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Overview of Integration of Databases and Distributed Objects with the Web

Given by Geoffrey Fox, Nancy McCracken at Tutorial: ITEA HPCC Conference Aberdeen Md. on July 13 98. Foils prepared July 15 1998

This tutorial covers basic technologies underlying modern Large Scale Enterprise Systems which enable productive services built around web, database and distributed object technologies
This talk surveys structure of tutorial and defines the pragmatic object web approach that unifies these as a multi-tier server architectures
The rest of tutorial does a set of examples plus basic surveys of technologies : JDBC CORBA RMI Livewire ColdFusion Lotus Notes JWORB PL/SQL

Table of Contents for Overview of Integration of Databases and Distributed Objects with the Web

001 Integration of Databases and Distributed Objects with the Web
002 Abstract of ITEA Tutorial
003 Different Choices -- Client Server Service
004 Demonstration Systems I
005 Demonstration Systems II
006 Evolving Distributed System Concepts
007 Distributed Object Based Computing
008 Today's Pragmatic Object Web: The Confusing Multi-Technology Real 
    World Middleware Server Layer
009 Todays Complex World will evolve to something like the pure CORBA 
    Architecture for a distributed Information System (There are 
    similar COM and Javabean /RMI Versions)
010 NPAC Concepts: Pragmatic Object Web
011 Pragmatic Object Web Technology Model - I
012 Pragmatic Object Web Technology Model - II
013 Specifying Server Side Objects
014 An Object Web-based 3-Tier Computing System
015 Traditional 2 Tier Client Server Architecture
016 Typical 3 Tier Architecture
017 4 Tier Architecture for database example
018 Comparison of 2 3 and 4 Tier Models
019 Two ways of Implementing Data Objects
020 Multi-Server Model
021 So in our WebWisdom Distance Education System
022 Database Architecture for WebWisdom
023 Role of Collaboratory Systems
024 Architecture of Tango used in JSU Distance Education
025 TANGO Server
026 Architecture of Tango
027 While for High Performance Computing
028 Multi-Server Scenario
029 Multi Tier Gateway Architecture
030 What are General Capabilities in Gateway Tier?
031 What Particular Programs could run in Gateway Tier?
032 NPAC Concepts : HPcc  High Performance commodity computing
033 The HPCC Dilemma and its Solution
034 What is Commodity Software
035 Computational Grid and the Object Web
036 Exploiting Multi-Tier Commodity Software Model
037 Three Possible Implementations of CFD CSM Linkage
038 Picture of JavaBean and JDK1.1 AWT Event Model
039 Visual Programming WebFlow, DARP on GLOBUS
040 WebFlow 3 Tier Architecture with High Performance Globus and High 
    Functionality IIOP Services
041 What are JavaBeans I
042 What are JavaBeans II
043 Next Steps for HPcc using JavaBeans
044 Minimal Web based Multidisciplinary Application
045 Comparison of Application Integration Communication/Linkage Models
046 Integration of DIS with Object Web Based Computing
047 HLA/RTI versus HPF/MPI
048 HLA/RTI at Top Management Level
049 Architecture of HLA/RTI Services
050 HLA/RTI Management Structure
051 Resource Management and Scheduling

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