Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 13 October 97

Foil 11 Introduction to Threads

From Java Tutorial, July 1, 1996 CSC499(JSU) CPS406/606 -- Fall Semester 97. by Nancy J. McCracken,Geoffrey C. Fox

1 A thread is a single sequential flow of control within a process.
2 If a process has more than one thread, then each thread executes concurrently.
3 Any Java applet that has extensive execution or loops to repaint the window must run as a concurrent thread with the browser window.
4 To make an applet with a thread:
  • Change your applet definition to add "implements Runnable", the interface for threads.
  • Include an instance variable for the thread of your applet.
  • Have a start() method that creates a thread and starts it running and a stop() method which stops it running.
  • Implement a run() method containing the body of your applet code.

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