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Java Programming for Middle and High School Students II: Intermediate Java

Given by Tom Scavo at NPAC/ECS Java Academy on February to April 98. Foils prepared 13 July 98

Java Fonts
Working With Color
Object-Oriented Geometry
Graphical User Interfaces
Note: This tutorial assumes you've completed Part I

Table of Contents for Java Programming for Middle and High School Students II: Intermediate Java

001 Java Academy
002 Part II:  Intermediate Java
003 Java Fonts
004 The Font Object
005 Font Name
006 Font Style
007 Font Size
008 Font Metrics
009 FontMetrics Object
010 The drawString Method
012 Java Font Model
013 The stringWidth Method
014 Centering a String Horizontally
015 Centering a String Vertically
016 Centering Two Strings
017 Centering n Strings
018 Working With Color
019 RGB Color Format
020 Hexadecimal RGB Values
021 Color Parameters
022 Color Constants
023 Comparing Colors
024 Storing and Accessing Colors
025 Two-dimensional Array
026 Nested Loops
027 A Hashtable of Colors
028 The SystemColor Class
029 An Observation
030 Object-Oriented Geometry
031 Object-Oriented Programming
032 Multiple Classes
034 A Triangle Class
035 Multiple Constructors
036 No-argument Constructor
037 Another Constructor
038 Another Constructor (cont'd)
039 Instance Methods
040 Instance Methods (cont'd)
041 Triangle Class Revisited
042 TriangleTest Applet
043 TriangleTest Applet (cont'd)
044 Reusable Classes
045 Multiple Source Files
046 Quadrilateral Class
047 Quadrilateral Constructor
049 Another Example
050 The Point Class
051 The Octagon Class
052 An Octagon Constructor
053 The addPoint Method
054 Overloading a Method
055 The Octagon Constructor Again
056 A Different Approach
057 A Subclass of Polygon
058 The Hexagon Class
059 The MyPolygon Class
060 Graphical User Interfaces
061 GUI Components
062 Labels
063 Buttons
064 The ActionEvent Class
065 Java Interfaces
066 The ActionListener Interface
067 Handling Button Events
068 The addActionListener Method
070 The actionPerformed Method
071 Delegation Event Model
072 Text Fields
073 A Separate Event Handler
074 The TextFieldHandler Class
075 Handling TextField Events
076 A Flexible Constructor
077 Listening for TextField Events
079 Text Areas
080 TextArea Constructors
081 TextArea Scrollbars
082 TextArea Scrollbars (cont'd)
084 Item Events and Listeners
085 Events and Listeners Compared
086 Checkboxes
087 Checkbox Constructors
088 The ItemListener Interface
089 An Array of Checkboxes
090 Processing the Checkboxes
091 Handling Item Events
092 The CheckboxGroup Class
093 Creating a CheckboxGroup
094 Handling CheckboxGroup Events
095 The Choice Class
096 The addItem Method
097 Handling Choice Events
098 AWT Scrollbars
099 The Scrollbar Constructor
100 Scrollbar Properties
101 Scrollbar Events
102 AdjustmentListener Interface
103 Scrollable Lists
104 The List Constructor
105 List Events

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