Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 12 April 98

Foil 27 The Parallel and Distributed Working Group

From Master Foilset for Java Grande Workshop and Forum Java 98/JavaOne Palo Alto/San Francisco -- February 28 98 March 24 98. by Geoffrey Fox

1 The first meeting of the Java Grande Parallel and Distributed Working Group was chaired by Denis Caromel of INRIA - University of Nice Sophia Antipolis and George K. Thiruvathukal of Tools of Computing LLC and Argonne National Laboratory (Visitor in Math and Computer Science Division).
2 Approximately 50 people attended the working group meeting. Parallel and distributed computing comprises a vast array of topics. The working group initially decided to limit its focus to how parallel and distributed computing is addressed in the current instantiation of Java and its add-on frameworks. The high-performance computing community also has significant investments in research on frameworks and services (e.g., Globus, Legion, MPI, and others).

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