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Master Set of Presentations on Java for Computational Science

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox,Wojtek Furmanski at Int. Conf Parallel Computing Minneapolis et al. on Fall 96. Foils prepared 30 Sept 1996

We describe some of forces and issues which we suggest will lead to Java emerging as the dominant language for scientific and engineering computation.
One Force is the new complex architectures expected for future high performance (petaflop) computers
This implies that other aspects of the Web will become important and in particular Web Servers will be used as a network(web) of computer servers which will allow powerful integration of data and compute services as a "server-server" infrastructure
  • Some of this is the natural consequence of the WebWindows picture of future software infrastructure
  • Here "HPF on the Web" Programming Laboratory as an example
We discuss both intrinsic reasons why
  • Java is more attractive than Fortran77/90 for Computational Science (I.e. Scientific and Engineering Computation)
  • and Issues in extending Java to support both coordination and data parallelism (HPJava)

Table of Contents for Master Set of Presentations on Java for Computational Science

001 Computing in 2007:
    Future PetaFlop Architectures
    Java as the the Language for High Performance Computational 
    and Simulation
    Invited Presentation: International Conference on Parallel 
    Minnesota Oct 3-4,96
002 Abstract of Java for Computational Science
003 Classes of Simulations and their High Performance Needs
004 Some Critical Features of Java and Parallelism - I
005 Some Critical Features of Java and Parallelism - II
006 Some Critical Features of Java as a Programming Language
007 Comparison of Java and Fortran 77/90
008 Isn't the Web hardware and software too slow to be interesting for
     HPCC? -Java- I
009 Isn't the Web hardware and software too slow to be interesting for
     HPCC? -Java- II
010 Isn't the Web hardware and software too slow to be interesting for
     HPCC? -Java- III
011 Issues in Use of Web Servers as a Compute Net - I
012 Issues in Use of Web Servers as a Compute Net - II
013 Isn't the Web hardware and software too slow to be interesting for
     HPCC? - IV
014 Isn't the Web hardware and software too slow to be interesting for
     HPCC? - V
015 Let us Examine Issues with an Example -- "HPF on the 
    Web" - I
016 Let us Examine Issues with an Example -- "HPF on the 
    Web" - II
017 Network of Web Servers and Clients
018 Applications of Java for Visualization/GUI Builder
019 Remarks on HPJava -- Data Parallel Java - I
020 Remarks on HPJava -- Data Parallel Java - II
021 Suggested Action Items at NPAC
022 Workshop on Java for Computational Science and Engineering
    Simulation and Modelling
023 Some Motivations
024 Some Deductions
025 Some Action Items
026 Approachs to Parallel Java - SPMD Model i.e. user writes Node 
027 Approachs to Parallel Java - High Level - I
028 Approachs to Parallel Java - High Level - II
029 More on Interpreted Java Front Ends
030 Decomposition Versus Integration
031 Approachs to Parallel Java - High Level - III

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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