Basic HTML version of Foils prepared Sept 21 1998

Foil 23 There are (at least) 3 Major Roles for JAVA in Computation -- i.e. it has a role at each layer

From Introduction to Java Tutorial Aimed at Scientific Users NAVO Tutorial -- Sept 23 1998. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Java for the Graphical User Interface and client side analysis systems, including visualization: Java has unique advantages over other languages
2 Java for Coarse Grain Software Integration: as in collaboration and metacomputing
  • Java has unique advantages over other languages
3 Java as a high performance scientific language: for "inner" (and outer) loops
  • Here both parallel and sequential issues are important
  • Java as good as other languages with higher performance than C++ and advantages of object oriented programming over Fortran and C

in Table To:

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