Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 12 April 98

Foil 34 Multicast/Asynchronous Calls/Inheritance

From Master Foilset for Java Grande Workshop and Forum Java 98/JavaOne Palo Alto/San Francisco -- February 28 98 March 24 98. by Geoffrey Fox

RMI currently supports UnicastRemoteObject only. Multicast is already being used in other high-performance communication systems developed by the HPC community.
Should asynchronous calls be supported? High-performance communication systems such as Nexus and MPI use asynchronous messaging and remote procedure calls in their design.
Is the single-inheritance model and insistence by RMI that Remote classes be used as base classes an inconvenience to designers? Strong cases were presented in the forum that there is, indeed, a problem. There is consensus that the use of interfaces would be preferable to base classes as is done with object serialization, because the Remote base classes appear to be used primarily as a tagging mechanism.

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