HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared 22 August 1996

Foil 4 Lets Compare Various Languages-I!

From Additional Java Material incl-Teaching at Grade 5-12 Level Living SchoolBook Teaching Java -- 22 August 96. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

Fortran: Classic Scientific and Engineering Computing Language
  • Relatively low functionality -- Fortran 90/95 has some object oriented features but suffers as an addon
  • Can produce very efficient (executes in a sort time) code as simplicity of language allow optimization
Pascal: Designed for teaching and elegant
  • but essentially no real software written in Pascal
C++: Dominant System building or software Engineering language
  • Very powerful language with good object oriented support
  • Not very good in applications needing high performance
C: Precursor of C++ without significant object oriented features
  • More efficient than C++ but some features (pointers) impair performance and modularity but add capability

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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