Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Living SchoolBook Teaching Java on 22 August 96. Foils prepared 22 August 1996
Abstract * Foil Index for this file
Elementary Background on Computing |
This table of Contents
Instructors: Geoffrey Fox, Nancy McCracken |
Michael Chang, Meryem Ispirli |
Syracuse University |
111 College Place |
Syracuse |
New York 13244-4100 |
Elementary Background on Computing |
Fortran: Classic Scientific and Engineering Computing Language
Pascal: Designed for teaching and elegant
C++: Dominant System building or software Engineering language
C: Precursor of C++ without significant object oriented features
Java: Language of Web
JavaScript: Another Language of the Web
A Computing Language instructs a computer what to do |
A Computer manipulates information taking it from somewhere and putting it somewhere else |
A language like Fortran only supports directly very basic information
It is more powerful to define bigger units of information
These are examples of "objects" and languages such as C++ Java JavaScript allow you to directly manipulate such objects |
Objects are typically divided into classes which represent a set of objects specified with a common set of instructions but with different values for information |
One builds up a set of instructions which perform a useful function
These sets of instructions are called functions, methods or subroutines |
Sets of functions/subroutines/methods(with objects) are called libraries |
In object-oriented languages, methods are associated with objects and are used to manipulate and access information in an object. |
Surely best to exploit Graphics and build lessons around ability to produce and manipulate Web Pages/Graphics |
Low level Capabilities to produce text shapes and lines with various fonts and colors -- see CPS616 class notes |
High level capabilities to modify existing code to customize a Java capability
Java will produce quite easily the equivalent of PrintShop, KidPix