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Java Programming for Middle and High School Students I: Elementary Java

Given by Tom Scavo at NPAC/ECS Java Academy on February to April 98. Foils prepared 13 July 98

Java Applets
Understanding Applet Methods
Elementary Java Graphics
Java Geometry

Table of Contents for Java Programming for Middle and High School Students I: Elementary Java

001 Java Academy
002 Part I:  Elementary Java
003 Prerequisites
004 Online Java Resources
005 Software
006 Notation
007 Applications Programming Interface
008 Variable Conventions
009 Java Applets
010 Applets and Applications
011 My First Applet
012 Class Definition
013 Methods and Arguments
014 Importing Java Classes
016 The Java Compiler
017 HelloWorld.html
018 The <APPLET> Tag
019 The <OBJECT> Tag
020 Viewing the Applet
021 Applet Development Cycle
022 Understanding Applet Methods
023 Applet Methods
024 Overriding Applet Methods
025 Applet Life Cycle
026 The paint Method
027 Overriding the paint Method
028 Revised Life Cycle
029 The update Method
030 The repaint Method
031 Clearing the Applet
032 Definition of update
033 Elementary Java Graphics
034 Graphics Concepts
035 Coordinate System
036 Applet Dimensions
037 Graphics Methods
038 The drawLine Method
039 The drawRect Method
040 The drawRoundRect Method
041 The draw3DRect Method
042 The drawOval Method
043 The drawArc Method
044 Fill Methods
045 Java Geometry
046 The Polygon Class
047 The addPoint Method
048 TriangleTest Applet
049 TriangleTest Applet (cont'd)
050 An Equilateral Triangle
051 QuadrilateralTest Applet
052 Another Polygon Constructor
054 A Regular Octagon
055 A Surprise!

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