Basic HTML version of Foils prepared Sept 21 1998

Foil 3 What and Why is Java in a Nutshell?

From Introduction to Java Tutorial Aimed at Scientific Users NAVO Tutorial -- Sept 23 1998. by Geoffrey C. Fox

What is Java and What is Good For? for Foil 3
What is Java?
  • A simple, object oriented, distributed, interpreted, robust, safe, architecture neutral, portable, high performance, multithreaded, dynamic language.
Java is interesting because
  • It is both a general purpose object-oriented language along the lines of C++
  • and it is particularly designed to interface with Web pages and to enable distributed applications over the internet.
  • It has/will have wonderful tools to support it with best general purpose libraries even seen
Java will dominate as Web will dominate and drive Java as best supported, most widely taught language
  • Even outside Web, e.g. in scientific computing, Java is as good as and in some (modest) respects better than all other languages

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