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Java, The Web and Computer Science. Why are you Here?

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Introduction to Java Academy on 7 Feb 98. Foils prepared 6 Feb 98

We first describe the Internet and its growth
Then the Software model showing where Java fits in
Then we describe a computer and where web Technology and Java fit in
Although designed for the web, Java (and other Web technologies) is a totally general programming language which can be used to program a computer to do anything!
  • E.g. we will use in our next project to teach computer to model behavior of stock market -- this will be written in Java
  • Learning Java is best preparation there is for a career in computing -- in University or Business
We list some good features of Java
We give some examples

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
GeneralFoils98A          General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 
NIIforKids97Master       Master Set of Foils for Description of Why 
                          Kids Should Care about the Web
NPACScreenDumps97        Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC 
                          Projects  January 97-
CPS616Master98           Introduction to Object Web Technologies 
JavaforComputingIntro97  Introduction to Java to be used in 
                          (Scientific) Computing
NPACScreenDumps96        Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC 
                          Projects April96-
MillsScreenDumps         Kim Mills Collection of GIF Images for NPAC 
                          Projects 96-
PulsarProjectMar97       NeatTools and Pulsar -- Expressional 
WebTrainJune97Master     Master Set of Foils for Two Web Training 

Table of Contents for Java, The Web and Computer Science. Why are you Here?

See Java Academy Resource
          GeneralFoils98A 035 001 Java, The Web and Computer Science 
                                  Why are you here? Kick-off Talk for 
                                  NPAC-ECS Java Academy 
          GeneralFoils98A 036 002 Abstract of Introduction to Java 
                                  Academy Presentation

The Internet as a Hardware System
       NIIforKids97Master 003 003 What is the World Wide Web?
        NPACScreenDumps97 018 004 Internet Trends - Internet Hosts 
        NPACScreenDumps97 019 005 Internet Trends - Internet Hosts - 
                                  Overall Trend

Where is Java in the Web?
           CPS616Master98 010 006 Components of a Basic Web System
           CPS616Master98 012 007 Basic (CPS606) Structure of World 
                                  Wide Web
           CPS616Master98 013 008 The Current Web Client Server Model

What is a Computer and How does Java Fit in?
       NIIforKids97Master 025 009 What does a Computer Do?
       NIIforKids97Master 026 010 Where does Java/Web Technology Fit 
       NIIforKids97Master 023 011 General Role of Java and Web 
       NIIforKids97Master 024 012 Why is Web Computer Revolution so 

What is Java in More Detail
          GeneralFoils98A 037 013 Why is Java a Good Language I
          GeneralFoils98A 038 014 Why is Java a Good Language II
  JavaforComputingIntro97 008 015 Structure of Java Applets
  JavaforComputingIntro97 009 016 Structure of a Java Application

Job Opportunities with Web/Java
       NIIforKids97Master 012 017 Impact of this Changing Technology 
                                  on Kids
       NIIforKids97Master 015 018 Some of the Jobs that will Need 
                                  NII(Internet, World Wide Web) Skills
       NIIforKids97Master 016 019 Why is a Particular Job impacted by 
                                  the World Wide Web?


Virtual Environments VRML
        NPACScreenDumps97 036 020 A overview of area around Boulder, 
                                  CO -I.
        NPACScreenDumps97 106 021 VRML Example of Java Charts
        NPACScreenDumps97 109 022 VRML Chess Example
        NPACScreenDumps97 111 023 VRML Example: Elevator
        NPACScreenDumps97 112 024 VRML Example: Finger Spelling

Data analysis
        NPACScreenDumps97 104 025 Java Example: Category: Multimedia, 
                                  Subcategory: Graphics - Graphs and 
                                  Charts -2D Chart 
        NPACScreenDumps97 105 026 Java Example: Category: Multimedia, 
                                  Subcategory: Graphics - Graphs and 
                                  Charts - 3D Chart
        NPACScreenDumps97 114 027 Java Example: Category: Business and
                                   Finance, Subcategory: Finance -- 
                                  Stock technical analysis software --
        NPACScreenDumps97 115 028 Java Example: Category: Business and
                                   Finance, Subcategory: Finance -- 
                                  Stock technical analysis software --
        NPACScreenDumps97 129 029 SciVis zoom up of the 2d surface 

Applications of Web Technology to Society
        NPACScreenDumps96 024 030 The Java Magic Cube from Michael 
        NPACScreenDumps96 159 031 Java front end to display weather 
                                  information over the Syracuse 
        NPACScreenDumps96 155 032 Current weather data, using the NPAC
                                   java weather viewer - II
        NPACScreenDumps97 108 033 JDBC Examples: 2 Tier example of a 
        NPACScreenDumps97 113 034 Java Example: Category: Games, 
                                  Subcategory: Arcade Games - Pacman 
        NPACScreenDumps97 107 035 Java Example: Category: Arts and 
                                  Entertainment, Subcategory: Sports

         MillsScreenDumps 030 036 Visible Human
        NPACScreenDumps97 110 037 Java Example: Category: Education, 
                                  Subcategory: Physics -- Sky plotter 
        NPACScreenDumps97 133 038 Importing Images in the New Tango 
                                  white Board

        NPACScreenDumps96 059 039 Eyal Sherman -- Using Neattools
       PulsarProjectMar97 011 040 Pac Man Session

Why Use a Database
     WebTrainJune97Master 006 041 Database Examples for WebWisdom
        NPACScreenDumps97 067 042 Search in NPAC Web site 
        NPACScreenDumps97 068 043 AskNPAC Internet Service for a 
                                  Searchable USENET Newsgroup and 
                                  Mailing List Archive
        NPACScreenDumps97 069 044 A Web-based Document Management 
                                  System for NPAC TEchnical Reports
        NPACScreenDumps97 070 045 Database Support in CareWeb
        NPACScreenDumps97 071 046 Carrier Catalog Database Search Home
        NPACScreenDumps97 163 047 Syracuse Language System 
                                  Administrative tools for faculties.

Crisis Management
        NPACScreenDumps97 007 048 Command and Control Screen with F15 
        NPACScreenDumps97 008 049 C2 application Radar Officer Screen
        NPACScreenDumps97 033 050 A demo of animated objects 
                                  controlled by simulation engine of 
                                  Tango collaborative system. There is
                                   a green plane with chemical weapon 
                                  being intercepted by two fighters 
                                  above Long Island. - I

List of Foils Used as they occur

GeneralFoils98A          General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 
35 36 37 38
NIIforKids97Master       Master Set of Foils for Description of Why 
                          Kids Should Care about the Web
3 25 26 23 24 12 15 16
NPACScreenDumps97        Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC 
                          Projects  January 97-
18 19 36 106 109 111 112 104 105 114 115 129 108 113 107 110 133 67 68 69 70 71 163 7 8 33
CPS616Master98           Introduction to Object Web Technologies 
10 12 13
JavaforComputingIntro97  Introduction to Java to be used in 
                          (Scientific) Computing
8 9
NPACScreenDumps96        Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC 
                          Projects April96-
24 159 155 59
MillsScreenDumps         Kim Mills Collection of GIF Images for NPAC 
                          Projects 96-
PulsarProjectMar97       NeatTools and Pulsar -- Expressional 
WebTrainJune97Master     Master Set of Foils for Two Web Training 

Sorted List of Foils Used

GeneralFoils98A          General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 
35 36 37 38
NIIforKids97Master       Master Set of Foils for Description of Why 
                          Kids Should Care about the Web
3 12 15 16 23 24 25 26
NPACScreenDumps97        Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC 
                          Projects  January 97-
7 8 18 19 33 36 67 68 69 70 71 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 129 133 163
CPS616Master98           Introduction to Object Web Technologies 
10 12 13
JavaforComputingIntro97  Introduction to Java to be used in 
                          (Scientific) Computing
8 9
NPACScreenDumps96        Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC 
                          Projects April96-
24 59 155 159
MillsScreenDumps         Kim Mills Collection of GIF Images for NPAC 
                          Projects 96-
PulsarProjectMar97       NeatTools and Pulsar -- Expressional 
WebTrainJune97Master     Master Set of Foils for Two Web Training 

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