Expressing applications and programming concepts in Java
Instrinsic Difficulties with Java (such as floating point rules)
Numerical Libraries and Applications partly or fully written in Java
Use of pure Java and/or native methods
Nifty compiler issues for Java
Performance and Benchmarks
Distributed and Parallel Computing based on Java
RMI, CORBA, Web Server and Client based computing
Data Parallel and SMP thread based paradigms
Discrete Event Simulation in Java
Distributed Scientific Objects and (Javabean) Components
Java for interoperable client interfaces; scientific visualization
Collaborative Environments
Steering Committee(s) to act as trustees of future Grande workshops and the Forum
Forum needs representation and support of Industry Government and Academia
IBM, Intel, JavaSoft, Microsoft, Oracle, Sun, Application ISV's (such as MathWorks) ......
DoD, DoE, NIST, NSF ....
Forum will meet around every 6-8 weeks aiming to issue preliminary report at SC98 (November 98) and Final report in key areas March 99
Not all topics have same priority and so in some cases may just define issues and set scene for future work
Compared to HPF, MPI issues are broader and one needs more study/information gathering as opposed to detailed language design
Indicated that Gosling was willing to seriously consider essential changes to Java Language
In particular remove unrealistic goal (Kahan) that could and should get same answer on every machine
looseNumerics modifier: allow use of full precision
idealizedNumerics: allow aggressive compiler optimizations such as re-ordering
Allow operator overloading which has been abused but is natural (and essential) in scientific computing
lightweight objects needed for complex (Kahan suggests imaginary data type as in C9X language enhancement for C)
Matrices, Rounding, Interval arithmetic, exceptions (traps v flags), subscript checking, need for better garbage collection aimed at scientific contiguous data structure, role of compilers versus language
Forum will be broken into a few working groups and have plenary and separate working group activities within each meeting
Forum will be held in "central" places to minimize "average" travel headaches
Hope Sun can host US Meetings
Have at least one European and Asian meetings
Members of Forum should commit to attend all meetings (with if necessary institutional substitution)
Typically one representative per institution in Forum
Goal is around 30 members in Forum
Currently no travel support available
Essential to get some funding ....
Information put on Web expeditiously
establish Lotus Notes or equivalent discussion spaces
Numerical Computing Framework
library interfaces, (sparse) matrix storage, complex, evaluation rules, IEEE floating point support, "BLAS"
Computing Services Framework
Enables Interoperable web compute interfaces
High Performance Framework
Parallel Computing, I/O, Databases, Object Brokers
Java MPI Interface
HPF HPC++ Data Parallel Java
Distributed Computing Framework
Network of Java Servers, Multidisciplinary application and Metacomputing standards
Distributed Simulation Framework
Java implementations of DMSO HLA and DIS standards
This is event driven simulation system