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Java, The Web and Computer Science. Why are you Here?

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Introduction to Java Academy on 7 Feb 98. Foils prepared 6 Feb 98

We first describe the Internet and its growth
Then the Software model showing where Java fits in
Then we describe a computer and where web Technology and Java fit in
Although designed for the web, Java (and other Web technologies) is a totally general programming language which can be used to program a computer to do anything!
  • E.g. we will use in our next project to teach computer to model behavior of stock market -- this will be written in Java
  • Learning Java is best preparation there is for a career in computing -- in University or Business
We list some good features of Java
We give some examples

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 (PowerPoint)
Master Set of Foils for Description of Why Kids Should Care about the Web
Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects January 97-
Introduction to Object Web Technologies (Internetics)
Introduction to Java to be used in (Scientific) Computing
Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects April96-
Kim Mills Collection of GIF Images for NPAC Projects 96-
NeatTools and Pulsar -- Expressional Interfaces
Master Set of Foils for Two Web Training Presentations

Table of Contents for Java, The Web and Computer Science. Why are you Here?

There are two types of foils -- html and image which are each available in basic and JavaScript enabled "focused" style
(basic:)(focus style:) Denote Foils where Image Critical
(basic:)(focus style:) Denote Foils where HTML is sufficient
denotes presence of Additional linked information which is greyed out if missing

See Java Academy Resource
1 Java, The Web and Computer Science Why are you here? Kick-off Talk for NPAC-ECS Java Academy
2 Abstract of Introduction to Java Academy Presentation

The Internet as a Hardware System
3 What is the World Wide Web?
4 Internet Trends - Internet Hosts 1989-1997
5 Internet Trends - Internet Hosts - Overall Trend

Where is Java in the Web?
6 Components of a Basic Web System
7 Basic (CPS606) Structure of World Wide Web
8 The Current Web Client Server Model

What is a Computer and How does Java Fit in?
9 What does a Computer Do?
10 Where does Java/Web Technology Fit In?
11 General Role of Java and Web Technology
12 Why is Web Computer Revolution so Important?

What is Java in More Detail
13 Why is Java a Good Language I
14 Why is Java a Good Language II
15 Structure of Java Applets
16 Structure of a Java Application

Job Opportunities with Web/Java
17 Impact of this Changing Technology on Kids
18 Some of the Jobs that will Need NII(Internet, World Wide Web) Skills
19 Why is a Particular Job impacted by the World Wide Web?


Virtual Environments VRML
20 A overview of area around Boulder, CO -I.
21 VRML Example of Java Charts
22 VRML Chess Example
23 VRML Example: Elevator
24 VRML Example: Finger Spelling

Data analysis
25 Java Example: Category: Multimedia, Subcategory: Graphics - Graphs and Charts -2D Chart
26 Java Example: Category: Multimedia, Subcategory: Graphics - Graphs and Charts - 3D Chart
27 Java Example: Category: Business and Finance, Subcategory: Finance -- Stock technical analysis software -- I
28 Java Example: Category: Business and Finance, Subcategory: Finance -- Stock technical analysis software -- II
29 SciVis zoom up of the 2d surface plot

Applications of Web Technology to Society
Magic Cube Java Applet 30 The Java Magic Cube from Michael Chang
31 Java front end to display weather information over the Syracuse region-I
32 Current weather data, using the NPAC java weather viewer - II
33 JDBC Examples: 2 Tier example of a car
34 Java Example: Category: Games, Subcategory: Arcade Games - Pacman Game
35 Java Example: Category: Arts and Entertainment, Subcategory: Sports

Visible Human Java Applet 36 Visible Human
37 Java Example: Category: Education, Subcategory: Physics -- Sky plotter applet
Tango Java Applet 38 Importing Images in the New Tango white Board

Pulsar Web Interfaces for Disabled 39 Eyal Sherman -- Using Neattools
40 Pac Man Session

Why Use a Database
41 Database Examples for WebWisdom
42 Search in NPAC Web site
43 AskNPAC Internet Service for a Searchable USENET Newsgroup and Mailing List Archive
44 A Web-based Document Management System for NPAC TEchnical Reports
Careweb JavaScript 45 Database Support in CareWeb
46 Carrier Catalog Database Search Home Page
47 Syracuse Language System Administrative tools for faculties.

Crisis Management
48 Command and Control Screen with F15 Track
49 C2 application Radar Officer Screen
50 A demo of animated objects controlled by simulation engine of Tango collaborative system. There is a green plane with chemical weapon being intercepted by two fighters above Long Island. - I

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