Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 13 October 97

Foil 46 Layout of Components in a Panel

From Java Tutorial, July 1, 1996 CSC499(JSU) CPS406/606 -- Fall Semester 97. by Nancy J. McCracken,Geoffrey C. Fox

1 The various panels in a container are laid out separately in terms of their subcomponents
2 One can lay components out "by hand" with positioning in pixel space
3 However this is very difficult to make machine independent. Thus one tends to use general strategies which are embodied in 5 LayoutMangers which all implement the LayoutManager Interface. One can expect further custom LayoutManager's to become available on the Web
4 To create a layout, such as FlowLayout, in your panel:
  • setLayout(new FlowLayout());
5 This particular Layout is the default.

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