Basic HTML version of Foils prepared March 23 98

Foil 42 DataFlow in JavaBeans

From JavaBeans and Use in ComponentWare Basic Information Track Computational Science Course CPS616 -- March 25 1998. by Nancy McCracken, Geoffrey C. Fox, Wojtek Furmanski

1 Define an event ADataReadyEvent with A as source and B as combined sink and listener
2 A defines an instance Evtcontrol of ADataReadyEvent which has a method transferdata
3 B instantiates an object Bcallback implementing interface ADataReadyListener with a method readytogo()
4 B registers this listener object as a callback with A
5 When A is ready to send data to B, A callbacks Bcallback.readtogo(ADataReadyEvent Evtcontrol)
6 B calls back Evtcontrol.transferdata(sink information)
7 Note that "control" mechanism uses powerful JavaBean approach (this is handshake) whereas one can use a totally different and faster approach to actually send data
8 Traditional (in my world) mechanisms combine control and data transfer

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