared July 23,1995

Foil 9 Emerging Higher Level Web Integration Concepts -- I

From Master Foilset for Interactive Web based HPDC Technologies for Distance Education HPDC-4 Tutorial -- August 1, Pentagon City Virginia. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
WebTools -- Early NPAC Prototype of WebWindows Equivalent to Program Manager with Navigation, File manipulation, Mail
WebDeskTop Publishing -- an early killer application under WebWindows supplanting Word, Wordperfect, LOTUS123 , Persuasion etc. Java allows clear powerful implementation.
WebRDBMS -- Integration of Relational and Distributed databases with both agent based heuristics, formal indices and free text search
Metadata -- Common attributes to allow integration and search of heterogeneous databases

HELP! * GREY=local HTML version of LOCAL Foils prepared July 23,1995

Foil 10 Emerging Higher Level Web Integration Concepts -- II

From Master Foilset for Interactive Web based HPDC Technologies for Distance Education HPDC-4 Tutorial -- August 1, Pentagon City Virginia. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
WebSpace -- Televirtual implementation of full 3D MOO like environment building on LabSpace at Argonne for the virtual scientific laboratory
WebFlow -- NPAC prototype of Web based extended Khoros/AVS supporting dataflow linkage of computers for simulation and people and data for workflow management
WebScript -- the evolving Middleware of scripted languages including extended PERL5, Java, Telescript, MOVIE(NPAC compute oriented script) etc.

HELP! * GREY=local HTML version of LOCAL Foils prepared July 23,1995

Foil 11 What is WebWindows ?

From Master Foilset for Interactive Web based HPDC Technologies for Distance Education HPDC-4 Tutorial -- August 1, Pentagon City Virginia. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Like UNIX or MS-DOS or Windows 3.1(NT,95), WebWindows is an operating system for a "computer"
The "computer" is a metacomputer consisting of the 50,000 Webservers (currently--eventually hundreds of millions) on Internet for the World Wide Web
WebWindows can also be used for the metacomputer (collection of heterogeneous networked computers) which is a business enterprise system
  • We consider such an application as a collection of Webservers where we use Web technology to manage business information system.
  • suprisingly many companies looking at Web as alternative to Lotus Notes
WebWindows is a multi-client multi-server technology
  • Clients are Mosaic or Netscape and soon HotJava or better browsers
  • Servers are NCSA compatible HTTP servers with MUCH additional functionality coming from so-called CGI capability -- written in PERL or C++ typically

HELP! * GREY=local HTML version of LOCAL Foils prepared July 23,1995

Foil 12 Current Components of WebWindows

From Master Foilset for Interactive Web based HPDC Technologies for Distance Education HPDC-4 Tutorial -- August 1, Pentagon City Virginia. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Includes World wide multimedia File access and dissemination -- current immediate Browser Services
Initial Websearch and agent technology such as World Wide Web Worm, Lycos,Yahoo, Harvest etc.
WebTools is initial NPAC Project to illustrate future WebWindows
  • File management (create,delete etc.) -- Implemented in WebTools
  • Hyperspace Navigation -- Preliminary Prototype in WebTools
    • Ultimate Navigation built around agents, knowledge stored in caches (databases) and powerful search capabilities
  • HTML editor -- simple version in WebTools with Spell capability
  • Electronic Mail -- Webtools version very high functionality
  • Also has prototype WebWork capability for Web collective Search and PERL software engineering
WebWindows development team will run using a network of WebTools servers -- each user will run personal server

HELP! * GREY=local HTML version of LOCAL Foils prepared July 23,1995

Foil 13 Is WebWindows an Operating System ?

From Master Foilset for Interactive Web based HPDC Technologies for Distance Education HPDC-4 Tutorial -- August 1, Pentagon City Virginia. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
It does not provide multi-threading/multiu-user support, memory management, device drivers and such base services -- these are supplied by UNIX, Windows or Mac O/S
Rather it provides equivalent of higher level O/S services such as available under UNIX shell or applications supplied under Windows
In the future one will build applications for WebWindows not UNIX / PC windows etc.
Very interesting is WebWindows version of Lotus Notes to support Business Enterprise systems -- build from Web components such as those prototyped in WebTools
  • Include Personal Digital Assistant, Collaboration, Workflow etc.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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