Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 3 Feb 98

Foil 16 Summary of steps for setting up RMI

From Overview of Distributed Objects and RMI in Java 1.1 ARL Database Tutorial and CPS616 -- February 98. by Nancy McCracken

1 1. Compile the java code.
2 2. Place the interface class extending Remote on the server and the client.
3 3. Place the implementation class extending RemoteObject on the server.
4 4. Generate stubs and skeletons on the server by running the program rmic. Copy the stubs to the client.
5 5. Start the name registry server on the rmi server machine.
6 6. Start the program that creates and registers objects of the implementation class on the rmi server machine.
7 7. Run the client program.
8 For more details, see the RMI tutorial at

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