HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared July 31,1995
Foil 9 Decoders: Current Technology
From First Part of HPDC95 Video Server Presentation HPDC95 Pentagon City -- August 1,1995. by Marek Podgorny * Critical Information in IMAGE
VfW: Display Control Interface architecture; DCI API allows for off-loading color space conversion to HW accelerator. Resulting performance improvement allows for larger final picture and less demanding network protocol handling.
Software decoders available for all codecs; performance ranging from adequate (VfW, QT) over moderate (M-JPEG) to very poor (MPEG).
Only fastest RISC CPUs can decode MPEG in real time.
For VfW and QT, full screen 30 fpu video requires HW support as well.
Hardware playback options:
MPEG: (1) decoder cards for external monitors only; (2) MPEG decoder cards using VGA feature connector to integrate MPEG & VGA; (3) proprietary integration of MPEG and VGA (VESA Media Channel)
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University, If you have any comments about this server, send e-mail to