Basic HTML version of Foils prepared March 23 98

Foil 15 What is a JAR file ?

From JavaBeans and Use in ComponentWare Basic Information Track Computational Science Course CPS616 -- March 25 1998. by Nancy McCracken, Geoffrey C. Fox, Wojtek Furmanski

This is Java's version of a UNIX tar file and contains a variety of files including .class, image, sound, HTML pages
The JAR file is stored in compressed (zip) fashion and can also be signed using standard digital signature techniques.
  • Perhaps they download faster due to compression!
There is a "control" file called a manifest which inter alia is used to identify any JavaBean present. It also specifies message digest algorithm
JavaBeans must be stored in JAR files and must be identified in manifest
JAR files can be accessed from HTML using <APPLET> tag
  • <APPLET ARCHIVES="first.jar,second.jar" CODE="yourclass.class" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=200 ></APPLET>
Java looks first in .jar files for requested class

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