We describe a set of possible Java Frameworks for computing covering both numerical computation, interoperable interfaces to compute services and distributed computing |
We use NPAC projects to illustrate various features including the role of Java servers and Collaborator Systems |
001 Possible Java Frameworks for Computing 002 Possible Java Frameworks for Computing 003 Too many Frameworks! 004 Proposed Java Computing Services Framework 005 Implementation of a Java Computing Framework 006 What is the HPJava@NPAC 007 Motivation of HPJava@NPAC - I A high performance Java Framework 008 Motivation of HPJava@NPAC - II A high performance Java Framework 009 Mechanisms for Data Parallelism in HPJava 010 Computing Services at 3 levels 011 Java Server versus HP level - I 012 Java Server versus HP level - I 013 Java Server versus HP level - II 014 Role of Collaboratory Systems 015 HPJava@NPAC Prototype SubSystems - I 016 HPJava@NPAC Prototype SubSystems - II (components)