Basic HTML version of Foils prepared Sept 21 1998

Foil 27 History of Java Language and Team until Dec. 95

From Introduction to Java Tutorial Aimed at Scientific Users NAVO Tutorial -- Sept 23 1998. by Geoffrey C. Fox

An experimental web browser written in Java, called WebRunner and later renamed as HotJava, ready in 1994.
Alpha release of Java and browser HotJava April '95.
Netscape licences Java in May '95 and builds Java into Netscape 2.0 -- This confuses ownership and open-ness of Java
Beta JDK (Java Development Kit) published in summer/fall '95. It is better software but lower functionality than Alpha.
First alpha Java books appear in fall '95 such as a popular overview by SAMS and technical book "Java!" by Tim Ritchey, edited by New Riders.
Dec 4 1995 Business Week cover story on "Software Revolution --- The Web Changes Everything" exposes Java as a breakthrough force in the expanding Web/Internet. Also points out that "Java as a business" is yet to be defined.
In next week, SGI IBM Adobe Macromedia and finally Microsoft adopt/license Java. Java goes into open standards process and is adopted by Web community.

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