Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 12 April 98

Foil 9 Importance of Gosling Presentation

From Master Foilset for Java Grande Workshop and Forum Java 98 Palo Alto -- February 28 98. by Geoffrey Fox

1 Indicated that Gosling was willing to seriously consider essential changes to Java Language
  • In particular remove unrealistic goal (Kahan) that could and should get same answer on every machine
  • looseNumerics modifier: allow use of full precision
  • idealizedNumerics: allow aggressive compiler optimizations such as re-ordering
2 Allow operator overloading which has been abused but is natural (and essential) in scientific computing
3 lightweight objects needed for complex (Kahan suggests imaginary data type as in C9X language enhancement for C)
4 Matrices, Rounding, Interval arithmetic, exceptions (traps v flags), subscript checking, need for better garbage collection aimed at scientific contiguous data structure, role of compilers versus language

in Table To:

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