Scripted HTML version of Foils prepared January 17 97

Foil 33 Isn't the Web hardware and software too slow to be interesting for HPCC? -Java- II

From Java For Computation and Education Penn State Jan 13 Wright State Jan 23 -- January 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox *

Applications requires a range of capabilities in any language
High level ("Problem Solving Environment") manipulating"large" objects
  • Semi Interpreted (Java Applet) or Interpreted (Improved JavaScript)
Intermediate level Compiled Code targetted at "sequential" (multi-threaded) architecture
  • Existing Native Compiled Java using Simple types (arrays) for numerically intensive parts
  • Note as no pointers and no overloading of basic operators, Java code should be very efficient
Lower level runtime exploiting parallelism and memory hierarchies
  • "Hints" from higher level languages (in HPF style?) referencing highly functional efficient runtime optimized for high performance architectures
  • Requires extensions to both message passing and data parallel interfaces for whatever language one uses

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