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Basic foilset Java Programming for Middle and High School Students II: Intermediate Java

Given by Tom Scavo at NPAC/ECS Java Academy on February to April 98. Foils prepared 13 July 98
Outside Index Summary of Material

Java Fonts
Working With Color
Object-Oriented Geometry
Graphical User Interfaces
Note: This tutorial assumes you've completed Part I

Table of Contents for full HTML of Java Programming for Middle and High School Students II: Intermediate Java

Denote Foils where Image Critical
Denote Foils where Image has important information
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denotes presence of Additional linked information which is greyed out if missing

1 Important URLs for Foil 1 Java Academy
2 Java Academy, Part I:  Elementary Java Part II: Intermediate Java
3 Java Fonts
4 The java.awt.Font Class The Font Object
5 A List of Fonts Font Name
6 Font Style
7 Font Size
8 Font Metrics
9 The java.awt.FontMetrics Class FontMetrics Object
10 The java.awt.Graphics.drawString Method The drawString Method
11 The AppletDemo Applet AppletDemo.java
12 The FontModel Applet Java Font Model
13 The java.awt.FontMetrics.stringWidth Method The stringWidth Method
14 The FontMetricsTest Applet Centering a String Horizontally
15 The FontMetricsTest2 Applet Centering a String Vertically
16 The FontMetricsTest3 Applet Centering Two Strings
17 The FontMetricsTest4 Applet Centering n Strings
18 Working With Color
19 The java.awt.Color class RGB Color Format
20 Hexadecimal RGB Values
21 Color Parameters
22 Pre-defined Colors for Foil 22 Color Constants
23 Comparing Colors
24 The ColorBoxes3 Applet Storing and Accessing Colors
25 Two-dimensional Array
26 2D Arrays and Nested Loops for Foil 26 Nested Loops
27 The ColorString Applet A Hashtable of Colors
28 The SystemColors Applet The SystemColor Class
29 An Observation
30 Object-Oriented Geometry
31 Object-Oriented Programming
32 Multiple Classes
33 The TriangleTest Applet TriangleTest.java
34 A Triangle Class
35 Multiple Constructors
36 No-argument Constructor
37 Another Constructor
38 Another Constructor (cont'd)
39 Instance Methods
40 Instance Methods (cont'd)
41 Triangle Class Revisited
42 The TriangleTest Applet TriangleTest Applet
43 TriangleTest Applet (cont'd)
44 Reusable Classes
45 Multiple Source Files for Foil 45 Multiple Source Files
46 The Quadrilateral Class Quadrilateral Class
47 Quadrilateral Constructor
48 The QuadrilateralTest Applet QuadrilateralTest.java
49 The OctagonTest Applet Another Example
50 The java.awt.Point Class The Point Class
51 The Octagon Class The Octagon Class
52 An Octagon Constructor
53 The java.awt.Polygon.addPoint Method The addPoint Method
54 Overloading a Method
55 The Octagon Constructor Again
56 A Different Approach
57 The HexagonTest Applet A Subclass of Polygon
58 The Hexagon Class The Hexagon Class
59 The MyPolygon Class The MyPolygon Class
60 Graphical User Interfaces
61 GUI Components
62 Labels for Foil 62 Labels
63 Buttons for Foil 63 Buttons
64 The java.awt.event.ActionEvent Class The ActionEvent Class
65 Java Interfaces
66 The java.awt.event.ActionListener Interface The ActionListener Interface
67 Handling Button Events
68 The java.awt.Button.addActionListener Method The addActionListener Method
69 The ButtonTest Applet ButtonTest.java
70 The actionPerformed Method
71 Delegation Event Model
72 Text Fields for Foil 72 Text Fields
73 A Separate Event Handler
74 The TextFieldHandler Class
75 Handling TextField Events
76 A Flexible Constructor
77 Listening for TextField Events
78 The TextFieldTest Applet TextFieldTest.java
79 Text Areas for Foil 79 Text Areas
80 TextArea Constructors
81 TextArea Scrollbars
82 TextArea Scrollbars (cont'd)
83 The TextAreaTest Applet TextAreaTest.java
84 Item Events and Listeners for Foil 84 Item Events and Listeners
85 Events and Listeners Compared
86 Checkboxes for Foil 86 Checkboxes
87 Checkbox Constructors
88 The java.awt.event.ItemListener Interface The ItemListener Interface
89 The CheckboxTest Applet An Array of Checkboxes
90 Processing the Checkboxes
91 Handling Item Events
92 The java.awt.CheckboxGroup Class The CheckboxGroup Class
93 The CheckboxGroupDemo Applet Creating a CheckboxGroup
94 The CheckboxGroupTest Applet Handling CheckboxGroup Events
95 Choices for Foil 95 The Choice Class
96 The java.awt.Choice.addItem Method The addItem Method
97 The ChoiceTest Applet Handling Choice Events
98 Scrollbars for Foil 98 AWT Scrollbars
99 The Scrollbar Constructor
100 Scrollbar Properties
101 Adjustment Events and Listeners for Foil 101 Scrollbar Events
102 The ScrollbarTest Applet AdjustmentListener Interface
103 Lists for Foil 103 Scrollable Lists
104 The List Constructor
105 The ListTest Applet List Events

Outside Index Summary of Material

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 1 Java Academy

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index Important URLs for Foil 1
Tom Scavo
111 College Place
Syracuse, NY 13244-4100
Syracuse University
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 2 Part II: Intermediate Java

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index Java Academy, Part I:  Elementary Java
Java Fonts
Working With Color
Object-Oriented Geometry
Graphical User Interfaces
Note: This tutorial assumes you've completed Part I

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Foil 3 Java Fonts

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index

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Foil 4 The Font Object

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The java.awt.Font Class
A Java Font object has three properties: font name, font style, and font size
Instantiate a Font object like this: Font f = new Font( "Serif", // font name Font.PLAIN, // font style 12 // font size );

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Foil 5 Font Name

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index A List of Fonts
Java guarantees the following five fonts on every platform: Dialog, SansSerif, Serif, Monospaced, and DialogInput
Other fonts may be available on a client-by-client basis
To get the name of the current font: Font f = g.getFont(); String name = f.getName();

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Foil 6 Font Style

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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Three font styles are supported: plain, italic, and bold
The Font class defines three static integer constants: Font.PLAIN, Font.ITALIC, and Font.BOLD
Note that font styles are additive (but only bold-italic makes sense): Font.BOLD + Font.ITALIC

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Foil 7 Font Size

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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Font size is measured in points (72 points per inch)
Common sizes are 10–12 points for body text and 18–36 points for headings
The method getSize() gets the size of the current font: Font f = g.getFont(); int size = f.getSize();

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 8 Font Metrics

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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Every font has associated with it a set of "metrics" that define the precise dimensions of the font
Some of the metric properties of a font are ascent, descent, leading, and height, where height = ascent + descent + leading
All font metric properties are captured in a FontMetrics object

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 9 FontMetrics Object

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The java.awt.FontMetrics Class
Given a Graphics object g, the metric properties of the current font are obtained as follows: FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); int ascent = fm.getAscent(); int descent = fm.getDescent(); int leading = fm.getLeading(); int height = fm.getHeight();

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 10 The drawString Method

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The java.awt.Graphics.drawString Method
The drawString(...) method of the Graphics class draws a string at (x,y): public void drawString( String s, int x, int y );
The anchor point (x,y) is the left-hand endpoint of the string's baseline
Note: the top left-hand corner of the string's bounding box is at point (x, y - ascent)

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Foil 11 AppletDemo.java

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The AppletDemo Applet
A previous example used drawString(...) to draw three strings in the applet window: g.drawString( startMsg, 25, 25 ); g.drawString( paintMsg, 25, 50 ); g.drawString( stopMsg, 25, 75 );
Each string is drawn at the same horizontal position, but the vertical position is arbitrary
We want to do better than that...

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 12 Java Font Model

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The FontModel Applet

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 13 The stringWidth Method

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The java.awt.FontMetrics.stringWidth Method
To determine the width of the string s in the current font: FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); int stringWidth = fm.stringWidth( s ); where g is a Graphics object
To determine the string height, simply add the ascent and descent of the current font

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 14 Centering a String Horizontally

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The FontMetricsTest Applet
Here's how to center a string s horizontally in the applet window: int appletWidth = getSize().width; FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); int stringWidth = fm.stringWidth( s ); int x = (appletWidth - stringWidth)/2; g.drawString( s, x, y ); where y is arbitrary (to center the string vertically, we have to work a bit harder... )

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 15 Centering a String Vertically

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The FontMetricsTest2 Applet
Vertical centering is independent of s: int appletHeight = getSize().height; int ascent = fm.getAscent(); int descent = fm.getDescent(); int stringHeight = ascent + descent; int y = ascent + (appletHeight - stringHeight )/2; g.drawString( s, x, y ); where x is computed as in the previous foil
Note: We add ascent to y since the latter is with respect to the string's baseline

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 16 Centering Two Strings

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The FontMetricsTest3 Applet
First, calculate the height of both strings: int leading = fm.getLeading(); int height = 2*stringHeight + leading;
Now calculate the position of the first string: int y = (appletHeight - height )/2 + ascent; where x is computed as before
The y-position of the second string is simply: y += stringHeight + leading;

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 17 Centering n Strings

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The FontMetricsTest4 Applet
This is a straightforward generalization...
First, calculate the height of n strings : int height = n*stringHeight + (n - 1)*leading;
The y-position of the first string is once again: int y = (appletHeight - height )/2 + ascent; while the position of each subsequent string is: y += stringHeight + leading;

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 18 Working With Color

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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Foil 19 RGB Color Format

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The java.awt.Color class
In Java, a Color object is represented in RGB format (R = Red, G = Green, B = Blue)
Each color component (R, G, or B) is an integer between 0 and 255, inclusive
For example: Color red = new Color( 255, 0, 0 ); Color black = new Color( 0, 0, 0 ); Color white = new Color( 255, 255, 255 );

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Foil 20 Hexadecimal RGB Values

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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Recall that HTML colors are given as hexadecimal RGB constants: <BODY BGCOLOR="#000000" TEXT="#FF0000" LINK="#FFFFFF">
Java color values may also be given in hex: Color red = new Color( 0xFF0000 ); Color black = new Color( 0x000000 ); Color white = new Color( 0xFFFFFF );
This constructor is very useful...

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 21 Color Parameters

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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In the HTML document: <APPLET ...> <PARAM NAME="bgColor" VALUE="00ffff"> </APPLET>
In the Java applet: String colorStr; int colorInt; colorStr = getParameter( "bgColor" ); colorInt = Integer.parseInt( colorStr, 16 ); setBackground( new Color( colorInt ) );

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 22 Color Constants

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index Pre-defined Colors for Foil 22
For convenience, the Color class pre-defines thirteen static Color constants
Use a constant anywhere a Color is required: setBackground( Color.red ); setForeground( Color.black ); ... g.setColor( Color.white );
(Why did the Java designers neglect to capitalize the Color constants?)

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 23 Comparing Colors

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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Suppose you are given an unknown color c
To check if c is red, use: if ( c.equals( Color.red ) ) ...
Do not use if ( c == Color.red ) ... since this comparison will always be false!
The reason is subtle: c and Color.red are distinct objects (although their values are equal)

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 24 Storing and Accessing Colors

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The ColorBoxes3 Applet
Colors can be stored in an array: Color color[] = { Color.black, Color.blue, Color.cyan, Color.darkGray };
This array might be used in a loop: int n = color.length; for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { g.setColor( color[i] ); ... }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 25 Two-dimensional Array

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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Sometimes a 2-d array is useful: Color color[][] = { { Color.black, Color.blue, ... }, { Color.gray, Color.green, ... }, { Color.orange, Color.pink, ... }, ... };
The following, for example, is true: color[2,1].equals( Color.gray )

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 26 Nested Loops

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index 2D Arrays and Nested Loops for Foil 26
A 2-d array might be used like this: int m = color.length; for ( int i = 0; i < m; i++ ) { n = color[i].length; for ( int j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { g.setColor( color[i][j] ); ... } }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 27 A Hashtable of Colors

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The ColorString Applet
To associate colors with their names: Hashtable colors = new Hashtable(); colors.put( "black", Color.black ); colors.put( "brown", new Color( 0xA5, 0x2A, 0x2A ) );
Access the hashtable as follows: c = ( Color ) colors.get( "brown" );
Note: The Color cast above is required since a hashtable holds objects of any type

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 28 The SystemColor Class

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The SystemColors Applet
The SystemColor class is a subclass of the Color class
SystemColor has many static constants: SystemColor.desktop SystemColor.menu ...
These are the colors the system uses to build its graphical user interface (GUI)

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Foil 29 An Observation

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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The previous examples involving arrays, loops, and hashtables really don't have anything to do with Color objects
This unit was simply an opportune time to introduce these important concepts
Note: In Java, you can construct arrays of any object (e.g., String) or primitive type (such as int)

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Foil 30 Object-Oriented Geometry

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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Foil 31 Object-Oriented Programming

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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This section is a rewrite of a previous section in object-oriented terms
At the end of this unit, you will understand the concepts of class and subclass, cornerstones of the object-oriented programming paradigm
Along the way, you will learn a good deal of geometry as well

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Foil 32 Multiple Classes

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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All of the Java source files we've seen so far contain one and only one class, a subclass of the Applet class
In fact, a source file may contain any number of classes (but only one may be public)
The Java compiler (javac) will generate one .class file for each class in the source file

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 33 TriangleTest.java

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The TriangleTest Applet
This source file defines two classes: public class TriangleTest extends Applet { ... } class Triangle extends Polygon { ... }
The compiler will generate two .class files

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 34 A Triangle Class

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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The Triangle class class Triangle extends Polygon { ... } is a subclass of the Polygon class
An instance of Triangle is created with new: Triangle triangle = new Triangle(...);
The Triangle constructor on the right is defined in the Triangle class above

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 35 Multiple Constructors

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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A class may have multiple constructors: class Triangle extends Polygon { public Triangle() {...} public Triangle(...) {...} ... }
Each constructor must have a unique signature, that is, a unique ordered set of arguments

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Foil 36 No-argument Constructor

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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The simple constructor public Triangle() { super(); } has no arguments and calls the corresponding no-argument constructor of the superclass Polygon
As a result, the expression new Triangle() has the same effect as new Polygon()

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 37 Another Constructor

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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Here is a more complex constructor: public Triangle( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3 ) { super(); this.addPoint( x1, y1 ); this.addPoint( x2, y2 ); this.addPoint( x3, y3 ); }
This constructor takes six integer arguments

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Foil 38 Another Constructor (cont'd)

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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The previous constructor first calls the no-argument constructor of the superclass Polygon
It then "constructs" a Triangle object by adding three points to the this reference
The keyword this (which may be omitted) refers to the particular Triangle object being created

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 39 Instance Methods

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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Our Triangle class also defines a pair of instance methods: class Triangle extends Polygon { ... public void draw(...) {...} public void fill(...) {...} }
Evidently, these methods are used to draw and fill Triangle objects

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 40 Instance Methods (cont'd)

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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The two methods rely on the corresponding methods of the Graphics class: public void draw( Graphics g ) { g.drawPolygon( this ); } public void fill( Graphics g ) { g.fillPolygon( this ); }
Note that each method takes an argument g

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Foil 41 Triangle Class Revisited

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
In summary, the Triangle class has two constructors and two instance methods: class Triangle extends Polygon { public Triangle() {...} public Triangle(...) {...} public void draw(...) {...} public void fill(...) {...} }
Now let's see how we can use this class...

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 42 TriangleTest Applet

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The TriangleTest Applet
The TriangleTest applet declares two Triangle objects: public class TriangleTest extends Applet { private Triangle t1, t2; public void init(...) {...} public void paint(...) {...} }
It also overrides two Applet methods...

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Foil 43 TriangleTest Applet (cont'd)

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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The applet instantiates two Triangle objects: public void init() { t1 = new Triangle(...); t2 = new Triangle(...); }
It then draws one triangle and fills the other: public void paint( Graphics g ) { t1.draw( g ); t2.fill( g ); }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 44 Reusable Classes

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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The previous example had two classes in a single file (but only one was public)
The next example also has two classes, but in separate files (both may be public)
The advantage of this approach is that other Java programs may use these classes (since they're defined in separate files
In this way, a class becomes reusable

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Foil 45 Multiple Source Files

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index Multiple Source Files for Foil 45
File QuadrilateralTest.java: public class QuadrilateralTest extends Applet {...}
File Quadrilateral.java: public class Quadrilateral extends Polygon {...}
The latter may be used by other programs

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 46 Quadrilateral Class

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The Quadrilateral Class
The Quadrilateral class is analogous to the Triangle class: class Quadrilateral extends Polygon { public Quadrilateral() {...} public Quadrilateral(...) {...} public void draw(...) {...} public void fill(...) {...} }
Note: The above class is not public (but it could be!)

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Foil 47 Quadrilateral Constructor

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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The only difference is that one of the constructors takes eight arguments: public Quadrilateral( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int x4, int y4 ) { super(); this.addPoint( x1, y1 ); this.addPoint( x2, y2 ); this.addPoint( x3, y3 ); this.addPoint( x4, y4 ); }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 48 QuadrilateralTest.java

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The QuadrilateralTest Applet
The test applet for the Quadrilateral class is essentially the same as the test applet for the Triangle class
It first instantiates two Quadrilateral objects in the init() method
In the paint(...) method, the applet then draws one Quadrilateral and fills the other

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 49 Another Example

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The OctagonTest Applet
The next example involves octagons
Since an octagon has eight vertices, one of the constructors of the Octagon class requires sixteen integers
To make it easier to work with octagons, we introduce another class: the Point class
Like Polygon, the Point class is a core class in package java.awt

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 50 The Point Class

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The java.awt.Point Class
One of the constructors of the Point class takes two integer arguments: Point p = new Point( 69, 25 );
Eight such points define an octagon: Point p1 = new Point(...); Point p2 = new Point(...); ... Point p8 = new Point(...);

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 51 The Octagon Class

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The Octagon Class
Our new Octagon class is similar to the previous classes, except that a third constructor is defined: class Octagon extends Polygon { public Octagon() {...} public Octagon(...) {...} public Octagon(...) {...} ... }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 52 An Octagon Constructor

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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The new Octagon constructor takes eight Point objects: public Octagon( Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point p4, Point p5, Point p6, Point p7, Point p8 ) { ... }
The body of this constructor appears later...

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 53 The addPoint Method

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The java.awt.Polygon.addPoint Method
The addPoint(...) method that we've been using (which takes two arguments) was inherited from the superclass Polygon
Unfortunately, the Polygon class does not define an addPoint(...) method that takes a single Point as argument
So we will overload the addPoint(...) method in the Octagon class

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Foil 54 Overloading a Method

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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This method appears in the Octagon class: // Overload Polygon.addPoint( int, int ): public void addPoint( Point p ) { super.addPoint( p.x, p.y ); }
This new version of the addPoint(...) method relies on the old version (which virtually guarantees its correctness)

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Foil 55 The Octagon Constructor Again

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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So here is the complete constructor: public Octagon( Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point p4, Point p5, Point p6, Point p7, Point p8 ) { super(); this.addPoint( p1 ); ... this.addPoint( p8 ); }

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Foil 56 A Different Approach

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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A better way is to let the new constructor depend on a previous constructor: public Octagon( Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point p4, Point p5, Point p6, Point p7, Point p8 ) { this( p1.x, p1.y, ... p8.x, p8.y ); }
In this way, there is less chance of bugs

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 57 A Subclass of Polygon

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The HexagonTest Applet
The new version of addPoint(...) defined in the Octagon class belongs in all subclasses of Polygon
It would be unwise to do so, however (why?)
Thus, in the next example (Hexagon), we define a subclass of Polygon called MyPolygon, which itself is subclassed by the Hexagon class

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 58 The Hexagon Class

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The Hexagon Class
The Hexagon class is a subclass of MyPolygon, which itself is a subclass of Polygon: class Hexagon extends MyPolygon { ... } class MyPolygon extends Polygon { ... }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 59 The MyPolygon Class

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The MyPolygon Class
The MyPolygon class contains those methods common to all polygons: class MyPolygon extends Polygon { public void draw(...) {...} public void fill(...) {...} public void addPoint(...) {...} }
Any subclass of MyPolygon inherits all of these methods

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 60 Graphical User Interfaces

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 61 GUI Components

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
We will learn how to build graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in Java
GUI building blocks are called components, which are part of Java's abstract windowing toolkit (AWT)
AWT components include: labels, buttons, text fields, text areas, checkboxes, radio buttons, drop-down lists (or "choices"), scrollbars, and scrollable lists

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 62 Labels

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index Labels for Foil 62
The simplest component is a Label object
Adding a label to a GUI is like drawing a string--the only difference is that labels generate events (which we'll have more to say about later)
To add a label to an applet, type: add( new Label( "This is a label!" ) );
It's that easy!

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 63 Buttons

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index Buttons for Foil 63
Adding a button to an applet is just as easy: add( new Button( "Red" ) );
This statement adds a button with label "Red"
The problem is that nothing happens when you press the button! First you must write a "handler" that handles button events
A button event is a type of event called an ActionEvent

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 64 The ActionEvent Class

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The java.awt.event.ActionEvent Class
ActionEvent is a class in the core package java.awt.event
The most important method in this class is: public String getActionCommand();
We will use this method to process an ActionEvent generated by a button, but first we need to understand what a Java interface is...

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 65 Java Interfaces

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
An interface is a special type of class in which all the methods have null bodies
A class is said to implement an interface if it agrees to provide bodies for all the methods of the interface
Any class may implement a given interface; all such classes have identical APIs, since the interface defines the API of each method

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 66 The ActionListener Interface

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The java.awt.event.ActionListener Interface
ActionListener is an interface in the core package java.awt.event
ActionListener declares one method: public interface ActionListener { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ); }
Any class that implements this interface must implement the actionPerformed(...) method

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 67 Handling Button Events

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
Pressing a button generates an ActionEvent
An ActionEvent is "handled" by the actionPerformed(...) method of the ActionListener interface
A Java event is like the proverbial tree in the woods: nobody will hear it unless someone is listening! So our button applet must "register" itself as a listener of button events...

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 68 The addActionListener Method

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The java.awt.Button.addActionListener Method
Any class that intends to "listen" for an ActionEvent must implement the ActionListener interface
To register the applet as a listener of button events, type the following: Button button = new Button(...); button.addActionListener( this );
The keyword this refers to the current applet

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 69 ButtonTest.java

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The ButtonTest Applet
Here is an outline of our button applet: public class ButtonTest extends Applet implements ActionListener { private Button button; public void init() { button = new Button(...); button.addActionListener( this ); ... } public void actionPerformed(...) {...} }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 70 The actionPerformed Method

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
Our test applet has three buttons
The actionPerformed(...) method determines which button was pressed : public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String label = e.getActionCommand(); if ( label.equals( "Red" ) {...} else if ( label.equals( "White" ) {...} else if ( label.equals( "Blue" ) {...} ... }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 71 Delegation Event Model

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
In summary, our button test applet:
  • implements the ActionListener interface, that is, it implements the actionPerformed(...) method
  • registers itself as a listener of ActionEvents, that is, it invokes the addActionListener(...) method on the button object
This is called the delegation event model

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 72 Text Fields

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index Text Fields for Foil 72
A TextField is a box in which the user enters a single line of text: TextField tf = new TextField(20);
The integer argument to the TextField constructor above is the width of the field (in characters)
A TextField object generates an ActionEvent when the user presses return

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 73 A Separate Event Handler

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
Since TextField objects generate ActionEvents, what we said earlier of Button objects still applies
The next example, however, uses a separate class to handle the events generated by a pair of TextField objects
In this way, the handler may be reused

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 74 The TextFieldHandler Class

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
As before, our handler must implement the ActionListener interface: class TextFieldHandler implements ActionListener { public TextFieldHandler(...) {...} public void actionPerformed(...) { ... } }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 75 Handling TextField Events

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
In the actionPerformed(...) method, the handler extracts the text from the TextField and displays it on the status line of the applet: public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { String text = e.getActionCommand(); if ( ! text.equals( "" ) ) { applet.showStatus( "Text: " + text ); } }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 76 A Flexible Constructor

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
Notice the reference to the class variable applet in actionPerformed(...)
The TextFieldHandler constructor accepts and stores an Applet object: private Applet applet; public TextFieldHandler( Applet a ) { applet = a; }
Thus the handler works with any applet

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 77 Listening for TextField Events

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
The test applet instantiates two text fields that share a single handler: handler = new TextFieldHandler( this ); username = new TextField( 20 ); username.addActionListener( handler ); password = new TextField( 20 ); password.addActionListener( handler );
Alternatively, each text field could have its own handler

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 78 TextFieldTest.java

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The TextFieldTest Applet
The overall structure of the TextFieldTest applet is as follows: public class TextFieldTest extends Applet { public void init() {...} } class TextFieldHandler implements ActionListener { public TextFieldHandler(...) {...} public void actionPerformed(...) {...} }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 79 Text Areas

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index Text Areas for Foil 79
A TextArea is a multi-line TextField (conversely, a TextField is a one-line TextArea)
Consecutive lines of a TextArea are separated by newlines
Unlike TextFields, however, TextAreas do not generate ActionEvents (since pressing return inserts a newline into the text)

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 80 TextArea Constructors

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
The constructor new TextArea( 7, 60 ) creates an empty TextArea with 7 rows and 60 columns, whereas the constructor new TextArea( text, 7, 60 ) creates a TextArea containing the value of the String variable text
Various scrollbar options are available...

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 81 TextArea Scrollbars

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
A TextArea may have zero, one (horizontal or vertical), or two scrollbars
The TextArea class defines four static constants for this purpose:

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 82 TextArea Scrollbars (cont'd)

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
For example, the constructor int scrollbars = TextArea.SCROLLBARS_BOTH; TextArea ta = new TextArea( text, // initial text string 7, 60, // textarea dimensions scrollbars ); creates a TextArea with two scrollbars

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 83 TextAreaTest.java

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The TextAreaTest Applet
TextArea objects do generate events, but we delay this topic until later
Applet TextAreaTest simply inserts a bunch of text into a TextArea
Note that our test applet creates a non-editable TextArea (for reading purposes only): TextArea verse = new TextArea(...); verse.setEditable( false );

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 84 Item Events and Listeners

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index Item Events and Listeners for Foil 84
The next batch of components generates a different type of event called an ItemEvent (a class in package java.awt.event)
The corresponding interface is called ItemListener, which has a single method called itemStateChanged(...)
To listen for ItemEvents, a listener must invoke the addItemListener(...) method

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 85 Events and Listeners Compared

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
  • ActionEvent
  • ActionListener
  • actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
  • addActionListener( ActionListener l )
  • ItemEvent
  • ItemListener
  • itemStateChanged( ItemEvent e )
  • addItemListener( ItemListener l )
There's a one-to-one relationship between ActionEvents and ItemEvents

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 86 Checkboxes

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index Checkboxes for Foil 86
A Checkbox component is either checked or unchecked
Clicking a Checkbox toggles its state from checked to unchecked (or vice versa)
In a graphical user interface, a Checkbox is used to make a yes/no decision
The states of multiple checkboxes are independent of one another

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 87 Checkbox Constructors

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
Checkbox objects are instantiated with the Checkbox constructor and added to the applet with the add(...) method: add( new Checkbox( "Bold" ) );
Initially, checkboxes are unchecked, but this may be overridden: Checkbox checkbox = new Checkbox( "Italic" ); add( checkbox, true );

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 88 The ItemListener Interface

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The java.awt.event.ItemListener Interface
Clicking a Checkbox generates an ItemEvent
A class intending to handle ItemEvents must implement the ItemListener interface
The ItemListener interface defines one method: public interface ItemListener { public void itemStateChanged(...); }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 89 An Array of Checkboxes

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The CheckboxTest Applet
Our checkbox applet has five checkboxes: Checkbox[] box = new Checkbox[5]; box[0] = new Checkbox( "Shoes" ); box[1] = new Checkbox( "Socks" ); box[2] = new Checkbox( "Pants" ); box[3] = new Checkbox( "Shirt" ); box[4] = new Checkbox( "Underwear", true );
Note that box[4] is checked by default

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 90 Processing the Checkboxes

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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A for-loop processes each checkbox: int n = box.length; for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { box[i].setForeground(...); box[i].setBackground(...); add( box[i] ); box[i].addItemListener( this ); }
The keyword this refers to the current applet

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 91 Handling Item Events

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
In the example applet CheckboxTest, the itemStateChanged(...) method builds a string depending on the state of each checkbox
It uses methods getState() and getLabel() of the Checkbox class, and methods equals(...), lastIndexOf(...), substring(...), and toLowerCase() of the String class

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 92 The CheckboxGroup Class

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The java.awt.CheckboxGroup Class
A CheckboxGroup is a group of related checkboxes (sometimes called radio buttons)
Checking a box in a group causes all other boxes in the group to become unchecked
Consequently, at most one box from a CheckboxGroup may be checked at a time
In a GUI, a CheckboxGroup is used to select from among n alternatives (n > 2)

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 93 Creating a CheckboxGroup

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The CheckboxGroupDemo Applet
To create a CheckboxGroup, one uses yet another form of the Checkbox constructor: int n = 6; Checkbox[] radio = new Checkbox[n]; CheckboxGroup group = new CheckboxGroup(); for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { radio[i] = new Checkbox( label[i], group, false ); ... }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 94 Handling CheckboxGroup Events

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The CheckboxGroupTest Applet
Since a CheckboxGroup is a set of checkboxes, everything we said before still applies:
  • Each checkbox in a group is capable of generating ItemEvents
  • ItemEvents are handled by an ItemListener
Note: The getSelectedCheckbox() method of the CheckboxGroup class returns the currently selected checkbox

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 95 The Choice Class

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index Choices for Foil 95
An AWT Choice object is sometimes called a drop-down list
In a GUI, a Choice is logically equivalent to a CheckboxGroup, but the latter usually requires more space in the applet window
A Choice item may be selected programatically with the select(...) method of the Choice class

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 96 The addItem Method

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The java.awt.Choice.addItem Method
Items are added individually to a Choice: Choice list = new Choice(); list.addItem( "HTML" ); list.addItem( "JavaScript" ); list.addItem( "CGI" ); list.addItem( "Java" ); list.addItem( "VRML" ); list.select(2); // select "CGI"
As usual, items are indexed starting with 0

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 97 Handling Choice Events

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The ChoiceTest Applet
Like checkboxes and radio buttons, Choice objects generate ItemEvents
These are handled in the usual way:
  • some class implements the ItemListener interface (and, hence, the itemStateChanged(...) method)
  • an instance of this class is added to the list of listeners using addItemListener(...)

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 98 AWT Scrollbars

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index Scrollbars for Foil 98
Certain AWT components (such as TextAreas) have optional scrollbars
Scrollbars may exist independently of other components, however
In a GUI, scrollbars are often used to select from a continuous range of values
Scrollbars are created with the Scrollbar constructor of the Scrollbar class

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 99 The Scrollbar Constructor

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
In its most general form, the Scrollbar constructor takes five integer arguments: public Scrollbar( int orientation, int value, int visible, int minimum, int maximum );

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 100 Scrollbar Properties

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
The properties of a scrollbar are as follows:
  • orientation: either VERTICAL or HORIZONTAL (two static constants)
  • value: the initial value of the scrollbar
  • visible: the size of the scrollbox
  • minimum: the minimum value of the scrollbar
  • maximum: the maximum value of the scrollbar
These properties may be changed at any time

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 101 Scrollbar Events

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index Adjustment Events and Listeners for Foil 101
Scrollbars generate a different kind of event called an AdjustmentEvent
AdjustmentEvents are handled by an AdjustmentListener, an interface in the core Java package java.awt.event
The AdjustmentListener interface declares just one method called adjustmentValueChanged(...)

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 102 AdjustmentListener Interface

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The ScrollbarTest Applet
A class that implements AdjustmentListener interface must implement the adjustmentValueChanged(...) method
An AdjustmentListener is added to the list of listeners with the method addAdjustmentListener(...)
So AdjustmentEvents are analogous to ActionEvents and ItemEvents

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 103 Scrollable Lists

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index Lists for Foil 103
The last AWT component we'll look at in this section is the List class
List objects are sometimes called scrollable lists (since they often have scrollbars)
Clicking an item in a List selects that item; multiple selections are possible (but disallowed by default)

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 104 The List Constructor

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
The most general form of the List constructor takes two arguments: public List( int rows, boolean multiple );
rows is the number of visible rows in the list while multiple determines whether or not multiple selections are allowed

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 105 List Events

From Java Academy II:Intermediate Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The ListTest Applet
The List object is unique in that it can generate two kinds of events
An ItemEvent is generated if the user clicks an item; an ActionEvent is generated if the user double-clicks an item
A List handler must therefore implement two interfaces: ItemListener and ActionListener

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