Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 12 April 98

Foil 36 Thread Synchronization, Scalability and Memory Model in VM

From Master Foilset for Java Grande Workshop and Forum Java 98/JavaOne Palo Alto/San Francisco -- February 28 98 March 24 98. by Geoffrey Fox

1 Synchronization Needs to be faster. The general consensus of the forum is that thread synchronizations are not efficient when compared to native threads libraries, such as pthreads or Win32 threads.
2 Is the thread model of Java scalable? The performance appears to degrade significantly as more threads are created. This is odd when considering the underlying threads mechanisms on operating systems such as Solaris and Win32 appear to scale well.
3 The thread memory model of Java is considered awkward by many who attended the forum. (e.g., mutual exclusion mechanisms, thread stack management, etc.) This issue will either be clarified or eliminated as a result of discussions in the next Java Grande Forum meeting.

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