Basic HTML version of Foils prepared March 23 98

Foil 38 ComponentWare Linkage Model

From JavaBeans and Use in ComponentWare Basic Information Track Computational Science Course CPS616 -- March 25 1998. by Nancy McCracken, Geoffrey C. Fox, Wojtek Furmanski

This involves sources, listeners and observers and is an interesting multi-tier model of linkage/communication
One can (in some cases) merge observer and listener but not the listener and source
Registration involves sending an object name -- termed the callback object -- from the listener to the source.
When event occurs, the source invokes a particular (event dependent) method of the callback object
Events can be distinguished by using different callback methods (demultiplexing) or by inspecting the argument of a more generic method.
Sources and Listeners use a "controlled syntax" but there are no special interfaces or methods for linkage of observers and listeners as usually(often) these are combined.

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