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Basic foilset Java Programming for Middle and High School Students III: Advanced Java

Given by Tom Scavo at NPAC/ECS Java Academy on February to April 98. Foils prepared 13 July 98
Outside Index Summary of Material

Advanced Fonts
Advanced Geometry
Advanced GUIs
Note: This tutorial assumes you've completed Parts I and II

Table of Contents for full HTML of Java Programming for Middle and High School Students III: Advanced Java

Denote Foils where Image Critical
Denote Foils where Image has important information
Denote Foils where HTML is sufficient
denotes presence of Additional linked information which is greyed out if missing

1 Important URLs for Foil 1 Java Academy
2 Other Java Academy lectures for Foil 2 Part III: Advanced Java
3 Notes
4 Advanced Fonts
5 A DrawableString Class
6 The DrawableString Class DrawableString.java
7 The java.awt.Font Class A Subclass of Font
8 The DrawableStringTest Applet DrawableStringTest.java
9 The DrawableStrings Class DrawableStrings.java
10 The DrawableStringsTest Applet DrawableStringsTest.java
11 DrawableStringsTest APPLET Tags HTML Parameters
12 Parameter Conversion
13 Parameter Conversion (cont'd)
14 Parameter Conversion (cont'd)
15 Advanced Geometry
16 A Geometry Package A Geometry Package
17 java.awt.Rectangle Class The AWT Rectangle Class
18 AWT Rectangle Methods
19 The Rectangle Class The Rectangle Class
20 Rectangle Constructor #1
21 Rectangle Constructor #2
22 The RectangleTest Applet RectangleTest Applet
23 The Square Class The Square Class
24 The Square Class SquareTest Applet
25 Modulo Arithmetic
26 The Parallelogram Class The Parallelogram Class
27 Representing a Parallelogram
28 Height and Displacement
29 The java.lang.Math Class Height and Displacement (cont'd)
30 The Parallelogram Class Instance Variables
31 Parallelogram Constructor #1
32 Parallelogram Constructor #2
33 The ParallelogramTest Applet ParallelogramTest Applet
34 The Rhombus Class The Rhombus Class
35 RhombusTest Applet
36 The RhombusTest Applet RhombusTest Applet (cont'd)
37 The Quadrilateral Class The Quadrilateral Class
38 Quadrilateral Constructor #1
39 Quadrilateral Constructor #2
40 The java.awt.Point Class Quadrilateral Constructor #3
41 Other Classes of Polygons for Foil 41 Other Classes of Polygons
42 The HexagonTest Applet HexagonTest Applet
43 TriangleTest Applet
44 The TriangleTest Applet Sierpinski's Triangle
45 The DrawablePolygon Class DrawablePolygon Class
46 The Drawable Interface The Drawable Interface
47 DrawablePolygon Constructor #1
48 The java.awt.Polygon Class DrawablePolygon Constructor #2
49 DrawablePolygon Constructor #3
50 Instance Methods
51 The java.awt.Polygon Class Instance Methods (cont'd)
52 Rotation Methods
53 The rotate Method
54 The centerRotate Method
55 Rotation About a Point
56 The DrawablePoint Class The DrawablePoint Class
57 The java.awt.Point Class Overview of DrawablePoint
58 A Mathematical Problem
59 A Derivation
60 A Result
61 Another rotate Method
62 Rotation About the Origin
63 The DrawablePolygon Class Yet Another rotate Method
64 java.awt.Polygon Class Some Remarks
65 The DrawablePolygon Class Regular n-gons
66 DrawablePolygon Constructor #4
67 Animation
68 General Algorithm
69 Threads of Execution
70 Thread-related APIs for Foil 70 The Runnable Interface
71 Classes With start Methods for Foil 71 The start Methods
72 Classes With stop Methods for Foil 72 The stop Methods
73 The java.lang.Runnable.run Method The run Method
74 The MovingSquare Applet MovingSquare.java
75 Boundary Checking
76 The checkBounds Method
77 The MovablePolygon Class The MovablePolygon Class
78 MovablePolygon Constructors
79 MovablePolygon Methods
80 MovingPolygons.java
81 The MovingPolygons Applet MovingPolygons.java (cont'd)
82 Double Buffering
83 Initializing the Buffer
84 The MovingPolygons2 Applet The update Method
85 Some Comments
86 Advanced GUIs
87 The SystemColors Applet The SystemColors Applet
88 The java.awt.ScrollPane Class The ScrollPane Class
89 The ScrollPane Constructor
90 The SystemColors2 Applet The SystemColors2 Applet

Outside Index Summary of Material

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 1 Java Academy

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index Important URLs for Foil 1
Tom Scavo
111 College Place
Syracuse, NY 13244-4100
Syracuse University
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 2 Part III: Advanced Java

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index Other Java Academy lectures for Foil 2
Advanced Fonts
Advanced Geometry
Advanced GUIs
Note: This tutorial assumes you've completed Parts I and II

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Foil 3 Notes

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
A higher percentage of the code that follows is italicized, that is, much of it depends on original material (instead of core Java)
In the interest of space, some of the variables used in the code fragments are not declared...the type of the variable should be clear from the name

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 4 Advanced Fonts

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index

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Foil 5 A DrawableString Class

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
Recall the procedure used to center a string (or strings) horizontally and vertically
We want to capture this functionality in a Java class and thus make it easily accessible
Our class will be called DrawableString, which is a subclass of the Font class (for reasons that will become clear as we develop the class)

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Foil 6 DrawableString.java

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The DrawableString Class
Here is an outline of DrawableString: class DrawableString extends Font { String string; Color color; DrawableString( String string ); void centerDraw( Component c ); }
Not listed are accessor and mutator methods for the string and color variables, and other font manipulation methods

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 7 A Subclass of Font

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The java.awt.Font Class
As a subclass of Font, the DrawableString class inherits:
  • variables: name, style, size
  • methods: getName(), getStyle(), getSize()
For convenience, DrawableString provides:
  • methods: setFontName(...), setFontStyle(...), setFontSize(...)
  • (Why doesn't the Font class provide these?)

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Foil 8 DrawableStringTest.java

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The DrawableStringTest Applet
Our test applet is very simple: String s; DrawableString ds; public void init() { ... ds = new DrawableString( s ); ... } public void paint( Graphics g ) { ds.centerDraw( this ); }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 9 DrawableStrings.java

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The DrawableStrings Class
We now generalize DrawableString to handle an array of strings: class DrawableStrings extends Font { int n; String[] string; Color color; DrawableStrings( String[] string ); void centerDraw( Component c ); }
The API of the DrawableStrings class is essentially the same as before

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 10 DrawableStringsTest.java

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The DrawableStringsTest Applet
Our test applet is more complicated, however
For complete generality, all data are obtained from the HTML document, namely:
  • an array of strings
  • the font name, style, and size
  • the background color of the applet
  • the foreground (text) color of the applet
A typical <APPLET> tag looks like this...

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 11 HTML Parameters

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index DrawableStringsTest APPLET Tags
<applet code="DrawableStringsTest.class" ...> <param name="numStrings" value="3"> <param name="string0" value="..."> <param name="string1" value="..."> <param name="string2" value="..."> <param name="fontName" value="SansSerif"> <param name="fontStyle" value="BOLD"> <param name="fontSize" value="24"> <param name="bgColor" value="#ffffff"> <param name="fgColor" value="#000000"> </applet>

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 12 Parameter Conversion

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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Since HTML parameters are passed to the applet as strings, the text to be drawn and the font name may be used straightaway
The font size must be converted, however, since it is an integer: String fontSizeStr = getParameter( "fontSize" ) ; int fontSize = Integer.parseInt( fontSizeStr );

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Foil 13 Parameter Conversion (cont'd)

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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The colors are fairly easy to convert, too: String bgColorStr = getParameter( "bgColor" ); bgColorStr = bgColorStr.trim(); if ( bgColorStr.charAt(0) == "#" ) { bgColorStr = bgColorStr.substring(1); } int bgColorInt = Integer.parseInt( bgColorStr, 16 ); Color bgColor = new Color( bgColorInt );

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 14 Parameter Conversion (cont'd)

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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But the font style is somewhat tricky: String fontStyleStr = getParameter( "fontStyle" ); fontStyleStr = fontStyleStr.trim(); fontStyleStr = fontStyleStr.toUpperCase(); int fontStyle = 0; if ( fontStyleStr.indexOf("BOLD") > -1 ) fontStyle += Font.BOLD; if ( fontStyleStr.indexOf("ITALIC") > -1 ) fontStyle += Font.ITALIC;

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Foil 15 Advanced Geometry

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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Foil 16 A Geometry Package

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index A Geometry Package
Earlier we designed classes of geometric objects such as Triangle, Quadrilateral, Octagon, and Hexagon
In this unit, we write additional classes (Rectangle, Square, Parallelogram, and Rhombus) and impose further class structure on the geometry package (superclass DrawablePolygon, for instance)

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Foil 17 The AWT Rectangle Class

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index java.awt.Rectangle Class
In Java, a Rectangle is given by its:
  • top left-hand corner (x, y)
  • width and height
For example, the following code gets the rectangular dimensions of an applet: int x, y, w, h; Rectangle r = this.getBounds(); x = r.x; y = r.y; w = r.width; h = r.height;

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Foil 18 AWT Rectangle Methods

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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There are many Rectangle constructors
Also, there are methods for translation, union, intersection, and containment
There are no methods for coloring, drawing, or filling rectangles, however, and no methods for advanced geometric operations, such as rotation
For that, we will have to write our own...

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 19 The Rectangle Class

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The Rectangle Class
A rectangle is a quadrilateral: class Rectangle extends Quadrilateral { ... }
Our Rectangle class has two constructors (see subsequent foils) but no methods or variables (evidently, these are defined in the superclass Quadrilateral or above)

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Foil 20 Rectangle Constructor #1

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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There are two Rectangle constructors
The first constructor is straightforward: public Rectangle( int x, int y, int w, int h ) { super(); // a constructor of the superclass this.addPoint( x, y ); this.addPoint( x + w, y ); this.addPoint( x + w, y + h ); this.addPoint( x, y + h ); }

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Foil 21 Rectangle Constructor #2

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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The second constructor relies on the first: public Rectangle( int x, int y, int w, int h, double theta ) { // invoke constructor #1: this( x, y, w, h ); this.rotate( theta ); }
The important rotate(...) method will be discussed later

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 22 RectangleTest Applet

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The RectangleTest Applet
Our test applet draws a series of rotated rectangles: double theta = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) { theta += angle; rectangle = new Rectangle( x, y, w, h, theta ); rectangle.draw( g ); }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 23 The Square Class

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The Square Class
The Square class is almost trivial: class Square extends Rectangle { public Square( int x, int y, int size ) { super( x, y, size, size ); } public Square( int x, int y, int size, double theta ) { super( x, y, size, size, theta ); } }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 24 SquareTest Applet

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The Square Class
Our test applet draws an 8x8 checkerboard: y = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { x = 0; y += length; for ( int j = 0; j < 8; j++ ) { x += length; square = new Square( x, y, length ); // draw or fill square here... } }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 25 Modulo Arithmetic

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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On a checkerboard, every other square is filled
To accomplish this, we use the modulus operator (%) on the sum of the loop variables: if ( ( i + j ) % 2 == 0 ) { square.draw( g ); } else { square.fill( g ); }
Basically, "x % 2 == 0" checks if x is even

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 26 The Parallelogram Class

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The Parallelogram Class
A parallelogram is also a quadrilateral: class Parallelogram extends Quadrilateral { ... }
Like Rectangle, the Parallelogram class also has two constructors, but we are faced with some difficult design decisions...

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Foil 27 Representing a Parallelogram

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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We define a parallelogram by five quantities:
  • Let (x, y) be a vertex of a parallelogram
  • Let a and b be the lengths of the two line segments having this vertex as an endpoint
  • Let ? be the radian measure of the angle so formed

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Foil 28 Height and Displacement

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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As seen from the diagram, the remaining vertices of the parallelogram depend on the height h and displacement d
We solve for these using simple trigonometry:

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Foil 29 Height and Displacement (cont'd)

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The java.lang.Math Class
Now translate these equations to Java syntax: double PI = Math.PI; // for brevity d_double = b*Math.cos( PI - alpha ); h_double = b*Math.sin( PI - alpha ); // convert double values to int: d = ( int ) Math.round( d_double ); h = ( int ) Math.round( h_double );
Note: All methods and variables of the Math class are static and must be qualified

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 30 Instance Variables

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The Parallelogram Class
The height h and displacement d are instance variables of the Parallelogram class: class Parallelogram extends Quadrilateral { private int h, d; public int getHeight() {...} public int getDisplacement() {...} ... }

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Foil 31 Parallelogram Constructor #1

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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Assuming 0 ? ? ? ?, we have: public Parallelogram( int x, int y, int a, int b, double alpha ) { super(); // a constructor of the superclass this.addPoint( x, y ); this.addPoint( x + a, y ); // compute d and h as before... this.addPoint( x + a - d, y + h ); this.addPoint( x - d, y + h ); }

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Foil 32 Parallelogram Constructor #2

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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Again the second constructor relies on the first: public Parallelogram( int x, int y, int a, int b, double alpha, double theta ) { // invoke constructor #1: this( x, y, a, b, alpha ); this.rotate( theta ); }
Once again we defer discussion of rotate(...)

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Foil 33 ParallelogramTest Applet

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The ParallelogramTest Applet
Our ParallelogramTest applet is simple: parallelogram1 = new Parallelogram( x, y, side1, side2, alpha ); parallelogram2 = parallelogram1.rotate( theta ); ... public void paint( Graphics g ) { parallelogram1.fill( g ); parallelogram2.fill( g ); }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 34 The Rhombus Class

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The Rhombus Class
The Rhombus class is straightforward: class Rhombus extends Parallelogram { public Rhombus( int x, int y, int size, double alpha ) { super( x, y, size, size, alpha ); } public Rhombus( int x, int y, int size, double alpha, double theta ) { super( x, y, size, size, alpha, theta ); } }
Such is the beauty of object-oriented design!

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 35 RhombusTest Applet

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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Like SquareTest, our test applet draws an 8x8 checkerboard of rhombi
The orientation of the checkerboard depends on the angle ? and, hence, on d: rhombus = new Rhombus( 0, 0, length, alpha ); d = rhombus.getDisplacement(); h = rhombus.getHeight(); xoffset = ( d < 0 ) ? 0 : 8*d;

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 36 RhombusTest Applet (cont'd)

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The RhombusTest Applet
Now take into account d, h, and xoffset: y = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { x = xoffset - i*d; y += h; for ( int j = 0; j < 8; j++ ) { x += length; square = new Rhombus( x, y, length, alpha ); rhombus.draw( g ); } }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 37 The Quadrilateral Class

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The Quadrilateral Class
We now look at the Quadrilateral class, the superclass of the previous four classes: class Quadrilateral extends DrawablePolygon { ... }
Note that Quadrilateral is a subclass of a new class called DrawablePolygon

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Foil 38 Quadrilateral Constructor #1

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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The Quadrilateral class has a no-argument constructor that calls the no-argument constructor of the superclass: public Quadrilateral() { super(); }
It also has a constructor that takes eight ints, and another constructor that takes four Points

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Foil 39 Quadrilateral Constructor #2

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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This is the most important such constructor: public Quadrilateral( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int x4, int y4 ) { super(); this.addPoint( x1, y1 ); this.addPoint( x2, y2 ); this.addPoint( x3, y3 ); this.addPoint( x4, y4 ); }

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Foil 40 Quadrilateral Constructor #3

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The java.awt.Point Class
This constructor is for convenience only: public Quadrilateral( Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point p4 ) { // invoke constructor #2: this( p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, p3.x, p3.y, p4.x, p4.y ); }
Here, x and y are variables of the Point class

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Foil 41 Other Classes of Polygons

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index Other Classes of Polygons for Foil 41
The remaining three subclasses of DrawablePolygon (Hexagon, Octagon, and Triangle) are very similar to Quadrilateral
The only difference is the number of vertices!
We encourage you to write out these classes before looking at the accompanying examples...

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 42 HexagonTest Applet

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The HexagonTest Applet
One of our test applets uses a new method of the superclass DrawablePolygon: for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { hexagon.centerRotate( theta ).draw( g ); }
Method centerRotate(...) rotates the polygon about its center of gravity, whereas rotate(...) rotates the polygon about the top left-hand corner of its bounding box

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 43 TriangleTest Applet

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
Another of our test applets recursively applies the following geometric algorithm to a filled equilateral triangle:

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Foil 44 Sierpinski's Triangle

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The TriangleTest Applet
The result is a fractal called Sierpinski's Triangle:

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Foil 45 DrawablePolygon Class

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The DrawablePolygon Class
The DrawablePolygon class is the most important class in the geometry package: class DrawablePolygon extends Polygon implements Drawable { ... }
The new Drawable interface defines methods for drawing and filling a polygon

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Foil 46 The Drawable Interface

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The Drawable Interface
The Drawable interface defines six methods: interface Drawable { public Color getColor(); public void setColor( Color color ); public void draw( Graphics g ); public void draw( Component c ); public void fill( Graphics g ); public void fill( Component c ); }
Notice the two forms of draw(...) and fill(...)

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Foil 47 DrawablePolygon Constructor #1

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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The DrawablePolygon class has four constructors
First, it has a no-argument constructor: public DrawablePolygon() { super(); }
Another constructor is solely for compatibility with the superclass Polygon...

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 48 DrawablePolygon Constructor #2

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The java.awt.Polygon Class
This constructor mimics the corresponding constructor of the superclass Polygon: public DrawablePolygon( int[] xpoints, int[] ypoints, int npoints ) { super( xpoints, ypoints, npoints ); }
Constructor #2 is not used much in practice, however, since repeated calls to the addPoint(...) method are usually more convenient

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Foil 49 DrawablePolygon Constructor #3

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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The third constructor is unique to the DrawablePolygon class: public DrawablePolygon( Point[] points, int npoints ) { this(); // invoke constructor #1 for ( int i = 0; i < npoints; i++ ) { this.addPoint( points[i] ); } }
We defer discussion of constructor #4 until later...

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Foil 50 Instance Methods

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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Observe that constructor #3 used a method of the DrawablePolygon class: public void addPoint( Point p ) { super.addPoint( p.x, p.y ); }
As you can see, it relies on an overloaded Polygon method of the same name
The next method is even more interesting...

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Foil 51 Instance Methods (cont'd)

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The java.awt.Polygon Class
This method returns all vertices of a polygon: public Point[] getPoints() { Point[] points = new Point[ npoints ]; for ( int i = 0; i < npoints; i++ ) { points[i] = new Point( xpoints[i], ypoints[i] ); } return points; }
It uses certain variables of the Polygon class: xpoints[], ypoints[], and npoints

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 52 Rotation Methods

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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Suppose we had a method that rotated a polygon about an arbitrary point: public DrawablePolygon rotate( double theta, Point p ); (Note: This method returns the rotated polygon as a side effect)
The following methods are easy consequences of this...

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 53 The rotate Method

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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Rotate a polygon about the top left-hand corner of its bounding box: public DrawablePolygon rotate( double theta ) { Rectangle r = this.getBounds(); Point p = new Point( r.x, r.y ); return this.rotate( theta, p ); }
The above refers to java.awt.Rectangle, not our Rectangle class!

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Foil 54 The centerRotate Method

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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Rotating about the polygon's center of gravity is not much harder: public DrawablePolygon centerRotate( double theta ) { Rectangle r = this.getBounds(); int x0 = r.x + r.width/2; int y0 = r.y + r.height/2; Point p = new Point( x0, y0 ); return this.rotate( theta, p ); }

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Foil 55 Rotation About a Point

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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To rotate a polygon about an arbitrary point p, we must do the following:
  • translate the origin to point p
  • rotate each vertex of the polygon
  • translate back to original coordinates
So rotation of polygons boils down to rotations of points about the origin
Unfortunately, the Point class is of no help!

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Foil 56 The DrawablePoint Class

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The DrawablePoint Class
The DrawablePoint class is a subclass of the Point class: class DrawablePoint extends Point implements Drawable { ... }
It, too, implements the Drawable interface

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 57 Overview of DrawablePoint

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The java.awt.Point Class
Like DrawablePolygon, the DrawablePoint class implements all six methods of the Drawable interface
DrawablePoint also has three constructors: a trivial no-argument constructor and two other constructors
These constructors are analogous to those of the Point class and will not be discussed

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Foil 58 A Mathematical Problem

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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Problem: What are the coordinates of the rotated point (x?, y?) in terms of x, y, and ??
We will need the following:
(x, y)
(x?, y?)

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 59 A Derivation

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
Using the formulas for the sine and cosine of a sum:

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 60 A Result

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
The 2x2 rotation matrix is important in computer graphics:
At any rate, the next to last pair of equations in the previous derivation solve the original problem
We now translate those equations into Java syntax...

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 61 Another rotate Method

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
To rotate a point about the origin: public DrawablePoint rotate( double theta ) { final double cos_t = Math.cos( theta ); final double sin_t = Math.sin( theta ); double x_double, y_double; x_double = this.x*cos_t - this.y*sin_t; y_double = this.x*sin_t + this.y*cos_t; int new_x = ( int ) Math.round( x_double ); int new_y = ( int ) Math.round( y_double ); this.move( new_x, new_y ); return this; }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 62 Rotation About the Origin

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
To rotate a polygon about the origin, we simply rotate each vertex: for ( int i = 0; i < npoints; i++ ) { x = xpoints[i]; y = ypoints[i]; q = new DrawablePoint( x, y ); q.rotate( theta ); xpoints[i] = q.x; ypoints[i] = q.y; }
The variables npoints, xpoints[], and ypoints[] are from the Polygon class

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 63 Yet Another rotate Method

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The DrawablePolygon Class
We're finally ready to show how to rotate a polygon about an arbitrary point: public DrawablePolygon rotate( double theta, Point p ) { int x, y; DrawablePoint q; this.translate( -p.x, -p.y ); // rotate each vertex as in the previous foil this.bounds = null; this.translate( p.x, p.y ); return this; }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 64 Some Remarks

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index java.awt.Polygon Class
The translate(...) method is a handy method of the Polygon class
The bounds variable (which holds the bounding rectangle of the polygon) is a protected variable of the Polygon class
Rather than manually compute a new bounding rectangle, we nullify bounds and let the Polygon class worry about it

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 65 Regular n-gons

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The DrawablePolygon Class
There is a DrawablePolygon constructor for regular n-gons
The basic idea is to repeatedly rotate an initial vertex by a fixed amount: this.addPoint( p ); for ( int i = 1; i < n; i++ ) { // rotate the previous point: p = p.rotate( theta ); this.addPoint( p ); }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 66 DrawablePolygon Constructor #4

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
The constructor for regular n-gons follows: public DrawablePolygon( int x, int y, int r, int n ) { this(); // invoke constructor #1 double theta = 2*Math.PI/n; DrawablePoint p = new DrawablePoint( 0, -r ); // rotate and add as in the previous foil... this.translate( x, y ); }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 67 Animation

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 68 General Algorithm

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
To animate an object within the applet window, do the following:
  • draw the object
  • clear the applet window
  • move the object slightly
  • repeat indefinitely
Be careful when moving the object so that it does not exit the applet window!

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 69 Threads of Execution

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
Any algorithm involving an infinite loop will hog processor cycles and prevent the browser from doing its job
To avoid this, we employ an independent thread of execution, which permits the Java Virtual Machine to share cycles among competing tasks
An animation, in particular, requires a thread

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 70 The Runnable Interface

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index Thread-related APIs for Foil 70
There are two ways to implement a thread: by 1) extending the Thread class, or 2) implementing the Runnable interface
Our examples will implement Runnable, which has one method, the run() method
The run() method, which contains the infinite loop, is called automatically by the thread's start() method...

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 71 The start Methods

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index Classes With start Methods for Foil 71
The applet's start() method controls the start() method of the thread: // Override java.applet.Applet.start: public void start() { if ( thread == null ) { thread = new Thread( this ); thread.start(); } }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 72 The stop Methods

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index Classes With stop Methods for Foil 72
Likewise, the applet's stop() method controls the stop() method of the thread: // Override java.applet.Applet.stop: public void stop() { if ( thread != null ) { thread.stop(); thread = null; } }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 73 The run Method

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The java.lang.Runnable.run Method
The run() method contains the infinite loop: public void run() { while ( thread != null ) { try { Thread.sleep( 20 ); } catch ( InterruptedException e ) {} repaint(); } }
The thread goes to sleep every 20 milliseconds

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 74 MovingSquare.java

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The MovingSquare Applet
Suppose we wanted to move a square across the applet window: public void paint( Graphics g ) { // Move and fill the square: square.translate( 1, 1 ); square.fill( g ); }
The problem is: Eventually, the square will move off the applet window and never return!

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 75 Boundary Checking

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
Here is a better approach: int dx = 1, dy = 1; public void paint( Graphics g ) { checkBounds( this.getBounds() ); square.translate( dx, dy ); square.fill( g ); }
The checkBounds(...) method reverses the direction of motion, if necessary...

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 76 The checkBounds Method

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
This ensures the square stays within r: private void checkBounds( Rectangle r ) { // Compute dimensions of the square: Rectangle bb = square.getBounds(); int w = bb.width, h = bb.height; int new_x = bb.x + dx, new_y = bb.y + dy; // If square is out of bounds, reverse direction: if ( ( new_x < r.x ) || ( new_x + w > r.x + r.width ) ) dx *= -1; if ( ( new_y < r.y ) || ( new_y + h > r.y + r.height ) ) dy *= -1; }
Note: The method refers to java.awt.Rectangle!

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 77 The MovablePolygon Class

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The MovablePolygon Class
A new MovablePolygon class has all the functionality of DrawablePolygon plus the ability to move (like the square in the previous example): class MovablePolygon extends DrawablePolygon { ... }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 78 MovablePolygon Constructors

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
The MovablePolygon class has four constructors like DrawablePolygon
Each constructor invokes the corresponding constructor of the superclass and then initializes instance variables dx and dy
The MovablePolygon class has three methods: setDelta(...), move(), and checkBounds(...)

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 79 MovablePolygon Methods

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
The first two methods are trivial: public void setDelta( int dx, int dy ) { this.dx = dx; this.dy = dy; } public void move() { this.translate( dx, dy ); }
The checkBounds(...) method is exactly the same as in the previous sample program

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 80 MovingPolygons.java

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
Our sample program instantiates an array of MovablePolygons: public void init() { // create a square of "radius" 50: polygon[0] = new MovablePolygon( 75, 75, 50, 4 ); polygon[0].setDelta( 2, 3 ); polygon[0].setColor( Color.red ); ... }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 81 MovingPolygons.java (cont'd)

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The MovingPolygons Applet
The paint(...) method is called repeatedly from the run() method: public void paint( Graphics g ) { Rectangle r = this.getBounds(); for ( int i = 0; i < numPoly; i++ ) { polygon[i].checkBounds( r ); polygon[i].move(); polygon[i].fill( g ); } }

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 82 Double Buffering

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
The previous animations exhibit a noticeable flicker caused by the continuous clearing and repainting of the applet window
Flicker can be avoided by double buffering
A buffer is an off-screen graphics image
All drawing is done in the buffer, which is then copied to the applet window as a last step

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 83 Initializing the Buffer

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
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First, we initialize the buffer: int w = this.getSize().width; int h = this.getSize().height; Image buffer = createImage( w, h ); Graphics gOff = buffer.getGraphics();
The rest of the program is the same except that now we must override update(...)

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 84 The update Method

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The MovingPolygons2 Applet
All drawing takes place in the buffer: public void update( Graphics g ) { gOff.setColor( getBackground() ); gOff.fillRect( 0, 0, w, h ); paint( gOff ); g.drawImage( buffer, 0, 0, this ); }
The buffer is copied to the applet window as a last step

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 85 Some Comments

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
The last argument to the drawImage(...) method is an ImageObserver object, which is notified by the drawing process as the drawing procedes
All components (including applets) are ImageObservers

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 86 Advanced GUIs

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 87 The SystemColors Applet

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The SystemColors Applet
The SystemColors applet of a previous section displayed a sample of each of the colors defined in the SystemColor class
There are more than two dozen such colors, so the applet window was rather large
We will write another applet that displays any number of colors in a fixed-sized window

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 88 The ScrollPane Class

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The java.awt.ScrollPane Class
A new AWT component called ScrollPane was introduced in Java 1.1
A ScrollPane is an autonomous window with horizontal and vertical scrollbars
It is ideal for displaying large components inside a fixed-sized viewing area

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 89 The ScrollPane Constructor

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index
The ScrollPane constructor takes a single argument that specifies the desired scrollbar policy
Three static constants are provided for this purpose: SCROLLBARS_ALWAYS, SCROLLBARS_AS_NEEDED, and SCROLLBARS_NEVER

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared 13 July 98

Foil 90 The SystemColors2 Applet

From Java Academy II:Advanced Java NPAC/ECS Java Academy -- February to April 98. *
Full HTML Index The SystemColors2 Applet
The applet defines a separate class called ColorCanvas, a subclass of Canvas
An instance of ColorCanvas shows a sample of each color in the SystemColor class
A ScrollPane object the size of the applet window is created
The (large) ColorCanvas object is then added to the ScrollPane

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